- zemiak
potato,brambor n: Zdeněk Brož
potato,brambora n:
potato,bramborový adj:
Potato \Po*ta"to\, n.; pl. Potatoes. [Sp. patata potato,
batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably
batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade
family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which
there are numerous varieties used for food. It is
native of South America, but a form of the species is
found native as far north as New Mexico.
(b) The sweet potato (see below).
[1913 Webster]

Potato beetle, Potato bug. (Zool.)
(a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both
in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the
potato, often doing great damage. Called also
Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See
Colorado beetle.
(b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender
striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur
does less injury than the preceding species.

Potato fly (Zool.), any one of several species of blister
beetles infesting the potato vine. The black species
(Lytta atrata), the striped (Lytta vittata), and the
gray (Lytta Fabricii syn. Lytta cinerea) are the most
common. See Blister beetle, under Blister.

Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed
to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans),
which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.

Potato weevil (Zool.), an American weevil ({Baridius
trinotatus}) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of
potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.

Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky
taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made
from potatoes or potato starch.

Potato worm (Zool.), the large green larva of a sphinx, or
hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also
tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.

Seaside potato (Bot.), Ipom[oe]a Pes-Capr[ae], a kind of
morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed
leaves. [West Indies]

Sweet potato (Bot.), a climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a Balatas)
allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a
sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is
probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively
in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far
north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this
plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this
is the "potato" of the Southern United States.

Wild potato. (Bot.)
(a) A vine (Ipom[oe]a pandurata) having a pale purplish
flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy
places in the United States.
(b) A similar tropical American plant ({Ipom[oe]a
fastigiata}) which it is thought may have been the
original stock of the sweet potato.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of
Ireland [syn: potato, white potato, Irish potato,
murphy, spud, tater]
2: annual native to South America having underground stolons
bearing edible starchy tubers; widely cultivated as a garden
vegetable; vines are poisonous [syn: potato, {white
potato}, white potato vine, Solanum tuberosum]
podobné slovodefinícia
potato pancake
potato pancake
- zemiakové placky
potato puree
potato puree
- kaša
a sack of potatoes
a sack of potatoes,pytel brambor Pavel Cvrček
baked potato
baked potato,pečený brambor n: Pajosh
couch potato
couch potato,osoba sledující často televizi Zdeněk Brož
croquette potatoes
croquette potatoes,krokety
drop him like a hot potato
drop him like a hot potato,
french-fried potatoes
french-fried potatoes, n:
giant potato creeper
giant potato creeper, n:
home-fried potatoes
home-fried potatoes, n:
hot potato
hot potato,prekérní situace Zdeněk Brož
indian potato
Indian potato,
irish potato
Irish potato,
little potato
little potato, n:
mashed potato
mashed potato,bramborová kaše
meat and potatoes
meat and potatoes, n:
potato bean
potato bean, n:
potato beetle
potato beetle, n:
potato blight
potato blight, n:
potato bug
potato bug, n:
potato chip
potato chip,
potato crisps
potato crisps,brambůrky potato crisps,čipsy
potato disease
potato disease, n:
potato family
potato family, n:
potato fern
potato fern, n:
potato fungus
potato fungus, n:
potato mildew
potato mildew, n:
potato mold
potato mold, n:
potato mosaic
potato mosaic, n:
potato moth
potato moth, n:
potato murrain
potato murrain, n:
potato nose
potato nose, n:
potato pancake
potato pancake,bramborák
potato peel
potato peel, n:
potato peelings
potato peelings, n:
potato puree
potato puree,bramborová kaše potato puree,kaše bramborová
potato race
potato race, n:
potato sack
potato sack,
potato salad
potato salad,bramborový salát
potato scab bacteria
potato scab bacteria, n:
potato skin
potato skin, n:
potato tree
potato tree, n:
potato tuber moth
potato tuber moth, n:
potato tuberworm
potato tuberworm, n:
potato vine
potato vine, n:
potato wart
potato wart, n:
potato wart fungus
potato wart fungus, n:
potato worm
potato worm, n:
potato yellow dwarf
potato yellow dwarf, n:
potato yellow-dwarf virus
potato yellow-dwarf virus, n:
potatoes,brambory n: pl.
shoestring potatoes
shoestring potatoes,
small potatoes
small potatoes,malá ryba n: Zdeněk Brož
sweet potato
sweet potato,
sweet potato vine
sweet potato vine, n:
sweet potatoes
sweet potatoes,batáty n: pl. Jirka Daněksweet potatoes,sladké brambory n: pl. Jirka Daněk
sweet-potato ring rot
sweet-potato ring rot, n:
sweet-potato whitefly
sweet-potato whitefly, n:
telingo potato
telingo potato, n:
white potato
white potato, n:
white potato vine
white potato vine, n:
wild potato
wild potato, n:
wild potato vine
wild potato vine, n:
wild sweet potato vine
wild sweet potato vine, n:
yellow dwarf of potato
yellow dwarf of potato, n:
Chat potatoes
Chat \Chat\, n.
1. A twig, cone, or little branch. See Chit.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Mining) Small stones with ore.
[1913 Webster]

Chat potatoes, small potatoes, such as are given to swine.
[1913 Webster]
Colorado potato beetle
Potato \Po*ta"to\, n.; pl. Potatoes. [Sp. patata potato,
batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably
batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade
family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which
there are numerous varieties used for food. It is
native of South America, but a form of the species is
found native as far north as New Mexico.
(b) The sweet potato (see below).
[1913 Webster]

Potato beetle, Potato bug. (Zool.)
(a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both
in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the
potato, often doing great damage. Called also
Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See
Colorado beetle.
(b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender
striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur
does less injury than the preceding species.

Potato fly (Zool.), any one of several species of blister
beetles infesting the potato vine. The black species
(Lytta atrata), the striped (Lytta vittata), and the
gray (Lytta Fabricii syn. Lytta cinerea) are the most
common. See Blister beetle, under Blister.

Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed
to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans),
which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.

Potato weevil (Zool.), an American weevil ({Baridius
trinotatus}) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of
potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.

Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky
taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made
from potatoes or potato starch.

Potato worm (Zool.), the large green larva of a sphinx, or
hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also
tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.

Seaside potato (Bot.), Ipom[oe]a Pes-Capr[ae], a kind of
morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed
leaves. [West Indies]

Sweet potato (Bot.), a climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a Balatas)
allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a
sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is
probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively
in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far
north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this
plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this
is the "potato" of the Southern United States.

Wild potato. (Bot.)
(a) A vine (Ipom[oe]a pandurata) having a pale purplish
flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy
places in the United States.
(b) A similar tropical American plant ({Ipom[oe]a
fastigiata}) which it is thought may have been the
original stock of the sweet potato.
[1913 Webster]
Compotator \Com"po*ta`tor\, n. [L.]
One who drinks with another. [R.] --Pope.
[1913 Webster]
french-fried potatoes
french fries \french fries\ french-fried potatoes \french-fried
potatoes\ n. pl.
Strips of potatoes, usually cut with a rectangular
cross-section, cooked by immersing in hot fat or oil.
Irish potato
Irish \I"rish\, a. [AS. [imac]risc, fr. [imac]ras the Irish. Cf.
Aryan, Erse.]
Of or pertaining to Ireland or to its inhabitants; produced
in Ireland.
[1913 Webster]

Irish elk. (Zool.) See under Elk.

Irish moss.
(a) (Bot.) Carrageen.
(b) A preparation of the same made into a blanc mange.

Irish poplin. See Poplin.

Irish potato, the ordinary white potato, so called because
it is a favorite article of food in Ireland.

Irish reef, or Irishman's reef (Naut.), the head of a
sail tied up.

Irish stew, meat, potatoes, and onions, cut in small pieces
and stewed.
[1913 Webster]
mashed potato
mashed potato \mashed potato\, n.
the name of a dance, briefly popular in the 1960's.
[1913 Webster]
mashed potatoes
mashed potatoes \mashed potatoes\, n. pl.
Potatoes which have been boiled and mashed to a pulpy
consistency, usu. with sparing addition of milk, salt,
butter, or other flavoring. It is a popular accompaniment to
a meat course [U.S., 1900's], providing bulk and calories to
a meal.
Odonestis potatoria
Drinker \Drink"er\, n.
One who drinks; as, the effects of tea on the drinker; also,
one who drinks spirituous liquors to excess; a drunkard.
[1913 Webster]

Drinker moth (Zool.), a large British moth ({Odonestis
[1913 Webster]
Potato \Po*ta"to\, n.; pl. Potatoes. [Sp. patata potato,
batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably
batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade
family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which
there are numerous varieties used for food. It is
native of South America, but a form of the species is
found native as far north as New Mexico.
(b) The sweet potato (see below).
[1913 Webster]

Potato beetle, Potato bug. (Zool.)
(a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both
in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the
potato, often doing great damage. Called also
Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See
Colorado beetle.
(b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender
striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur
does less injury than the preceding species.

Potato fly (Zool.), any one of several species of blister
beetles infesting the potato vine. The black species
(Lytta atrata), the striped (Lytta vittata), and the
gray (Lytta Fabricii syn. Lytta cinerea) are the most
common. See Blister beetle, under Blister.

Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed
to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans),
which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.

Potato weevil (Zool.), an American weevil ({Baridius
trinotatus}) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of
potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.

Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky
taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made
from potatoes or potato starch.

Potato worm (Zool.), the large green larva of a sphinx, or
hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also
tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.

Seaside potato (Bot.), Ipom[oe]a Pes-Capr[ae], a kind of
morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed
leaves. [West Indies]

Sweet potato (Bot.), a climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a Balatas)
allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a
sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is
probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively
in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far
north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this
plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this
is the "potato" of the Southern United States.

Wild potato. (Bot.)
(a) A vine (Ipom[oe]a pandurata) having a pale purplish
flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy
places in the United States.
(b) A similar tropical American plant ({Ipom[oe]a
fastigiata}) which it is thought may have been the
original stock of the sweet potato.
[1913 Webster]
Potato beetle
Potato \Po*ta"to\, n.; pl. Potatoes. [Sp. patata potato,
batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably
batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade
family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which
there are numerous varieties used for food. It is
native of South America, but a form of the species is
found native as far north as New Mexico.
(b) The sweet potato (see below).
[1913 Webster]

Potato beetle, Potato bug. (Zool.)
(a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both
in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the
potato, often doing great damage. Called also
Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See
Colorado beetle.
(b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender
striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur
does less injury than the preceding species.

Potato fly (Zool.), any one of several species of blister
beetles infesting the potato vine. The black species
(Lytta atrata), the striped (Lytta vittata), and the
gray (Lytta Fabricii syn. Lytta cinerea) are the most
common. See Blister beetle, under Blister.

Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed
to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans),
which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.

Potato weevil (Zool.), an American weevil ({Baridius
trinotatus}) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of
potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.

Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky
taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made
from potatoes or potato starch.

Potato worm (Zool.), the large green larva of a sphinx, or
hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also
tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.

Seaside potato (Bot.), Ipom[oe]a Pes-Capr[ae], a kind of
morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed
leaves. [West Indies]

Sweet potato (Bot.), a climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a Balatas)
allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a
sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is
probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively
in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far
north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this
plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this
is the "potato" of the Southern United States.

Wild potato. (Bot.)
(a) A vine (Ipom[oe]a pandurata) having a pale purplish
flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy
places in the United States.
(b) A similar tropical American plant ({Ipom[oe]a
fastigiata}) which it is thought may have been the
original stock of the sweet potato.
[1913 Webster]Colorado beetle \Col`o*ra"do bee"tle\ (Zool.)
A yellowish beetle (Doryphora decemlineata), with ten
longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated
eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very
destructive to the potato plant; -- called also {potato
beetle} and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
[1913 Webster]
potato beetle
Potato \Po*ta"to\, n.; pl. Potatoes. [Sp. patata potato,
batata sweet potato, from the native American name (probably
batata) in Hayti.] (Bot.)
(a) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade
family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which
there are numerous varieties used for food. It is
native of South America, but a form of the species is
found native as far north as New Mexico.
(b) The sweet potato (see below).
[1913 Webster]

Potato beetle, Potato bug. (Zool.)
(a) A beetle (Doryphora decemlineata) which feeds, both
in the larval and adult stages, upon the leaves of the
potato, often doing great damage. Called also
Colorado potato beetle, and Doryphora. See
Colorado beetle.
(b) The Lema trilineata, a smaller and more slender
striped beetle which feeds upon the potato plant, bur
does less injury than the preceding species.

Potato fly (Zool.), any one of several species of blister
beetles infesting the potato vine. The black species
(Lytta atrata), the striped (Lytta vittata), and the
gray (Lytta Fabricii syn. Lytta cinerea) are the most
common. See Blister beetle, under Blister.

Potato rot, a disease of the tubers of the potato, supposed
to be caused by a kind of mold (Peronospora infestans),
which is first seen upon the leaves and stems.

Potato weevil (Zool.), an American weevil ({Baridius
trinotatus}) whose larva lives in and kills the stalks of
potato vines, often causing serious damage to the crop.

Potato whisky, a strong, fiery liquor, having a hot, smoky
taste, and rich in amyl alcohol (fusel oil); it is made
from potatoes or potato starch.

Potato worm (Zool.), the large green larva of a sphinx, or
hawk moth (Macrosila quinquemaculata); -- called also
tomato worm. See Illust. under Tomato.

Seaside potato (Bot.), Ipom[oe]a Pes-Capr[ae], a kind of
morning-glory with rounded and emarginate or bilobed
leaves. [West Indies]

Sweet potato (Bot.), a climbing plant (Ipom[oe]a Balatas)
allied to the morning-glory. Its farinaceous tubers have a
sweetish taste, and are used, when cooked, for food. It is
probably a native of Brazil, but is cultivated extensively
in the warmer parts of every continent, and even as far
north as New Jersey. The name potato was applied to this
plant before it was to the Solanum tuberosum, and this
is the "potato" of the Southern United States.

Wild potato. (Bot.)
(a) A vine (Ipom[oe]a pandurata) having a pale purplish
flower and an enormous root. It is common in sandy
places in the United States.
(b) A similar tropical American plant ({Ipom[oe]a
fastigiata}) which it is thought may have been the
original stock of the sweet potato.
[1913 Webster]Colorado beetle \Col`o*ra"do bee"tle\ (Zool.)
A yellowish beetle (Doryphora decemlineata), with ten
longitudinal, black, dorsal stripes. It has migrated
eastwards from its original habitat in Colorado, and is very
destructive to the potato plant; -- called also {potato
beetle} and potato bug. See Potato beetle.
[1913 Webster]

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