n 1: type genus of the Majidae; nearly cosmopolitan in
distribution [syn: Maja, genus Maja, Maia, {genus
podobné slovodefinícia
majagua, n:
Convallaria majalis
Lily \Lil"y\ (l[i^]l"[y^]), n.; pl. Lilies (l[i^]l"[i^]z).
[AS. lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei`rion. Cf. Flower-de-luce.]
1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium,
endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of
six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior
three-celled ovary.
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are nearly fifty species, all found in the North
Temperate zone. Lilium candidum and {Lilium
longiflorum} are the common white lilies of gardens;
Lilium Philadelphicum is the wild red lily of the
Atlantic States. Lilium Chalcedonicum is supposed to
be the "lily of the field" in our Lord's parable;
Lilium auratum is the great gold-banded lily of
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of
several genera, having some resemblance in color or form
to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis,
Nerine, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. That end of a compass needle which should point to the
north; -- so called as often ornamented with the figure of
a lily or fleur-de-lis.
[1913 Webster]

But sailing further, it veers its lily to the west.
--Sir T.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Auction Bridge) A royal spade; -- usually in pl. See
Royal spade, below.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

African lily (Bot.), the blue-flowered {Agapanthus

Atamasco lily (Bot.), a plant of the genus Zephyranthes
(Zephyranthes Atamasco), having a white and pink
funnelform perianth, with six petal-like divisions
resembling those of a lily. --Gray.

Blackberry lily (Bot.), the Pardanthus Chinensis, the
black seeds of which form a dense mass like a blackberry.

Bourbon lily (Bot.), Lilium candidum. See Illust.

Butterfly lily. (Bot.) Same as Mariposa lily, in the

Lily beetle (Zool.), a European beetle ({Crioceris
merdigera}) which feeds upon the white lily.

Lily daffodil (Bot.), a plant of the genus Narcissus, and
its flower.

Lily encrinite (Paleon.), a fossil encrinite, esp.
Encrinus liliiformis. See Encrinite.

Lily hyacinth (Bot.), a plant of the genus Hyacinthus.

Lily iron, a kind of harpoon with a detachable head of
peculiar shape, used in capturing swordfish.

Lily of the valley (Bot.), a low perennial herb
(Convallaria majalis), having a raceme of nodding,
fragrant, white flowers.

Lily pad, the large floating leaf of the water lily. [U.
S.] --Lowell.

Tiger lily (Bot.), Lilium tigrinum, the sepals of which
are blotched with black.

Turk's-cap lily (Bot.) Lilium Martagon, a red lily with
recurved sepals; also, the similar American lily, {Lilium

Water lily (Bot.), the Nymph[ae]a, a plant with floating
roundish leaves, and large flowers having many petals,
usually white, but sometimes pink, red, blue, or yellow.
[See Illust. of Nymph[ae]a.]
[1913 Webster]May \May\, n. [F. Mai, L. Maius; so named in honor of the
goddess Maia (Gr. Mai^a), daughter of Atlas and mother of
Mercury by Jupiter.]
1. The fifth month of the year, containing thirty-one days.
[1913 Webster]

2. The early part or springtime of life.
[1913 Webster]

His May of youth, and bloom of lustihood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The flowers of the hawthorn; -- so called from
their time of blossoming; also, the hawthorn.
[1913 Webster]

The palm and may make country houses gay. --Nash.
[1913 Webster]

Plumes that mocked the may. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

4. The merrymaking of May Day. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

Italian may (Bot.), a shrubby species of Spiraea
(Spiraea hypericifolia) with many clusters of small
white flowers along the slender branches.

May apple (Bot.), the fruit of an American plant
(Podophyllum peltatum). Also, the plant itself
(popularly called mandrake), which has two lobed leaves,
and bears a single egg-shaped fruit at the forking. The
root and leaves, used in medicine, are powerfully drastic.

May beetle, May bug (Zool.), any one of numerous species
of large lamellicorn beetles that appear in the winged
state in May. They belong to Melolontha, and allied
genera. Called also June beetle.

May Day, the first day of May; -- celebrated in the rustic
parts of England by the crowning of a May queen with a
garland, and by dancing about a May pole.

May dew, the morning dew of the first day of May, to which
magical properties were attributed.

May flower (Bot.), a plant that flowers in May; also, its
blossom. See Mayflower, in the vocabulary.

May fly (Zool.), any species of Ephemera, and allied
genera; -- so called because the mature flies of many
species appear in May. See Ephemeral fly, under

May game, any May-day sport.

May lady, the queen or lady of May, in old May games.

May lily (Bot.), the lily of the valley ({Convallaria

May pole. See Maypole in the Vocabulary.

May queen, a girl or young woman crowned queen in the
sports of May Day.

May thorn, the hawthorn.
[1913 Webster]Convallamarin \Con*val`la*ma"rin\
(k[o^]n*v[a^]l`l[.a]*m[=a]"r[i^]n), n. [Convallaria + L.
amarus bitter.] (Chem.)
A white, crystalline, poisonous substance, regarded as a
glucoside, extracted from the lily of the valley
(Convallaria Majalis). Its taste is first bitter, then
[1913 Webster]
Convallaria Majalis
Lily \Lil"y\ (l[i^]l"[y^]), n.; pl. Lilies (l[i^]l"[i^]z).
[AS. lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei`rion. Cf. Flower-de-luce.]
1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium,
endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of
six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior
three-celled ovary.
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are nearly fifty species, all found in the North
Temperate zone. Lilium candidum and {Lilium
longiflorum} are the common white lilies of gardens;
Lilium Philadelphicum is the wild red lily of the
Atlantic States. Lilium Chalcedonicum is supposed to
be the "lily of the field" in our Lord's parable;
Lilium auratum is the great gold-banded lily of
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of
several genera, having some resemblance in color or form
to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis,
Nerine, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. That end of a compass needle which should point to the
north; -- so called as often ornamented with the figure of
a lily or fleur-de-lis.
[1913 Webster]

But sailing further, it veers its lily to the west.
--Sir T.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Auction Bridge) A royal spade; -- usually in pl. See
Royal spade, below.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

African lily (Bot.), the blue-flowered {Agapanthus

Atamasco lily (Bot.), a plant of the genus Zephyranthes
(Zephyranthes Atamasco), having a white and pink
funnelform perianth, with six petal-like divisions
resembling those of a lily. --Gray.

Blackberry lily (Bot.), the Pardanthus Chinensis, the
black seeds of which form a dense mass like a blackberry.

Bourbon lily (Bot.), Lilium candidum. See Illust.

Butterfly lily. (Bot.) Same as Mariposa lily, in the

Lily beetle (Zool.), a European beetle ({Crioceris
merdigera}) which feeds upon the white lily.

Lily daffodil (Bot.), a plant of the genus Narcissus, and
its flower.

Lily encrinite (Paleon.), a fossil encrinite, esp.
Encrinus liliiformis. See Encrinite.

Lily hyacinth (Bot.), a plant of the genus Hyacinthus.

Lily iron, a kind of harpoon with a detachable head of
peculiar shape, used in capturing swordfish.

Lily of the valley (Bot.), a low perennial herb
(Convallaria majalis), having a raceme of nodding,
fragrant, white flowers.

Lily pad, the large floating leaf of the water lily. [U.
S.] --Lowell.

Tiger lily (Bot.), Lilium tigrinum, the sepals of which
are blotched with black.

Turk's-cap lily (Bot.) Lilium Martagon, a red lily with
recurved sepals; also, the similar American lily, {Lilium

Water lily (Bot.), the Nymph[ae]a, a plant with floating
roundish leaves, and large flowers having many petals,
usually white, but sometimes pink, red, blue, or yellow.
[See Illust. of Nymph[ae]a.]
[1913 Webster]May \May\, n. [F. Mai, L. Maius; so named in honor of the
goddess Maia (Gr. Mai^a), daughter of Atlas and mother of
Mercury by Jupiter.]
1. The fifth month of the year, containing thirty-one days.
[1913 Webster]

2. The early part or springtime of life.
[1913 Webster]

His May of youth, and bloom of lustihood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The flowers of the hawthorn; -- so called from
their time of blossoming; also, the hawthorn.
[1913 Webster]

The palm and may make country houses gay. --Nash.
[1913 Webster]

Plumes that mocked the may. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

4. The merrymaking of May Day. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

Italian may (Bot.), a shrubby species of Spiraea
(Spiraea hypericifolia) with many clusters of small
white flowers along the slender branches.

May apple (Bot.), the fruit of an American plant
(Podophyllum peltatum). Also, the plant itself
(popularly called mandrake), which has two lobed leaves,
and bears a single egg-shaped fruit at the forking. The
root and leaves, used in medicine, are powerfully drastic.

May beetle, May bug (Zool.), any one of numerous species
of large lamellicorn beetles that appear in the winged
state in May. They belong to Melolontha, and allied
genera. Called also June beetle.

May Day, the first day of May; -- celebrated in the rustic
parts of England by the crowning of a May queen with a
garland, and by dancing about a May pole.

May dew, the morning dew of the first day of May, to which
magical properties were attributed.

May flower (Bot.), a plant that flowers in May; also, its
blossom. See Mayflower, in the vocabulary.

May fly (Zool.), any species of Ephemera, and allied
genera; -- so called because the mature flies of many
species appear in May. See Ephemeral fly, under

May game, any May-day sport.

May lady, the queen or lady of May, in old May games.

May lily (Bot.), the lily of the valley ({Convallaria

May pole. See Maypole in the Vocabulary.

May queen, a girl or young woman crowned queen in the
sports of May Day.

May thorn, the hawthorn.
[1913 Webster]Convallamarin \Con*val`la*ma"rin\
(k[o^]n*v[a^]l`l[.a]*m[=a]"r[i^]n), n. [Convallaria + L.
amarus bitter.] (Chem.)
A white, crystalline, poisonous substance, regarded as a
glucoside, extracted from the lily of the valley
(Convallaria Majalis). Its taste is first bitter, then
[1913 Webster]
Fundulus majalis
Mayfish \May"fish`\, n. (Zool.)
A common American minnow (Fundulus majalis). See Minnow.
[1913 Webster]
Maja squinado
maja squinado \maja squinado\ n. [species name.]
A large European spider crab.

Syn: European spider crab, king crab, Maja squinado.
[WordNet 1.5] Majestatic
maja squinado
maja squinado \maja squinado\ n. [species name.]
A large European spider crab.

Syn: European spider crab, king crab, Maja squinado.
[WordNet 1.5] Majestatic
majagua \majagua\ n.
1. A shrubby tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) widely distributed
along tropical shores, which yields a light tough wood
used for canoe outriggers and a fiber used for cordage and
caulk; it is often cultivated for ornament.

Syn: mahoe, mahagua, balibago, purau, Hibiscus tiliaceus.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. An erect forest tree (Hibiscus elatus) of Cuba and
Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or
orange-red flowers; it yields a moderately dense timber
for cabinetwork and gunstocks.

Syn: Cuban bast, blue mahoe, mahoe, mahagua, {Hibiscus
[WordNet 1.5]
convallaria majalis
Convallaria majalis
n 1: low-growing perennial plant having usually two large oblong
lanceolate leaves and a raceme of small fragrant nodding
bell-shaped flowers followed by scarlet berries [syn: {lily
of the valley}, May lily, Convallaria majalis]
fundulus majalis
Fundulus majalis
n 1: black-barred fish of bays and coastal marshes of the
Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the United States [syn: {striped
killifish}, mayfish, may fish, Fundulus majalis]
genus maja
genus Maja
n 1: type genus of the Majidae; nearly cosmopolitan in
distribution [syn: Maja, genus Maja, Maia, {genus
maja squinado
Maja squinado
n 1: a large spider crab of Europe [syn: European spider crab,
king crab, Maja squinado]
n 1: shrubby tree widely distributed along tropical shores;
yields a light tough wood used for canoe outriggers and a
fiber used for cordage and caulk; often cultivated for
ornament [syn: mahoe, majagua, mahagua, balibago,
purau, Hibiscus tiliaceus]
2: erect forest tree of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy
leaves and orange-yellow or orange-red flowers; yields a
moderately dense timber for cabinetwork and gunstocks [syn:
Cuban bast, blue mahoe, mahoe, majagua, mahagua,
Hibiscus elatus]

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