- ľahší, zapaľovač
lighter,světlejší adj: web
Light \Light\, a. [Compar. Lighter (l[imac]t"[~e]r); superl.
Lightest.] [OE. light, liht, AS. l[imac]ht, le['i]ht; akin
to D. ligt, G. leicht, OHG. l[imac]hti, Icel. l[=e]ttr, Dan.
let, Sw. l[aum]tt, Goth. leihts, and perh. to L. levis (cf.
Levity), Gr. 'elachy`s small, Skr. laghu light. [root]125.]
1. Having little, or comparatively little, weight; not
tending to be the center of gravity with force; not heavy.
[1913 Webster]

These weights did not exert their natural gravity, .
. . insomuch that I could not guess which was light
or heavy whilst I held them in my hand. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not burdensome; easy to be lifted, borne, or carried by
physical strength; as, a light burden, or load.
[1913 Webster]

Ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is
easy, and my burden is light. --Matt. xi.
29, 30.
[1913 Webster]

3. Easy to be endured or performed; not severe; not
difficult; as, a light affliction or task. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Light sufferings give us leisure to complain.
[1913 Webster]

4. Easy to be digested; not oppressive to the stomach; as,
light food; also, containing little nutriment.
[1913 Webster]

5. Not heavily armed; armed with light weapons; as, light
troops; a troop of light horse.
[1913 Webster]

6. Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments;
hence, active; nimble; swift.
[1913 Webster]

Unmarried men are best friends, best masters . . .
but not always best subjects, for they are light to
run away. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

7. Not heavily burdened; not deeply laden; not sufficiently
ballasted; as, the ship returned light.
[1913 Webster]

8. Slight; not important; as, a light error. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

9. Well leavened; not heavy; as, light bread.
[1913 Webster]

10. Not copious or heavy; not dense; not inconsiderable; as,
a light rain; a light snow; light vapors.
[1913 Webster]

11. Not strong or violent; moderate; as, a light wind.
[1913 Webster]

12. Not pressing heavily or hard upon; hence, having an easy,
graceful manner; delicate; as, a light touch; a light
style of execution.
[1913 Webster]

13. Easy to admit influence; inconsiderate; easily influenced
by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled;
volatile; as, a light, vain person; a light mind.
[1913 Webster]

There is no greater argument of a light and
inconsiderate person than profanely to scoff at
religion. --Tillotson.
[1913 Webster]

14. Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; wanting dignity or
solemnity; trifling; gay; frivolous; airy; unsubstantial.
[1913 Webster]

Seneca can not be too heavy, nor Plautus too light.
[1913 Webster]

Specimens of New England humor laboriously light
and lamentably mirthful. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

15. Not quite sound or normal; somewhat impaired or deranged;
dizzy; giddy.
[1913 Webster]

Are his wits safe? Is he not light of brain ?
[1913 Webster]

16. Easily bestowed; inconsiderately rendered.
[1913 Webster]

To a fair semblance doth light faith annex.
[1913 Webster]

17. Wanton; unchaste; as, a woman of light character.
[1913 Webster]

A light wife doth make a heavy husband. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

18. Not of the legal, standard, or usual weight; clipped;
diminished; as, light coin.
[1913 Webster]

19. Loose; sandy; easily pulverized; as, a light soil.
[1913 Webster]

Light cavalry, Light horse (Mil.), light-armed soldiers
mounted on strong and active horses.

Light eater, one who eats but little.

Light infantry, infantry soldiers selected and trained for
rapid evolutions.

Light of foot.
(a) Having a light step.
(b) Fleet.

Light of heart, gay, cheerful.

Light oil (Chem.), the oily product, lighter than water,
forming the chief part of the first distillate of coal
tar, and consisting largely of benzene and toluene.

Light sails (Naut.), all the sails above the topsails,
with, also, the studding sails and flying jib. --Dana.

Light sleeper, one easily wakened.

Light weight, a prize fighter, boxer, wrestler, or jockey,
who is below a standard medium weight. Cf. {Feather
weight}, under Feather. [Cant]

To make light of, to treat as of little consequence; to
slight; to disregard.

To set light by, to undervalue; to slight; to treat as of
no importance; to despise.
[1913 Webster]
Light \Light\ (l[imac]t), a. [AS. le['i]ht. See Light, n.]
[Compar. Lighter (l[imac]t"[~e]r); superl. Lightest.]
1. Having light; not dark or obscure; bright; clear; as, the
apartment is light.
[1913 Webster]

2. White or whitish; not intense or very marked; not of a
deep shade; moderately colored; as, a light color; a light
brown; a light complexion.
[1913 Webster]
Lighter \Light"er\ (l[imac]t"[~e]r), n.
One who, or that which, lights; as, a lighter of lamps.
[1913 Webster]

cigarette lighter A small portable device which produces a
flame when a button is pushed, carried on the person to
allow one to light cigarettes conveniently, and taking the
place of a match. It may have a reservoir of liquid fuel
conveyed by a wick, or may contain compressed butane as
the fuel.
Lighter \Light"er\, n. [D. ligter, fr. ligt light. See Light
not heavy.] (Naut.)
A large boat or barge, mainly used in unloading or loading
vessels which can not reach the wharves at the place of
shipment or delivery.
[1913 Webster]

Lighter screw (Mach.), a screw for adjusting the distance
between the stones in a grinding mill by raising or
lowering the bridgetree.
[1913 Webster]
Lighter \Light"er\, v. t.
To convey by a lighter, as to or from the shore; as, to
lighter the cargo of a ship.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a substance used to ignite or kindle a fire [syn:
igniter, ignitor, lighter]
2: a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires;
"do you have a light?" [syn: lighter, light, igniter,
3: a flatbottom boat for carrying heavy loads (especially on
canals) [syn: barge, flatboat, hoy, lighter]
v 1: transport in a flatbottom boat
podobné slovodefinícia
blighter,darebák n: Zdeněk Brožblighter,mizera Zdeněk Brož
cigar lighter
cigar lighter, n:
cigarette lighter
cigarette lighter, n: cigarette lighter,zapalovač n: MV
firelighter, n:
highlighter,zvýrazňovač n: Zdeněk Brož
lamplighter,lampář n: Zdeněk Brož
lighter-than-air, adj:
lighter-than-air craft
lighter-than-air craft, n:
lighterage, n:
lighterman, n:
moonlighter,melouchář n: Zdeněk Brož
pocket lighter
pocket lighter, n:
slighter,nepatrnější adj: Zdeněk Brož
cigarette lighter
Lighter \Light"er\ (l[imac]t"[~e]r), n.
One who, or that which, lights; as, a lighter of lamps.
[1913 Webster]

cigarette lighter A small portable device which produces a
flame when a button is pushed, carried on the person to
allow one to light cigarettes conveniently, and taking the
place of a match. It may have a reservoir of liquid fuel
conveyed by a wick, or may contain compressed butane as
the fuel.
Delighter \De*light"er\, n.
One who gives or takes delight.
[1913 Webster]
firelighter \firelighter\ n.
(a piece of) a substance that burns easily and can be used to
start a coal or coke fire.
[WordNet 1.5]
Flighter \Flight"er\, n. (Brewing)
A horizontal vane revolving over the surface of wort in a
cooler, to produce a circular current in the liquor.
[1913 Webster]
Lamplighter \Lamp"light`er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who
in former times lighted street lamps which were
illuminated by a combustible gas; -- such lamps are now
little used, and primarily as nostalgic ornaments.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

He made the night a little brighter
Wherever he did go,
The old lamplighter
Of long, long ago. --Song lyrics.

2. (Zool.) The calico bass.
[1913 Webster]

3. A device used to light lamps.
Light \Light\, a. [Compar. Lighter (l[imac]t"[~e]r); superl.
Lightest.] [OE. light, liht, AS. l[imac]ht, le['i]ht; akin
to D. ligt, G. leicht, OHG. l[imac]hti, Icel. l[=e]ttr, Dan.
let, Sw. l[aum]tt, Goth. leihts, and perh. to L. levis (cf.
Levity), Gr. 'elachy`s small, Skr. laghu light. [root]125.]
1. Having little, or comparatively little, weight; not
tending to be the center of gravity with force; not heavy.
[1913 Webster]

These weights did not exert their natural gravity, .
. . insomuch that I could not guess which was light
or heavy whilst I held them in my hand. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not burdensome; easy to be lifted, borne, or carried by
physical strength; as, a light burden, or load.
[1913 Webster]

Ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is
easy, and my burden is light. --Matt. xi.
29, 30.
[1913 Webster]

3. Easy to be endured or performed; not severe; not
difficult; as, a light affliction or task. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Light sufferings give us leisure to complain.
[1913 Webster]

4. Easy to be digested; not oppressive to the stomach; as,
light food; also, containing little nutriment.
[1913 Webster]

5. Not heavily armed; armed with light weapons; as, light
troops; a troop of light horse.
[1913 Webster]

6. Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments;
hence, active; nimble; swift.
[1913 Webster]

Unmarried men are best friends, best masters . . .
but not always best subjects, for they are light to
run away. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

7. Not heavily burdened; not deeply laden; not sufficiently
ballasted; as, the ship returned light.
[1913 Webster]

8. Slight; not important; as, a light error. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

9. Well leavened; not heavy; as, light bread.
[1913 Webster]

10. Not copious or heavy; not dense; not inconsiderable; as,
a light rain; a light snow; light vapors.
[1913 Webster]

11. Not strong or violent; moderate; as, a light wind.
[1913 Webster]

12. Not pressing heavily or hard upon; hence, having an easy,
graceful manner; delicate; as, a light touch; a light
style of execution.
[1913 Webster]

13. Easy to admit influence; inconsiderate; easily influenced
by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled;
volatile; as, a light, vain person; a light mind.
[1913 Webster]

There is no greater argument of a light and
inconsiderate person than profanely to scoff at
religion. --Tillotson.
[1913 Webster]

14. Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; wanting dignity or
solemnity; trifling; gay; frivolous; airy; unsubstantial.
[1913 Webster]

Seneca can not be too heavy, nor Plautus too light.
[1913 Webster]

Specimens of New England humor laboriously light
and lamentably mirthful. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

15. Not quite sound or normal; somewhat impaired or deranged;
dizzy; giddy.
[1913 Webster]

Are his wits safe? Is he not light of brain ?
[1913 Webster]

16. Easily bestowed; inconsiderately rendered.
[1913 Webster]

To a fair semblance doth light faith annex.
[1913 Webster]

17. Wanton; unchaste; as, a woman of light character.
[1913 Webster]

A light wife doth make a heavy husband. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

18. Not of the legal, standard, or usual weight; clipped;
diminished; as, light coin.
[1913 Webster]

19. Loose; sandy; easily pulverized; as, a light soil.
[1913 Webster]

Light cavalry, Light horse (Mil.), light-armed soldiers
mounted on strong and active horses.

Light eater, one who eats but little.

Light infantry, infantry soldiers selected and trained for
rapid evolutions.

Light of foot.
(a) Having a light step.
(b) Fleet.

Light of heart, gay, cheerful.

Light oil (Chem.), the oily product, lighter than water,
forming the chief part of the first distillate of coal
tar, and consisting largely of benzene and toluene.

Light sails (Naut.), all the sails above the topsails,
with, also, the studding sails and flying jib. --Dana.

Light sleeper, one easily wakened.

Light weight, a prize fighter, boxer, wrestler, or jockey,
who is below a standard medium weight. Cf. {Feather
weight}, under Feather. [Cant]

To make light of, to treat as of little consequence; to
slight; to disregard.

To set light by, to undervalue; to slight; to treat as of
no importance; to despise.
[1913 Webster]Light \Light\ (l[imac]t), a. [AS. le['i]ht. See Light, n.]
[Compar. Lighter (l[imac]t"[~e]r); superl. Lightest.]
1. Having light; not dark or obscure; bright; clear; as, the
apartment is light.
[1913 Webster]

2. White or whitish; not intense or very marked; not of a
deep shade; moderately colored; as, a light color; a light
brown; a light complexion.
[1913 Webster]Lighter \Light"er\ (l[imac]t"[~e]r), n.
One who, or that which, lights; as, a lighter of lamps.
[1913 Webster]

cigarette lighter A small portable device which produces a
flame when a button is pushed, carried on the person to
allow one to light cigarettes conveniently, and taking the
place of a match. It may have a reservoir of liquid fuel
conveyed by a wick, or may contain compressed butane as
the fuel.
[PJC]Lighter \Light"er\, n. [D. ligter, fr. ligt light. See Light
not heavy.] (Naut.)
A large boat or barge, mainly used in unloading or loading
vessels which can not reach the wharves at the place of
shipment or delivery.
[1913 Webster]

Lighter screw (Mach.), a screw for adjusting the distance
between the stones in a grinding mill by raising or
lowering the bridgetree.
[1913 Webster]Lighter \Light"er\, v. t.
To convey by a lighter, as to or from the shore; as, to
lighter the cargo of a ship.
[1913 Webster]
Lighter screw
Lighter \Light"er\, n. [D. ligter, fr. ligt light. See Light
not heavy.] (Naut.)
A large boat or barge, mainly used in unloading or loading
vessels which can not reach the wharves at the place of
shipment or delivery.
[1913 Webster]

Lighter screw (Mach.), a screw for adjusting the distance
between the stones in a grinding mill by raising or
lowering the bridgetree.
[1913 Webster]
Lighterage \Light"er*age\ (l[imac]t"[~e]r*[asl]j; 48), n.
1. The price paid for conveyance of goods on a lighter.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act of unloading into a lighter, or of conveying by a
[1913 Webster]
Lighterman \Light"er*man\ (l[imac]t"[~e]r*m[a^]n), n.; pl.
Lightermen (l[imac]t"[~e]r*men).
A person employed on, or who manages, a lighter.
[1913 Webster]
Lighterman \Light"er*man\ (l[imac]t"[~e]r*m[a^]n), n.; pl.
Lightermen (l[imac]t"[~e]r*men).
A person employed on, or who manages, a lighter.
[1913 Webster]
Moonlighter \Moon"light`er\ (m[=oo]n"l[imac]t`[~e]r), n.
One who follows an occupation or pastime by moonlight; as:
(a) A moonshiner.
(b) In Ireland, one of a band that engaged in agrarian
outrages by night.
(c) A serenader by moonlight. [Local, U. S.]
(d) One who works at a second job in addition to his main
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Plighter \Plight"er\, n.
One who, or that which, plights.
[1913 Webster]
Slight \Slight\, a. [Compar. Slighter; superl. Slightest.]
[OE. sli?t, sleght, probably from OD. slicht, slecht, simple,
plain, D. slecht; akin to OFries. sliucht, G. schlecht,
schlicht, OHG. sleht smooth, simple, Icel. sl?ttr smooth, Sw.
sl[aum]t, Goth. sla['i]hts; or uncertain origin.]
1. Not decidedly marked; not forcible; inconsiderable;
unimportant; insignificant; not severe; weak; gentle; --
applied in a great variety of circumstances; as, a slight
(i. e., feeble) effort; a slight (i. e., perishable)
structure; a slight (i. e., not deep) impression; a slight
(i. e., not convincing) argument; a slight (i. e., not
thorough) examination; slight (i. e., not severe) pain,
and the like. "At one slight bound." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Slight is the subject, but not so the praise.
[1913 Webster]

Some firmly embrace doctrines upon slight grounds.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not stout or heavy; slender.
[1913 Webster]

His own figure, which was formerly so slight. --Sir
W. Scott.
[1913 Webster]

3. Foolish; silly; weak in intellect. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster]Slighter \Slight"er\, n.
One who slights.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a persistently annoying person [syn: pest, blighter,
cuss, pesterer, gadfly]
2: a boy or man; "that chap is your host"; "there's a fellow at
the door"; "he's a likable cuss"; "he's a good bloke" [syn:
chap, fellow, feller, fella, lad, gent,
blighter, cuss, bloke]
cigar lighter
cigar lighter
n 1: a lighter for cigars or cigarettes [syn: cigar lighter,
cigarette lighter, pocket lighter]
cigarette lighter
cigarette lighter
n 1: a lighter for cigars or cigarettes [syn: cigar lighter,
cigarette lighter, pocket lighter]
n 1: (a piece of) a substance that burns easily and can be used
to start a coal or coke fire
n 1: a cosmetic used to highlight the eyes or cheekbones
2: a fluorescent marker used to mark important passages in a
n 1: (when gas was used for streetlights) a person who lights
and extinguishes streetlights
adj 1: relating to a balloon or other aircraft that flies
because it weighs less than the air it displaces
lighter-than-air craft
lighter-than-air craft
n 1: aircraft supported by its own buoyancy
n 1: the fee charged for carrying goods in lighters
2: the transportation of goods on a lighter
n 1: someone who operates a barge [syn: lighterman,
bargeman, bargee]
n 1: a person who holds a second job (usually after hours)
pocket lighter
pocket lighter
n 1: a lighter for cigars or cigarettes [syn: cigar lighter,
cigarette lighter, pocket lighter]
LIGHTERMAN. The owner or manager of a lighter. A lighterman is considered as
a common Carrier. See Lighters.

LIGHTERS, commerce. Small vessels employed in loading and unloading larger
2. The owners of lighters are liable, like other common carriers for
hire; it is a term of the contract on the part of the carrier or lighterman,
implied by law, that his vessel is tight and fit for the purpose or
employments for which he offers and holds it forth to the public; it is the
immediate foundation and substratum of the contract that it is so: the law
presumes a promise to that effect on the part of the carrier without actual
proof, and every principle of sound policy and public convenience requires
it should be so. 5 East, 428; Abbott on Sh. 225; 1 Marsh. on Ins. 254; Park
on Ins. 23; Wesk. on Ins. 328.

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