philharmonic,filharmonický adj: Zdeněk Brož
Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, a. [Philo- + Gr. "armoni`a
harmony: cf. F. philharmonique.]
Loving harmony or music.
[1913 Webster]
Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, n.
One who loves harmony or music; also (Colloq.), short for
Philharmonic Society, Philharmonic concert, {Philharmonic
assemblage}, or the like.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
adj 1: composing or characteristic of an orchestral group;
"philharmonic players"
2: devoted to or appreciative of music; "the most philharmonic
ear is at times deeply affected by a simple air"
n 1: a large orchestra; can perform symphonies; "we heard the
Vienna symphony" [syn: symphony orchestra, symphony,
podobné slovodefinícia
philharmonic pitch
philharmonic pitch, n:
Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, a. [Philo- + Gr. "armoni`a
harmony: cf. F. philharmonique.]
Loving harmony or music.
[1913 Webster]Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, n.
One who loves harmony or music; also (Colloq.), short for
Philharmonic Society, Philharmonic concert, {Philharmonic
assemblage}, or the like.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Philharmonic assemblage
Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, n.
One who loves harmony or music; also (Colloq.), short for
Philharmonic Society, Philharmonic concert, {Philharmonic
assemblage}, or the like.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Philharmonic concert
Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, n.
One who loves harmony or music; also (Colloq.), short for
Philharmonic Society, Philharmonic concert, {Philharmonic
assemblage}, or the like.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Philharmonic Society
Philharmonic \Phil`har*mon"ic\, n.
One who loves harmony or music; also (Colloq.), short for
Philharmonic Society, Philharmonic concert, {Philharmonic
assemblage}, or the like.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
philharmonic pitch
philharmonic pitch
n 1: the pitch used to tune instruments for concert
performances; usually assigns 440 Hz to the A above middle
C [syn: concert pitch, philharmonic pitch,
international pitch]

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