slovo | definícia |
moonflower (encz) | moonflower, n: |
Moonflower (gcide) | Moonflower \Moon"flow`er\, n. (Bot.)
(a) The oxeye daisy; -- called also moon daisy.
(b) A kind of morning glory (Ipomoea Bona-nox) with large
white flowers opening at night.
[1913 Webster] |
moonflower (wn) | moonflower
n 1: pantropical climber having white fragrant nocturnal flowers
[syn: moonflower, belle de nuit, Ipomoea alba] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
Moonflower (gcide) | Moonflower \Moon"flow`er\, n. (Bot.)
(a) The oxeye daisy; -- called also moon daisy.
(b) A kind of morning glory (Ipomoea Bona-nox) with large
white flowers opening at night.
[1913 Webster] |
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