pavan, n:
Pavan \Pav"an\, n. [F. pavane; cf. It. & Sp. pavana, and Sp.
pavon, pavo, a peacock, L. pavo.]
A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state
costume is worn; -- so called from the resemblance of its
movements to those of the peacock. [Written also pavane,
paven, pavian, and pavin.]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: music composed for dancing the pavane [syn: pavane,
2: a stately court dance of the 16th and 17th centuries [syn:
pavane, pavan]
podobné slovodefinícia
pavane, n:
Croton Pavana
Tilley \Til"ley\, n., or Tilley seed \Til"ley seed`\ (Bot.)
The seeds of a small tree (Croton Pavana) common in the
Malay Archipelago. These seeds furnish croton oil, like those
of Croton Tiglium. [Written also tilly.]
[1913 Webster]
Pavan \Pav"an\, n. [F. pavane; cf. It. & Sp. pavana, and Sp.
pavon, pavo, a peacock, L. pavo.]
A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state
costume is worn; -- so called from the resemblance of its
movements to those of the peacock. [Written also pavane,
paven, pavian, and pavin.]
[1913 Webster]
Pavan \Pav"an\, n. [F. pavane; cf. It. & Sp. pavana, and Sp.
pavon, pavo, a peacock, L. pavo.]
A stately and formal Spanish dance for which full state
costume is worn; -- so called from the resemblance of its
movements to those of the peacock. [Written also pavane,
paven, pavian, and pavin.]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: music composed for dancing the pavane [syn: pavane,
2: a stately court dance of the 16th and 17th centuries [syn:
pavane, pavan]

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