mullah,mullah Zdeněk Brož
mullah,mullah Zdeněk Brož
Mollah \Mol"lah\, n. [Ar. maul[=a], commonly moll[=a]in Turkey.]
1. One of the higher order of Turkish; also, a Turkish title
of respect for a religious and learned man. [Written also
mullah and moolah.]
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A title of respect used in Islamic countries for one who
is learned in Islamic law; a teacher or expounder of
Islamic law.
Mulla \Mul"la\, Mullah \Mul"lah\, n.
Same as Mollah.
[1913 Webster]
Mullah \Mul"lah\, n.
See Mollah.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a Muslim trained in the doctrine and law of Islam; the head
of a mosque [syn: Mullah, Mollah, Mulla]
podobné slovodefinícia
Mollah \Mol"lah\, n. [Ar. maul[=a], commonly moll[=a]in Turkey.]
1. One of the higher order of Turkish; also, a Turkish title
of respect for a religious and learned man. [Written also
mullah and moolah.]
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A title of respect used in Islamic countries for one who
is learned in Islamic law; a teacher or expounder of
Islamic law.
[PJC]Mulla \Mul"la\, Mullah \Mul"lah\, n.
Same as Mollah.
[1913 Webster]Mullah \Mul"lah\, n.
See Mollah.
[1913 Webster]
mullah mohammed omar
Mullah Mohammed Omar
n 1: reclusive Afghanistani politician and leader of the Taliban
who imposed a strict interpretation of shariah law on
Afghanistan (born in 1960) [syn: Mullah Omar, {Mullah
Mohammed Omar}]
mullah omar
Mullah Omar
n 1: reclusive Afghanistani politician and leader of the Taliban
who imposed a strict interpretation of shariah law on
Afghanistan (born in 1960) [syn: Mullah Omar, {Mullah
Mohammed Omar}]

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