pales,bledne v: Zdeněk Brož
Pulas \Pu"las\, n. [Skr. pal[=a][,c]a.] (Bot.)
The East Indian leguminous tree Butea frondosa. See {Gum
Butea}, under Gum. [Written also pales and palasa.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
- Palestína
- palestínsky
palestinian territory occupied
Palestinian Territory Occupied
- Palestína
- PS, PSE, Palestine, Palestinian Territory Occupied
- Palestinian
- PS, PSE, Palestine, Palestinian Territory Occupied
- Palestinian
Nepalese,nepálština n:
opalesce, v:
opalescence,opalescence n: Zdeněk Brož
opalescent,opalizující adj: Zdeněk Brožopalescent,zářící adj: Zdeněk Brož
order sphaerocarpales
order Sphaerocarpales, n:
palest,nejslabší adj: Zdeněk Brožpalest,nejsvětlejší adj: Zdeněk Brož
Palestine,Palestina n: [zem.] webPalestine,palestinský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Palestinian,Palestinec n: [pEliseid] Martin Král
palestra, n:
opalescence,opalescencen: Zdeněk Brož
Palestina,Palestinen: [zem.] web
palestine liberation organization
Palestine Liberation Organization,PLO[zkr.] PetrV
Palestinec,Palestiniann: [pEliseid] Martin Král
palestinský,Palestineadj: Zdeněk Brož
Nepalese \Nep`a*lese"\ (? or ?), prop. a.
Of or pertaining to Nepal, a kingdom North of India; as,
Nepalese troops massed at the border. [Formerly written

Syn: Nepali.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Nepalese \Nep`a*lese"\ (? or ?), prop. n. sing. & pl.
A native or natives of Nepal, or an inhabitant of Nepal.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Nepaulese \Nep`au*lese"\ (? or ?), prop. a.
Of or pertaining to Nepal (formerly written Nepaul), a
kingdom North of India; same as Nepalese. -- n. sing. & pl.
A native or natives of Nepal.
[1913 Webster]
Opalesce \O`pal*esce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Opalesced; p. pr.
& vb. n. Opalescing.]
To give forth a play of colors, like the opal.
[1913 Webster]
Opalesce \O`pal*esce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Opalesced; p. pr.
& vb. n. Opalescing.]
To give forth a play of colors, like the opal.
[1913 Webster]
Opalescence \O`pal*es"cence\, n. (Min.)
A reflection of a milky or pearly light from the interior of
a mineral, as in the moonstone; the state or quality of being
[1913 Webster]
Opalescent \O`pal*es"cent\, a.
Reflecting a milky or pearly light from the interior; having
an opaline play of colors.
[1913 Webster]
Opalesce \O`pal*esce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Opalesced; p. pr.
& vb. n. Opalescing.]
To give forth a play of colors, like the opal.
[1913 Webster]
Palesie \Pale"sie\ (p[add]l"z[-e]), Palesy \Pale"sy\, n.
Palsy. [Obs.] --Wyclif.
[1913 Webster] Palestinian
Pale \Pale\ (p[=a]l), a. [Compar. Paler (p[=a]l"[~e]r);
superl. Palest.] [F. p[^a]le, fr. p[^a]lir to turn pale, L.
pallere to be or look pale. Cf. Appall, Fallow, pall,
v. i., Pallid.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Wanting in color; not ruddy; dusky white; pallid; wan; as,
a pale face; a pale red; a pale blue. "Pale as a forpined
ghost." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Speechless he stood and pale. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

They are not of complexion red or pale. --T.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not bright or brilliant; of a faint luster or hue; dim;
as, the pale light of the moon.
[1913 Webster]

The night, methinks, is but the daylight sick;
It looks a little paler. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Pale is often used in the formation of self-explaining
compounds; as, pale-colored, pale-eyed, pale-faced,
pale-looking, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Palestinian \Pal`es*tin"i*an\, Palestinean \Pal`es*tin"e*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to Palestine.
[1913 Webster]
Palestinian \Pal`es*tin"i*an\, Palestinean \Pal`es*tin"e*an\, a.
Of or pertaining to Palestine.
[1913 Webster]
Palestra \Pa*les"tra\, n.; pl. L. Palestr[ae], E. Palestras.
[NL., fr. L. palaestra, Gr. ?, fr. ? to wrestle.] [Written
also pal[ae]stra.] (Antiq.)
(a) A wrestling school; hence, a gymnasium, or place for
athletic exercise in general.
(b) A wrestling; the exercise of wrestling.
[1913 Webster] Palestric
Palestra \Pa*les"tra\, n.; pl. L. Palestr[ae], E. Palestras.
[NL., fr. L. palaestra, Gr. ?, fr. ? to wrestle.] [Written
also pal[ae]stra.] (Antiq.)
(a) A wrestling school; hence, a gymnasium, or place for
athletic exercise in general.
(b) A wrestling; the exercise of wrestling.
[1913 Webster] Palestric
Palestra \Pa*les"tra\, n.; pl. L. Palestr[ae], E. Palestras.
[NL., fr. L. palaestra, Gr. ?, fr. ? to wrestle.] [Written
also pal[ae]stra.] (Antiq.)
(a) A wrestling school; hence, a gymnasium, or place for
athletic exercise in general.
(b) A wrestling; the exercise of wrestling.
[1913 Webster] Palestric
Palestrian \Pa*les"tri*an\, Palestric \Pa*les"tric\, Palestrical
\Pa*les"tric*al\, a. [L. palaestricus, Gr. ?.]
Of or pertaining to the palestra, or to wrestling.
[1913 Webster]
Palestrian \Pa*les"tri*an\, Palestric \Pa*les"tric\, Palestrical
\Pa*les"tric*al\, a. [L. palaestricus, Gr. ?.]
Of or pertaining to the palestra, or to wrestling.
[1913 Webster]
Palestrian \Pa*les"tri*an\, Palestric \Pa*les"tric\, Palestrical
\Pa*les"tric*al\, a. [L. palaestricus, Gr. ?.]
Of or pertaining to the palestra, or to wrestling.
[1913 Webster]
Palesie \Pale"sie\ (p[add]l"z[-e]), Palesy \Pale"sy\, n.
Palsy. [Obs.] --Wyclif.
[1913 Webster] Palestinian
democratic front for the liberation of palestine
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
n 1: a Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals
can only be achieved by revolutionary change; "in 1974 the
DFLP took over a schoolhouse and massacred Israeli
schoolchildren" [syn: {Democratic Front for the Liberation
of Palestine}, DFLP, {Popular Democratic Front for the
Liberation of Palestine}, PDFLP]
giovanni pierluigi da palestrina
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
n 1: Italian composer (1526-1594) [syn: Palestrina, {Giovanni
Pierluigi da Palestrina}]
islamic jihad for the liberation of palestine
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
n 1: a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran;
seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in
Lebanon; car bombs are the signature weapon [syn:
Hizballah, Hezbollah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah,
Lebanese Hizballah, Party of God, Islamic Jihad,
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine,
Revolutionary Justice Organization, {Organization of the
Oppressed on Earth}]
adj 1: of or pertaining to or characteristic of Nepal or its
people or language or culture; "Nepalese troops massed at
the border"; "Nepali mountains are among the highest in
the world"; "the different Nepali words for `rice'" [syn:
Nepalese, Nepali]
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Nepal [syn: Nepalese, Nepali]
nepalese monetary unit
Nepalese monetary unit
n 1: monetary unit in Nepal
nepalese rupee
Nepalese rupee
n 1: the basic unit of money in Nepal; equal to 100 paisa [syn:
Nepalese rupee, rupee]
v 1: reflect light or colors like an opal; "Distant clouds
opalesce like pale brocade"; "raindrops caught in a sunbeam
seem to opalesce"
2: exhibit a play of colors like that of an opal; "This nitrate
opalesces under certain conditions"
n 1: the visual property of something having a milky brightness
and a play of colors from the surface [syn: opalescence,
adj 1: having a play of lustrous rainbow colors; "an iridescent
oil slick"; "nacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking
like mother-of-pearl"; "a milky opalescent (or opaline)
luster" [syn: iridescent, nacreous, opalescent,
opaline, pearlescent]
order sphaerocarpales
order Sphaerocarpales
n 1: small order sometimes included in the order Jungermanniales
[syn: Sphaerocarpales, order Sphaerocarpales]
n 1: a former British mandate on the east coast of the
Mediterranean; divided between Jordan and Israel in 1948
2: an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of
the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity
and Islam and Judaism [syn: Palestine, Canaan, {Holy
Land}, Promised Land]
palestine authority
Palestine Authority
n 1: combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political
unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in
1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO [syn:
Palestine National Authority, {Palestinian National
Authority}, Palestine Authority]
palestine islamic jihad
Palestine Islamic Jihad
n 1: a militant Palestinian terrorist group created in 1979 and
committed to the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine
and to the destruction of Israel; smaller and more
exclusively militant that Hamas [syn: {Palestine Islamic
Jihad}, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ, {Harakat al-
Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini}]
palestine liberation front
Palestine Liberation Front
n 1: a terrorist group formed in 1977 as the result of a split
with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine;
became a satellite of al-Fatah; made terrorist attacks on
Israel across the Lebanese border [syn: {Palestine
Liberation Front}, PLF, {Jabat al-Tahrir al-
palestine liberation organization
Palestine Liberation Organization
n 1: a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort
to create an independent state of Palestine; when formed in
1964 it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser
Arafat's al-Fatah; in 1968 Arafat became chairman; received
recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in
1974 as a government in exile; has played a largely
political role since the creation of the Palestine National
Authority [syn: Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO]
palestine national authority
Palestine National Authority
n 1: combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political
unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in
1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO [syn:
Palestine National Authority, {Palestinian National
Authority}, Palestine Authority]
adj 1: of or relating to the area of Palestine and its
inhabitants; "Palestinian guerrillas"
n 1: a descendant of the Arabs who inhabited Palestine [syn:
Palestinian, Palestinian Arab]
palestinian arab
Palestinian Arab
n 1: a descendant of the Arabs who inhabited Palestine [syn:
Palestinian, Palestinian Arab]
palestinian hizballah
Palestinian Hizballah
n 1: a little known Palestinian group comprised of members of
Hamas and Tanzim with suspected ties to the Lebanese
Hizballah; responsible for suicide bombings in Israel
palestinian islamic jihad
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
n 1: a militant Palestinian terrorist group created in 1979 and
committed to the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine
and to the destruction of Israel; smaller and more
exclusively militant that Hamas [syn: {Palestine Islamic
Jihad}, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ, {Harakat al-
Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini}]
palestinian national authority
Palestinian National Authority
n 1: combines the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a political
unit with limited autonomy and a police force; created in
1993 by an agreement between Israel and the PLO [syn:
Palestine National Authority, {Palestinian National
Authority}, Palestine Authority]
n 1: a public place in ancient Greece or Rome devoted to the
training of wrestlers and other athletes [syn: palestra,
n 1: Italian composer (1526-1594) [syn: Palestrina, {Giovanni
Pierluigi da Palestrina}]
popular democratic front for the liberation of palestine
Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
n 1: a Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals
can only be achieved by revolutionary change; "in 1974 the
DFLP took over a schoolhouse and massacred Israeli
schoolchildren" [syn: {Democratic Front for the Liberation
of Palestine}, DFLP, {Popular Democratic Front for the
Liberation of Palestine}, PDFLP]
popular front for the liberation of palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
n 1: a terrorist group of limited popularity formed in 1967
after the Six-Day War; combined Marxist-Leninist ideology
with Palestinian nationalism; used terrorism to gain
attention for their cause; hoped to eliminate the state of
Israel [syn: {Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine}, PFLP]
popular front for the liberation of palestine-general command
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command
n 1: a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that conducted
several attacks in western Europe [syn: {Popular Front for
the Liberation of Palestine-General Command}, PFLP-GC]
n 1: small order sometimes included in the order Jungermanniales
[syn: Sphaerocarpales, order Sphaerocarpales]

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