Leon,Leon n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno, mužské
křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Leon,Leonn: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA, ženské křestní jméno, mužské
křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Leon \Le"on\ (l[=e]"[o^]n), n.
A lion. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a historical area and former kingdom in northwestern Spain
2: a city in northwestern Spain at the foot of the Cantabrian
3: a city in central Mexico
podobné slovodefinícia
- mena v Sierra Leone
sierra leone
Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leone
mena v sierra leone
mena v Sierra Leone
- leone
sierra leone
Sierra Leone
- SL, SLE, Sierra Leone
mena v sierra leone
mena v Sierra Leone
- leone
sierra leone
Sierra Leone
- SL, SLE, Sierra Leone
chamaeleon, n:
chameleon,chameleon n: Radka D.
chameleon tree frog
chameleon tree frog, n:
galleon,galeona n: Zdeněk Brožgalleon,galéra n: [jmén.] [hist.] typ lodě Martin Ligač
horned chameleon
horned chameleon, n:
human paleontology
human paleontology, n:
Leona,Leona n: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Leonard,Leonard n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Leonardesque, adj:
Leonardo,Leonardo n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
leonardo da vinci
Leonardo da Vinci,
leoncita, n:
Leone,Leone n: [jmén.] příjmení, město - Americká Samoa, ženské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
leonid brezhnev
Leonid Brezhnev,
leonine,lví Zdeněk Brož
micropaleontology,mikropaleontologie n: Zdeněk Brož
Napoleon,Napoleon n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
napoleon bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte,Napoleon Bonaparte n: [jmén.] web
Napoleonic,napoleonský adj: Zdeněk Brož
nucleon number
nucleon number, n:
nucleonics,nukleonika Zdeněk Brož
paleontological, adj:
paleontologist,paleontolog n: Ritchie
paleontology,paleontologie n: Martin Král
pleonaste, n:
pleonastic, adj:
ponce de leon
Ponce de Leon,
sierra leone
Sierra Leone,Sierra Leone n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
sierra leonian
Sierra Leonian, adj:
simoleons, n:
vertebrate paleontology
vertebrate paleontology, n:
boris leonidovič pasternak (1890-1960)
Boris Leonidovič Pasternak (1890-1960),Pasternakn: [jmén.] ruský
spisovatel Petr Prášek
chameleon,chameleonn: Radka D.
Eleonora,Eleanor Zdeněk Brož
galeona,galleonn: Zdeněk Brož
hl.m. - sierra leone
hl.m. - Sierra Leone,Freetownn: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Leona,Leonan: [jmén.] příjmení, ženské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Leonard,Leonardn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Leonardo,Leonardon: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Leone,Leonen: [jmén.] příjmení, město - Americká Samoa, ženské křestní
jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
mikropaleontologie,micropaleontologyn: Zdeněk Brož
Napoleon,Napoleonn: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
napoleon bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte,Napoleon Bonaparten: [jmén.] web
napoleonský,Napoleonicadj: Zdeněk Brož
nukleonika,nucleonics Zdeněk Brož
nukleonové číslo
nukleonové číslo,mass number Zdeněk Brož
paleontolog,palaeontologistn: Zdeněk Brožpaleontolog,paleontologistn: Ritchie
paleontologický,palaeontologicaladj: Zdeněk Brož
paleontologie,palaeontologyn: Zdeněk Brožpaleontologie,paleontologyn: Martin Král
sierra leone
Sierra Leone,Sierra Leonen: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Cameleon \Ca*me"le*on\, n.
See Chaceleon. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
chamaeleon \chamaeleon\ n. [L. Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn,
lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on the ground + le`wn lion.]
a lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color
and having a projectile tongue.

Syn: chameleon.
[WordNet 1.5]Chamaeleon \Chamaeleon\ n. (Astronomy)
a small constellation in the southern skies between Hydrus
and Musca.

Syn: Chameleon.
[PJC] ChamaeleonidaeChameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]
chamaeleon \chamaeleon\ n. [L. Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn,
lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on the ground + le`wn lion.]
a lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color
and having a projectile tongue.

Syn: chameleon.
[WordNet 1.5]Chamaeleon \Chamaeleon\ n. (Astronomy)
a small constellation in the southern skies between Hydrus
and Musca.

Syn: Chameleon.
[PJC] ChamaeleonidaeChameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]
chamaeleon \chamaeleon\ n. [L. Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn,
lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on the ground + le`wn lion.]
a lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color
and having a projectile tongue.

Syn: chameleon.
[WordNet 1.5]Chamaeleon \Chamaeleon\ n. (Astronomy)
a small constellation in the southern skies between Hydrus
and Musca.

Syn: Chameleon.
[PJC] ChamaeleonidaeChameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]
Chamaeleonidae \Chamaeleonidae\, Chamaeleontidae
a natural family comprising the Old World chameleons; in some
classifications Rhiptoglossa is considered a superfamily of

Syn: family Chamaeleontidae, family Chamaeleonidae,
Rhiptoglossa, family Rhiptoglossa.
[WordNet 1.5]
Chamaeleonidae \Chamaeleonidae\, Chamaeleontidae
a natural family comprising the Old World chameleons; in some
classifications Rhiptoglossa is considered a superfamily of

Syn: family Chamaeleontidae, family Chamaeleonidae,
Rhiptoglossa, family Rhiptoglossa.
[WordNet 1.5]
Chameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]
chameleon mineral
Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]Chameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]

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