Laurus \Lau"rus\, n. [L., laurel.] (Bot.)
A genus of trees including, according to modern authors, only
the true laurel (Laurus nobilis), and the larger {Laurus
Canariensis} of Madeira and the Canary Islands. Formerly the
sassafras, the camphor tree, the cinnamon tree, and several
other aromatic trees and shrubs, were also referred to the
genus Laurus.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: small evergreen trees or shrubs with aromatic leaves [syn:
Laurus, genus Laurus]
podobné slovodefinícia
Laurus \Lau"rus\, n. [L., laurel.] (Bot.)
A genus of trees including, according to modern authors, only
the true laurel (Laurus nobilis), and the larger {Laurus
Canariensis} of Madeira and the Canary Islands. Formerly the
sassafras, the camphor tree, the cinnamon tree, and several
other aromatic trees and shrubs, were also referred to the
genus Laurus.
[1913 Webster]
Laurus camphora
Camphor \Cam"phor\ (k[a^]m"f[~e]r), n. [OE. camfere, F. camphre
(cf. It. canfora, Sp. camfora, alcanfor, LL. canfora,
camphora, NGr. kafoyra`), fr. Ar. k[=a]f[=u]r, prob. fr. Skr.
1. A tough, white, aromatic resin, or gum, obtained from
different species of the Laurus family, esp. from
Cinnamomum camphara (the Laurus camphora of
Linn[ae]us.). Camphor, C10H16O, is volatile and
fragrant, and is used in medicine as a diaphoretic, a
stimulant, or sedative.
[1913 Webster]

2. originally, a gum resembling ordinary camphor, obtained
from a tree (Dryobalanops aromatica formerly
Dryobalanops camphora) growing in Sumatra and Borneo;
now applied to its main constituent, a terpene alcohol
obtainable as a white solid C10H18O, called also {Borneo
camphor}, Malay camphor, Malayan camphor, {camphor of
Borneo}, Sumatra camphor, bornyl alcohol, camphol,
and borneol. The isomer from Dryobalanops is
dextrorotatory; the levoratatory form is obtainable from
other species of plants, and the racemic mixture may be
obtained by reduction of camphor. It is used in perfumery,
and for manufacture of its esters. See Borneol.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: The name camphor is also applied to a number of bodies
of similar appearance and properties, as {cedar
camphor}, obtained from the red or pencil cedar
(Juniperus Virginiana), and peppermint camphor, or
menthol, obtained from the oil of peppermint.
[1913 Webster]

Camphor oil (Chem.), name variously given to certain
oil-like products, obtained especially from the camphor

Camphor tree, a large evergreen tree ({Cinnamomum
Camphora}) with lax, smooth branches and shining
triple-nerved lanceolate leaves, probably native in China,
but now cultivated in most warm countries. Camphor is
collected by a process of steaming the chips of the wood
and subliming the product.
[1913 Webster]
Laurus Canariensis
Laurus \Lau"rus\, n. [L., laurel.] (Bot.)
A genus of trees including, according to modern authors, only
the true laurel (Laurus nobilis), and the larger {Laurus
Canariensis} of Madeira and the Canary Islands. Formerly the
sassafras, the camphor tree, the cinnamon tree, and several
other aromatic trees and shrubs, were also referred to the
genus Laurus.
[1913 Webster]
Laurus nobilis
Laurel \Lau"rel\, n. [OE. lorel, laurer, lorer, OF. lorier,
laurier, F. laurier, (assumed) LL. Laurarius, fr. L. laurus.]
1. (Bot.) An evergreen shrub, of the genus Laurus ({Laurus
nobilis}), having aromatic leaves of a lanceolate shape,
with clusters of small, yellowish white flowers in their
axils; -- called also sweet bay.

Note: The fruit is a purple berry. It is found about the
Mediterranean, and was early used by the ancient Greeks
to crown the victor in the games of Apollo. At a later
period, academic honors were indicated by a crown of
laurel, with the fruit. The leaves and tree yield an
aromatic oil, used to flavor the bay water of commerce.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The name is extended to other plants which in some
respect resemble the true laurel. See Phrases, below.
[1913 Webster]

2. A crown of laurel; hence, honor; distinction; fame; --
especially in the plural; as, to win laurels.
[1913 Webster]

3. An English gold coin made in 1619, and so called because
the king's head on it was crowned with laurel.
[1913 Webster]

Laurel water, water distilled from the fresh leaves of the
cherry laurel, and containing prussic acid and other
products carried over in the process.
[1913 Webster]

American laurel, or Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia;
called also calico bush. See under Mountain.

California laurel, Umbellularia Californica.

Cherry laurel (in England called laurel). See under

Great laurel, the rosebay (Rhododendron maximum).

Ground laurel, trailing arbutus.

New Zealand laurel, the Laurelia Nov[ae] Zelandi[ae].

Portugal laurel, the Prunus Lusitanica.

Rose laurel, the oleander. See Oleander.

Sheep laurel, a poisonous shrub, Kalmia angustifolia,
smaller than the mountain laurel, and with smaller and
redder flowers.

Spurge laurel, Daphne Laureola.

West Indian laurel, Prunus occidentalis.
[1913 Webster]Laurus \Lau"rus\, n. [L., laurel.] (Bot.)
A genus of trees including, according to modern authors, only
the true laurel (Laurus nobilis), and the larger {Laurus
Canariensis} of Madeira and the Canary Islands. Formerly the
sassafras, the camphor tree, the cinnamon tree, and several
other aromatic trees and shrubs, were also referred to the
genus Laurus.
[1913 Webster]Lauric \Lau"ric\, a.
1. Pertaining to, or derived from, the European bay or laurel
(Laurus nobilis).
[1913 Webster]

2. pertaining to or combined with lauric acid, the
12-carbon member of the fatty acid series; combined with
the acyl group of lauric acid.
[PJC]Laurin \Lau"rin\, n. [Cf. F. laurine.] (Chem.)
A white crystalline substance extracted from the fruit of the
bay (Laurus nobilis), and consisting of a complex mixture
of glycerin ethers of several organic acids.
[1913 Webster]Royal \Roy"al\, a. [OE. roial, riall, real, OF. roial. reial, F.
royal, fr. L. regalis, fr. rex, regis, king. See Rich, and
cf. regal, real a coin, Rial.]
1. Kingly; pertaining to the crown or the sovereign; suitable
for a king or queen; regal; as, royal power or
prerogative; royal domains; the royal family; royal state.
[1913 Webster]

2. Noble; generous; magnificent; princely.
[1913 Webster]

How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Under the patronage of royality; holding a charter granted
by the sovereign; as, the Royal Academy of Arts; the Royal
[1913 Webster]

Battle royal. See under Battle.

Royal bay (Bot.), the classic laurel (Laurus nobilis.)

Royal eagle. (Zool.) See Golden eagle, under Golden.

Royal fern (Bot.), the handsome fern Osmunda regalis. See

Royal mast (Naut.), the mast next above the topgallant mast
and usually the highest on a square-rigged vessel. The
royal yard and royal sail are attached to the royal mast.

Royal metal, an old name for gold.

Royal palm (Bot.), a magnificent West Indian palm tree
(Oreodoxa regia), lately discovered also in Florida.

Royal pheasant. See Curassow.

Royal purple, an intense violet color, verging toward blue.

Royal tern (Zool.), a large, crested American tern ({Sterna

Royal tiger. (Zool.) See Tiger.

Royal touch, the touching of a diseased person by the hand
of a king, with the view of restoring to health; --
formerly extensively practiced, particularly for the
scrofula, or king's evil.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Kingly; regal; monarchical; imperial; kinglike;
princely; august; majestic; superb; splendid;
illustrious; noble; magnanimous.
[1913 Webster]Sweetwood \Sweet"wood`\, n. (Bot.)
(a) The true laurel (Laurus nobilis.)
(b) The timber of the tree Oreodaphne Leucoxylon, growing
in Jamaica. The name is also applied to the timber of
several other related trees.
[1913 Webster]Sweet \Sweet\, a. [Compar. Sweeter; superl. Sweetest.] [OE.
swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te,
OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s["u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. saetr,
soetr, Sw. s["o]t, Dan. s["o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for
suadvis, Gr. ?, Skr. sv[=a]du sweet, svad, sv[=a]d, to
sweeten. [root]175. Cf. Assuage, Suave, Suasion.]
1. Having an agreeable taste or flavor such as that of sugar;
saccharine; -- opposed to sour and bitter; as, a sweet
beverage; sweet fruits; sweet oranges.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pleasing to the smell; fragrant; redolent; balmy; as, a
sweet rose; sweet odor; sweet incense.
[1913 Webster]

The breath of these flowers is sweet to me.
[1913 Webster]

3. Pleasing to the ear; soft; melodious; harmonious; as, the
sweet notes of a flute or an organ; sweet music; a sweet
voice; a sweet singer.
[1913 Webster]

To make his English sweet upon his tongue.
[1913 Webster]

A voice sweet, tremulous, but powerful. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

4. Pleasing to the eye; beautiful; mild and attractive; fair;
as, a sweet face; a sweet color or complexion.
[1913 Webster]

Sweet interchange
Of hill and valley, rivers, woods, and plains.
[1913 Webster]

5. Fresh; not salt or brackish; as, sweet water. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

6. Not changed from a sound or wholesome state. Specifically:
(a) Not sour; as, sweet milk or bread.
(b) Not state; not putrescent or putrid; not rancid; as,
sweet butter; sweet meat or fish.
[1913 Webster]

7. Plaesing to the mind; mild; gentle; calm; amiable;
winning; presuasive; as, sweet manners.
[1913 Webster]

Canst thou bind the sweet influence of Pleiades?
--Job xxxviii.
[1913 Webster]

Mildness and sweet reasonableness is the one
established rule of Christian working. --M. Arnold.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Sweet is often used in the formation of self-explaining
compounds; as, sweet-blossomed, sweet-featured,
sweet-smelling, sweet-tempered, sweet-toned, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Sweet alyssum. (Bot.) See Alyssum.

Sweet apple. (Bot.)
(a) Any apple of sweet flavor.
(b) See Sweet-sop.

Sweet bay. (Bot.)
(a) The laurel (Laurus nobilis).
(b) Swamp sassafras.

Sweet calabash (Bot.), a plant of the genus Passiflora
(Passiflora maliformis) growing in the West Indies, and
producing a roundish, edible fruit, the size of an apple.

Sweet cicely. (Bot.)
(a) Either of the North American plants of the
umbelliferous genus Osmorrhiza having aromatic roots
and seeds, and white flowers. --Gray.
(b) A plant of the genus Myrrhis (Myrrhis odorata)
growing in England.

Sweet calamus, or Sweet cane. (Bot.) Same as {Sweet
flag}, below.

Sweet Cistus (Bot.), an evergreen shrub (Cistus Ladanum)
from which the gum ladanum is obtained.

Sweet clover. (Bot.) See Melilot.

Sweet coltsfoot (Bot.), a kind of butterbur ({Petasites
sagittata}) found in Western North America.

Sweet corn (Bot.), a variety of the maize of a sweet taste.
See the Note under Corn.

Sweet fern (Bot.), a small North American shrub ({Comptonia
asplenifolia} syn. Myrica asplenifolia) having
sweet-scented or aromatic leaves resembling fern leaves.

Sweet flag (Bot.), an endogenous plant (Acorus Calamus)
having long flaglike leaves and a rootstock of a pungent
aromatic taste. It is found in wet places in Europe and
America. See Calamus, 2.

Sweet gale (Bot.), a shrub (Myrica Gale) having bitter
fragrant leaves; -- also called sweet willow, and {Dutch
myrtle}. See 5th Gale.

Sweet grass (Bot.), holy, or Seneca, grass.

Sweet gum (Bot.), an American tree ({Liquidambar
styraciflua}). See Liquidambar.

Sweet herbs, fragrant herbs cultivated for culinary

Sweet John (Bot.), a variety of the sweet William.

Sweet leaf (Bot.), horse sugar. See under Horse.

Sweet marjoram. (Bot.) See Marjoram.

Sweet marten (Zool.), the pine marten.

Sweet maudlin (Bot.), a composite plant ({Achillea
Ageratum}) allied to milfoil.

Sweet oil, olive oil.

Sweet pea. (Bot.) See under Pea.

Sweet potato. (Bot.) See under Potato.

Sweet rush (Bot.), sweet flag.

Sweet spirits of niter (Med. Chem.) See {Spirit of nitrous
ether}, under Spirit.

Sweet sultan (Bot.), an annual composite plant ({Centaurea
moschata}), also, the yellow-flowered ({Centaurea
odorata}); -- called also sultan flower.

Sweet tooth, an especial fondness for sweet things or for
sweetmeats. [Colloq.]

Sweet William.
(a) (Bot.) A species of pink (Dianthus barbatus) of many
(b) (Zool.) The willow warbler.
(c) (Zool.) The European goldfinch; -- called also {sweet
Billy}. [Prov. Eng.]

Sweet willow (Bot.), sweet gale.

Sweet wine. See Dry wine, under Dry.

To be sweet on, to have a particular fondness for, or
special interest in, as a young man for a young woman.
[Colloq.] --Thackeray.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Sugary; saccharine; dulcet; luscious.
[1913 Webster]Bay \Bay\, n. [F. baie a berry, the fruit of the laurel and
other trees, fr. L. baca, bacca, a small round fruit, a
berry, akin to Lith. bapka laurel berry.]
1. A berry, particularly of the laurel. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. The laurel tree (Laurus nobilis). Hence, in the plural,
an honorary garland or crown bestowed as a prize for
victory or excellence, anciently made or consisting of
branches of the laurel.
[1913 Webster]

The patriot's honors and the poet's bays.
[1913 Webster]

3. A tract covered with bay trees. [Local, U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

Bay leaf, the leaf of the bay tree (Laurus nobilis). It
has a fragrant odor and an aromatic taste, and is used for
flavoring in food.
[1913 Webster]Bayberry \Bay"ber*ry\, n. (Bot.)
(a) The fruit of the bay tree or Laurus nobilis.
(b) A tree of the West Indies related to the myrtle ({Pimenta
(c) The fruit of Myrica cerifera (wax myrtle); the shrub
itself; -- called also candleberry tree.
[1913 Webster]

Bayberry tallow, a fragrant green wax obtained from the
bayberry or wax myrtle; -- called also myrtle wax.
[1913 Webster]Bay tree \Bay" tree`\
A species of laurel. (Laurus nobilis).
[1913 Webster]
Laurestine \Lau"res*tine\, n. [NL. lautus tinus, fr. L. laurus
the laurel + tinus laurestine. See Laurel.] (Bot.)
The Viburnum Tinus, an evergreen shrub or tree of the south
of Europe, which flowers during the winter months. [Written
also laurustine and laurestina.]
[1913 Webster]
genus laurus
genus Laurus
n 1: small evergreen trees or shrubs with aromatic leaves [syn:
Laurus, genus Laurus]
laurus nobilis
Laurus nobilis
n 1: small Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blackish
berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in
cooking; also used by ancient Greeks to crown victors [syn:
true laurel, bay, bay laurel, bay tree, {Laurus

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