slovo | definícia |
nonsyllabic (encz) | nonsyllabic, adj: |
nonsyllabic (wn) | nonsyllabic
adj 1: not forming a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable;
consisting of a consonant sound accompanied in the same
syllable by a vowel sound or consisting of a vowel sound
dominated by other vowel sounds in a syllable (as the
second vowel in a falling diphthong); "the nonsyllabic
`n' in `botany' when it is pronounced `botny'"; "the
nonsyllabic `i' in `oi'" [syn: nonsyllabic,
unsyllabic] [ant: syllabic]
2: (of speech sounds) not forming or capable of forming the
nucleus of a syllable; "initial 'l' in 'little' is
nonsyllabic" [ant: syllabic] |
| |
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