- šírenie
propagation,propagace n: Zdeněk Brož
Propagation \Prop`a*ga"tion\, n. [L. propagatio: cf. F.
[1913 Webster]
1. The act of propagating; continuance or multiplication of
the kind by generation or successive production; as, the
propagation of animals or plants.
[1913 Webster]

There is not in nature any spontaneous generation,
but all come by propagation. --Ray.
[1913 Webster]

2. The spreading abroad, or extension, of anything;
diffusion; dissemination; as, the propagation of sound;
the propagation of the gospel. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new
regions [syn: propagation, extension]
2: the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such
production [syn: generation, multiplication,
3: the movement of a wave through a medium
podobné slovodefinícia
Propagation \Prop`a*ga"tion\, n. [L. propagatio: cf. F.
[1913 Webster]
1. The act of propagating; continuance or multiplication of
the kind by generation or successive production; as, the
propagation of animals or plants.
[1913 Webster]

There is not in nature any spontaneous generation,
but all come by propagation. --Ray.
[1913 Webster]

2. The spreading abroad, or extension, of anything;
diffusion; dissemination; as, the propagation of sound;
the propagation of the gospel. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

(Or "backpropagation") A {learning
algorithm} that modifies a feed-forward neural network so
as to minimise a continuous "error function" or "{objective
function}." Back-propagation is a "gradient descent" method
of training in that it uses gradient information to modify the
network weights to decrease the output error. Other gradient
based methods from numerical analysis can be used to train
networks more efficiently.

Back-propagation uses a mathematical trick when the network is
simulated on a digital computer, yielding, in just two
traversals of the network (once forward, and once back), both
the difference between the desired and actual output, and the
derivatives of this difference with respect to the connection


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