persimmon,tomel n: Zdeněk Brož
Persimmon \Per*sim"mon\, n. [Virginia Indian.] (Bot.)
An American tree (Diospyros Virginiana) and its fruit,
found from New York southward. The fruit is like a plum in
appearance, but is very harsh and astringent until it has
been exposed to frost, when it becomes palatable and
[1913 Webster]

Japanese persimmon, Diospyros Kaki and its red or yellow
edible fruit, which outwardly resembles a tomato, but
contains a few large seeds.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of several tropical trees of the genus Diospyros [syn:
persimmon, persimmon tree]
2: orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe
podobné slovodefinícia
japanese persimmon
Japanese persimmon,
persimmon tree
persimmon tree, n:
Japanese persimmon
Persimmon \Per*sim"mon\, n. [Virginia Indian.] (Bot.)
An American tree (Diospyros Virginiana) and its fruit,
found from New York southward. The fruit is like a plum in
appearance, but is very harsh and astringent until it has
been exposed to frost, when it becomes palatable and
[1913 Webster]

Japanese persimmon, Diospyros Kaki and its red or yellow
edible fruit, which outwardly resembles a tomato, but
contains a few large seeds.
[1913 Webster]
Persimmon \Per*sim"mon\, n. [Virginia Indian.] (Bot.)
An American tree (Diospyros Virginiana) and its fruit,
found from New York southward. The fruit is like a plum in
appearance, but is very harsh and astringent until it has
been exposed to frost, when it becomes palatable and
[1913 Webster]

Japanese persimmon, Diospyros Kaki and its red or yellow
edible fruit, which outwardly resembles a tomato, but
contains a few large seeds.
[1913 Webster]
american persimmon
American persimmon
n 1: medium-sized tree of dry woodlands in the southern and
eastern United States bearing yellow or orange very
astringent fruit that is edible when fully ripe [syn:
American persimmon, possumwood, Diospyros virginiana]
japanese persimmon
Japanese persimmon
n 1: small deciduous Asiatic tree bearing large red or orange
edible astringent fruit [syn: Japanese persimmon, kaki,
Diospyros kaki]
persimmon tree
persimmon tree
n 1: any of several tropical trees of the genus Diospyros [syn:
persimmon, persimmon tree]

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