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like kicking dead whales down the beach (foldoc) | kicking dead whales down the beach
like kicking dead whales down the beach
A simile for a slow, difficult, and
disgusting process. First popularised by a famous quote about
the difficulty of getting work done under one of IBM's
mainframe OSes. "Well, you *could* write a C compiler in
COBOL, but it would be like kicking dead whales down the
[Jargon File]
like kicking dead whales down the beach (jargon) | like kicking dead whales down the beach
Describes a slow, difficult, and disgusting process. First popularized by a
famous quote about the difficulty of getting work done under one of IBM's
mainframe OSes. “Well, you could write a C compiler in COBOL, but it would
be like kicking dead whales down the beach.” See also fear and loathing.
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