potassium,draselný adj: Zdeněk Brož
potassium,draslík n: [chem.] K
Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali
metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently
with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms
occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and
sylvite [syn: potassium, K, atomic number 19]
Symbol: K
Atomic number: 19
Atomic weight: 39.0983
Soft silvery metallic element belonging to group 1 of the periodic table
(alkali metals). Occurs naturally in seawater and a many minerals.
reactive, chemically, it resembles sodium in its behavior and compounds.
Discovered by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807.
podobné slovodefinícia
diclofenac potassium
diclofenac potassium, n:
penicillin v potassium
penicillin V potassium, n:
potassium acid carbonate
potassium acid carbonate, n:
potassium alum
potassium alum, n:
potassium bicarbonate
potassium bicarbonate, n:
potassium bromide
potassium bromide, n:
potassium carbonate
potassium carbonate, n:
potassium chlorate
potassium chlorate, n:
potassium chloride
potassium chloride,chlorid draselný (KCl) n: [chem.] Štěpán Šrubař
potassium cyanide
potassium cyanide, n:
potassium dichromate
potassium dichromate, n:
potassium ferrocyanide
potassium ferrocyanide, n:
potassium hydrogen carbonate
potassium hydrogen carbonate, n:
potassium hydrogen tartrate
potassium hydrogen tartrate, n:
potassium hydroxide
potassium hydroxide, n:
potassium iodide
potassium iodide, n:
potassium nitrate
potassium nitrate,dusičnan draselný n: [chem.] součást hnojiv
potassium permanganate
potassium permanganate, n:
potassium-argon dating
potassium-argon dating, n:
acid potassium tartrate
Cream \Cream\ (kr[=e]m), n. [F. cr[^e]me, perh. fr. LL. crema
cream of milk; cf. L. cremor thick juice or broth, perh. akin
to cremare to burn.]
1. The rich, oily, and yellowish part of milk, which, when
the milk stands unagitated, rises, and collects on the
surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is
[1913 Webster]

2. The part of any liquor that rises, and collects on the
surface. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from
cream, etc., or so as to resemble cream.
[1913 Webster]

4. A cosmetic; a creamlike medicinal preparation.
[1913 Webster]

In vain she tries her paste and creams,
To smooth her skin or hide its seams. --Goldsmith.
[1913 Webster]

5. The best or choicest part of a thing; the quintessence;
as, the cream of a jest or story; the cream of a
collection of books or pictures.
[1913 Webster]

Welcome, O flower and cream of knights errant.
[1913 Webster]

Bavarian cream, a preparation of gelatin, cream, sugar, and
eggs, whipped; -- to be eaten cold.

Cold cream, an ointment made of white wax, almond oil, rose
water, and borax, and used as a salve for the hands and

Cream cheese, a kind of cheese made from curd from which
the cream has not been taken off, or to which cream has
been added.

Cream gauge, an instrument to test milk, being usually a
graduated glass tube in which the milk is placed for the
cream to rise.

Cream nut, the Brazil nut.

Cream of lime.
(a) A scum of calcium carbonate which forms on a solution
of milk of lime from the carbon dioxide of the air.
(b) A thick creamy emulsion of lime in water.

Cream of tartar (Chem.), purified tartar or argol; so
called because of the crust of crystals which forms on the
surface of the liquor in the process of purification by
recrystallization. It is a white crystalline substance,
with a gritty acid taste, and is used very largely as an
ingredient of baking powders; -- called also {potassium
bitartrate}, acid potassium tartrate, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium bitartrate
Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]Cream \Cream\ (kr[=e]m), n. [F. cr[^e]me, perh. fr. LL. crema
cream of milk; cf. L. cremor thick juice or broth, perh. akin
to cremare to burn.]
1. The rich, oily, and yellowish part of milk, which, when
the milk stands unagitated, rises, and collects on the
surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is
[1913 Webster]

2. The part of any liquor that rises, and collects on the
surface. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from
cream, etc., or so as to resemble cream.
[1913 Webster]

4. A cosmetic; a creamlike medicinal preparation.
[1913 Webster]

In vain she tries her paste and creams,
To smooth her skin or hide its seams. --Goldsmith.
[1913 Webster]

5. The best or choicest part of a thing; the quintessence;
as, the cream of a jest or story; the cream of a
collection of books or pictures.
[1913 Webster]

Welcome, O flower and cream of knights errant.
[1913 Webster]

Bavarian cream, a preparation of gelatin, cream, sugar, and
eggs, whipped; -- to be eaten cold.

Cold cream, an ointment made of white wax, almond oil, rose
water, and borax, and used as a salve for the hands and

Cream cheese, a kind of cheese made from curd from which
the cream has not been taken off, or to which cream has
been added.

Cream gauge, an instrument to test milk, being usually a
graduated glass tube in which the milk is placed for the
cream to rise.

Cream nut, the Brazil nut.

Cream of lime.
(a) A scum of calcium carbonate which forms on a solution
of milk of lime from the carbon dioxide of the air.
(b) A thick creamy emulsion of lime in water.

Cream of tartar (Chem.), purified tartar or argol; so
called because of the crust of crystals which forms on the
surface of the liquor in the process of purification by
recrystallization. It is a white crystalline substance,
with a gritty acid taste, and is used very largely as an
ingredient of baking powders; -- called also {potassium
bitartrate}, acid potassium tartrate, etc.
[1913 Webster]
potassium bitartrate
Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]Cream \Cream\ (kr[=e]m), n. [F. cr[^e]me, perh. fr. LL. crema
cream of milk; cf. L. cremor thick juice or broth, perh. akin
to cremare to burn.]
1. The rich, oily, and yellowish part of milk, which, when
the milk stands unagitated, rises, and collects on the
surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is
[1913 Webster]

2. The part of any liquor that rises, and collects on the
surface. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from
cream, etc., or so as to resemble cream.
[1913 Webster]

4. A cosmetic; a creamlike medicinal preparation.
[1913 Webster]

In vain she tries her paste and creams,
To smooth her skin or hide its seams. --Goldsmith.
[1913 Webster]

5. The best or choicest part of a thing; the quintessence;
as, the cream of a jest or story; the cream of a
collection of books or pictures.
[1913 Webster]

Welcome, O flower and cream of knights errant.
[1913 Webster]

Bavarian cream, a preparation of gelatin, cream, sugar, and
eggs, whipped; -- to be eaten cold.

Cold cream, an ointment made of white wax, almond oil, rose
water, and borax, and used as a salve for the hands and

Cream cheese, a kind of cheese made from curd from which
the cream has not been taken off, or to which cream has
been added.

Cream gauge, an instrument to test milk, being usually a
graduated glass tube in which the milk is placed for the
cream to rise.

Cream nut, the Brazil nut.

Cream of lime.
(a) A scum of calcium carbonate which forms on a solution
of milk of lime from the carbon dioxide of the air.
(b) A thick creamy emulsion of lime in water.

Cream of tartar (Chem.), purified tartar or argol; so
called because of the crust of crystals which forms on the
surface of the liquor in the process of purification by
recrystallization. It is a white crystalline substance,
with a gritty acid taste, and is used very largely as an
ingredient of baking powders; -- called also {potassium
bitartrate}, acid potassium tartrate, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium carboxide
Carboxide \Car*box"ide\, n. [Carbon + oxide.] (Chem.)
A compound of carbon and oxygen, as carbonyl, with some
element or radical; as, potassium carboxide.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium carboxide, a grayish explosive crystalline
compound, C6O6K, obtained by passing carbon monoxide
over heated potassium.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium ferricyanide
Ferricyanide \Fer`ri*cy"a*nide\ (?; 104), n. [Ferri- + cyanide.]
One of a complex series of double cyanides of ferric iron and
some other base.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium ferricyanide (Chem.), red prussiate of potash; a
dark, red, crystalline salt, K6(CN)12Fe2, consisting of
the double cyanide of potassium and ferric iron. From it
is derived the ferrous ferricyanate, Turnbull's blue.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium ferrocyanide
Ferrocyanide \Fer`ro*cy"a*nide\ (? or ?; 104), n. [Ferro- +
cyanide.] (Chem.)
One of a series of complex double cyanides of ferrous iron
and some other base.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium ferrocyanide (Chem.), yellow prussiate of potash;
a tough, yellow, crystalline salt, K4(CN)6Fe, the
starting point in the manufacture of almost all cyanogen
compounds, and the basis of the ferric ferrocyanate,
prussian blue. It is obtained by strongly heating together
potash, scrap iron, and animal matter containing nitrogen,
as horn, leather, blood, etc., in iron pots.
[1913 Webster]
Potassium permanganate
Permanganate \Per*man"ga*nate\, n. (Chem.)
A salt of permanganic acid.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate. (Chem.) See {Potassium
permanganate}, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]Chameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]
potassium permanganate
Permanganate \Per*man"ga*nate\, n. (Chem.)
A salt of permanganic acid.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate. (Chem.) See {Potassium
permanganate}, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]Potassium \Po*tas"si*um\, n. [NL. See Potassa, Potash.]
An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined,
as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the
minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic
weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
[1913 Webster]

Note: It is reduced from the carbonate as a soft white metal,
lighter than water, which oxidizes with the greatest
readiness, and, to be preserved, must be kept under
liquid hydrocarbons, as naphtha or kerosene. Its
compounds are very important, being used in glass
making, soap making, in fertilizers, and in many drugs
and chemicals.
[1913 Webster]

Potassium permanganate, the salt KMnO4, crystallizing in
dark red prisms having a greenish surface color, and
dissolving in water with a beautiful purple red color; --
used as an oxidizer and disinfectant. The name {chameleon
mineral} is applied to this salt and also to potassium

Potassium bitartrate. See Cream of tartar, under Cream.
[1913 Webster]Chameleon \Cha*me"le*on\ (k[.a]*m[=e]"l[-e]*[u^]n), n. [L.
Chamaeleon, Gr. chamaile`wn, lit., "ground lion;" chamai` on
the ground + le`wn lion. See Humble, and Lion.] (Zool.)
1. A lizardlike reptile of the genus Cham[ae]leo, of
several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The
skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which
can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body
is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is
remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin
to blend with its surroundings. [Also sometimes spelled
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: Its color changes more or less with the color of the
objects about it, or with its temper when disturbed. In
a cool, dark place it is nearly white, or grayish; on
admitting the light, it changes to brown, bottle-green,
or blood red, of various shades, and more or less
mottled in arrangment. The American chameleons belong
to Anolis and allied genera of the family
Iguanid[ae]. They are more slender in form than the
true chameleons, but have the same power of changing
their colors.
[1913 Webster]

2. a person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit
the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.

Chameleon mineral (Chem.), the compound called {potassium
permanganate}, a dark violet, crystalline substance,
KMnO4, which in formation passes through a peculiar
succession of color from green to blue, purple, red, etc.
See Potassium permanganate, under Potassium.
[1913 Webster]
antimony potassium tartrate
antimony potassium tartrate
n 1: a poisonous colorless salt used as a mordant and in
medicine [syn: tartar emetic, {antimony potassium
diclofenac potassium
diclofenac potassium
n 1: a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Cataflam)
[syn: diclofenac potassium, Cataflam]
penicillin v potassium
penicillin V potassium
n 1: a form of penicillin V (trade name Ledercillin VK) [syn:
penicillin V potassium, Ledercillin VK]
potassium acid carbonate
potassium acid carbonate
n 1: a crystalline salt (KHCO3) that is used in baking powder
and as an antacid [syn: potassium bicarbonate, {potassium
acid carbonate}, potassium hydrogen carbonate]
potassium alum
potassium alum
n 1: a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the
potassium double sulfate of aluminum [syn: alum,
potassium alum, potash alum]
potassium bicarbonate
potassium bicarbonate
n 1: a crystalline salt (KHCO3) that is used in baking powder
and as an antacid [syn: potassium bicarbonate, {potassium
acid carbonate}, potassium hydrogen carbonate]
potassium bitartrate
potassium bitartrate
n 1: a salt used especially in baking powder [syn: {cream of
tartar}, tartar, potassium bitartrate, {potassium
hydrogen tartrate}]
potassium bromide
potassium bromide
n 1: a white crystalline salt (KBr) used as a sedative and in
potassium carbonate
potassium carbonate
n 1: a white salt (K2CO3) that is basic in solution; used to
make glass and cleansing agents
potassium chlorate
potassium chlorate
n 1: a white salt (KClO3) used in matches, fireworks, and
explosives; also used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent
potassium chloride
potassium chloride
n 1: salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur 20, Kaochlor and
K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte); taken in tablet form to
treat potassium deficiency [syn: potassium chloride,
potassium muriate, potash muriate, K-Dur 20,
Kaochlor, K-lor, Klorvess, K-lyte]
potassium cyanide
potassium cyanide
n 1: a poisonous salt (KCN) used in electroplating and in
potassium dichromate
potassium dichromate
n 1: an orange-red salt used in making dyes and in photography
potassium ferrocyanide
potassium ferrocyanide
n 1: a cyanide compound that is prepared by the reaction of
potassium cyanide with ferrous salts; commonly used by
gardeners [syn: potassium ferrocyanide, {yellow prussiate
of potash}]
potassium hydrogen carbonate
potassium hydrogen carbonate
n 1: a crystalline salt (KHCO3) that is used in baking powder
and as an antacid [syn: potassium bicarbonate, {potassium
acid carbonate}, potassium hydrogen carbonate]
potassium hydrogen tartrate
potassium hydrogen tartrate
n 1: a salt used especially in baking powder [syn: {cream of
tartar}, tartar, potassium bitartrate, {potassium
hydrogen tartrate}]
potassium hydroxide
potassium hydroxide
n 1: a potassium compound often used in agriculture and industry
[syn: potash, caustic potash, potassium hydroxide]
potassium iodide
potassium iodide
n 1: a crystalline salt in organic synthesis and in making
photographic emulsions and in iodized table salt
potassium muriate
potassium muriate
n 1: salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur 20, Kaochlor and
K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte); taken in tablet form to
treat potassium deficiency [syn: potassium chloride,
potassium muriate, potash muriate, K-Dur 20,
Kaochlor, K-lor, Klorvess, K-lyte]
potassium nitrate
potassium nitrate
n 1: (KNO3) used especially as a fertilizer and explosive [syn:
potassium nitrate, saltpeter, saltpetre, niter,
potassium permanganate
potassium permanganate
n 1: a poisonous salt that forms dark purple crystals and is
purple-red when dissolved in water; used as an oxidizing
and bleaching agent and as a disinfectant and antiseptic
[syn: potassium permanganate, permanganate of potash]
potassium sodium tartrate
potassium sodium tartrate
n 1: a double salt used in Seidlitz powder; acts as a cathartic
[syn: Rochelle salt, Rochelle salts, {potassium sodium
potassium-argon dating
potassium-argon dating
n 1: geological dating that relies on the proportions of
radioactive potassium in a rock sample and its decay
product, argon

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