slovo | definícia |
phoniest (gcide) | phoney \pho"ney\ (f[=o]"n[=e]), a. [Also spelled phony.]
[Compar. phonier; superl. phoniest.]
1. Imitating something superior; intended to deceive;
fraudulent; having a misleading appearance; not genuine;
false; counterfeit; fake; as, a phoney diamond; a phoney
hundred-dollar bill.
Syn: bogus, counterfeit, fake, ersatz; fraudulent; false.
2. Pretending to be other than one is; putting on false
appearances; insincere; hypocritical; -- of people.
[PJC] |
phoniest (gcide) | phony \pho"ny\ (f[=o]"n[=e]), a. [Also spelled phoney.]
[Compar. phonier; superl. phoniest.]
1. imitating something superior; intended to deceive;
fraudulent; having a misleading appearance; not genuine;
counterfeit; fake; as, a phony diamond; a phony
hundred-dollar bill.
Syn: phoney, bogus, counterfeit, fake.
2. Pretending to be other than one is; putting on false
appearances; insincere; hypocritical; -- of people.
[PJC] |
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