
/nas'tee-gram/ 1. A network packet or
e-mail message (the latter is also called a letterbomb)
that takes advantage of misfeatures or security holes on the
target system to do untoward things.

2. Disapproving e-mail, especially from a net.god, pursuant
to a violation of netiquette or a complaint about failure to
correct some mail- or news-transmission problem. Compare
shitogram, mailbomb.

3. A status report from an unhappy, and probably picky,
customer. "What did Corporate say in today's nastygram?"

4. [deprecated] An error reply by mail from a daemon; in
particular, a bounce message.

[Jargon File]

/nas'tee·gram/, n.

1. A protocol packet or item of email (the latter is also called a {
letterbomb}) that takes advantage of misfeatures or security holes on the
target system to do untoward things.

2. Disapproving mail, esp. from a net.god, pursuant to a violation of {
netiquette} or a complaint about failure to correct some mail- or
news-transmission problem. Compare shitogram, mailbomb.

3. A status report from an unhappy, and probably picky, customer. “What'd
Corporate say in today's nastygram?”

4. [deprecated] An error reply by mail from a daemon; in particular, a {
bounce message}.
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