Paleolithic,paleolitické adj: web
Paleolithic \Pa`le*o*lith"ic\ (p[=a]`l[-e]*[-o]*l[i^]th"[i^]k),
a. (Geol.)
Of or pertaining to an era marked by early stone implements.
The Paleolithic era (as proposed by Lubbock) includes the
earlier half of the "Stone Age;" the remains belonging to it
are for the most part of extinct animals, with relics of
human beings.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age
(following the eolithic); "paleolithic artifacts" [syn:
paleolithic, palaeolithic]
n 1: second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to
500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice
age about 8,500 years BC [syn: Paleolithic Age,
Paleolithic, Palaeolithic]
podobné slovodefinícia
Paleolithic \Pa`le*o*lith"ic\ (p[=a]`l[-e]*[-o]*l[i^]th"[i^]k),
a. (Geol.)
Of or pertaining to an era marked by early stone implements.
The Paleolithic era (as proposed by Lubbock) includes the
earlier half of the "Stone Age;" the remains belonging to it
are for the most part of extinct animals, with relics of
human beings.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: middle part of the Stone Age beginning about 15,000 years
ago [syn: Mesolithic Age, Mesolithic, Epipaleolithic]
lower paleolithic
Lower Paleolithic
n 1: the oldest part of the Paleolithic Age with the emergence
of the hand ax; ended about 120,000 years ago
middle paleolithic
Middle Paleolithic
n 1: the time period of Neanderthal man; ended about 35,000
years BC
paleolithic age
Paleolithic Age
n 1: second part of the Stone Age beginning about 750,00 to
500,000 years BC and lasting until the end of the last ice
age about 8,500 years BC [syn: Paleolithic Age,
Paleolithic, Palaeolithic]
upper paleolithic
Upper Paleolithic
n 1: the time period during which only modern Homo sapiens was
known to have existed; ended about 10,000 years BC

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