motherly,mateřský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Motherly \Moth"er*ly\, adv.
In a manner of a mother.
[1913 Webster]
Motherly \Moth"er*ly\, a. [AS. m[=o]dorlic.]
Of or pertaining to a mother; like, or suitable for, a
mother; tender; maternal; as, motherly authority, love, or
care. --Hooker.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Maternal; paternal.

Usage: Motherly, Maternal. Motherly, being Anglo-Saxon,
is the most familiar word of the two when both have
the same meaning. Besides this, maternal is confined
to the feelings of a mother toward her own children,
whereas motherly has a secondary sense, denoting a
care like that of a mother for her offspring. There
is, perhaps, a growing tendency thus to separate the
two, confining motherly to the latter signification.
"They termed her the great mother, for her motherly
care in cherishing her brethren whilst young." --Sir
W. Raleigh.
[1913 Webster]
adv 1: in a maternal manner; as a mother; "she loved her
students almost maternally" [syn: maternally,
adj 1: befitting a mother; warm and nurturing
podobné slovodefinícia
grandmotherly,babičkovský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Grandmotherly \Grand"moth"er*ly\, a.
Like a grandmother in age or manner; kind; indulgent.
[1913 Webster]
Motherly \Moth"er*ly\, adv.
In a manner of a mother.
[1913 Webster]Motherly \Moth"er*ly\, a. [AS. m[=o]dorlic.]
Of or pertaining to a mother; like, or suitable for, a
mother; tender; maternal; as, motherly authority, love, or
care. --Hooker.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Maternal; paternal.

Usage: Motherly, Maternal. Motherly, being Anglo-Saxon,
is the most familiar word of the two when both have
the same meaning. Besides this, maternal is confined
to the feelings of a mother toward her own children,
whereas motherly has a secondary sense, denoting a
care like that of a mother for her offspring. There
is, perhaps, a growing tendency thus to separate the
two, confining motherly to the latter signification.
"They termed her the great mother, for her motherly
care in cherishing her brethren whilst young." --Sir
W. Raleigh.
[1913 Webster]
Unmotherly \Unmotherly\
See motherly.

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