pyrola, n:
n 1: any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola
[syn: wintergreen, pyrola]
podobné slovodefinícia
one-flowered pyrola
one-flowered pyrola, n:
pyrolatry, n:
Pyrola elliptica
Shin \Shin\, n. [OE. shine, schine, AS. scina; akin to D.
scheen, OHG. scina, G. schiene, schienbein, Dan. skinnebeen,
Sw. skenben. Cf. Chine.]
1. The front part of the leg below the knee; the front edge
of the shin bone; the lower part of the leg; the shank.
"On his shin." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Railbroad) A fish plate for rails. --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

Shin bone (Anat.), the tibia.

Shin leaf (Bot.), a perennial ericaceous herb ({Pyrola
elliptica}) with a cluster of radical leaves and a raceme
of greenish white flowers.
[1913 Webster]
Pyrolator \Py*rol"a*tor\, n. [See Pyrolatry.]
A fire worshiper. [R.] --Southey.
[1913 Webster]
Pyrolatry \Py*rol"a*try\, n. [Pyro- + Gr. ? worship: cf. F.
The worship of fire. --Young.
[1913 Webster] Pyroligneous
family pyrolaceae
family Pyrolaceae
n 1: evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola,
Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia [syn: Pyrolaceae, {family
Pyrolaceae}, wintergreen family]
genus pyrola
genus Pyrola
n 1: short-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions:
wintergreen; shinleaf
one-flowered pyrola
one-flowered pyrola
n 1: delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions
having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed
in genus Pyrola [syn: one-flowered wintergreen, {one-
flowered pyrola}, Moneses uniflora, Pyrola uniflora]
pyrola americana
Pyrola americana
n 1: evergreen of eastern North America with leathery leaves and
numerous white flowers [syn: false wintergreen, {Pyrola
americana}, Pyrola rotundifolia americana]
pyrola elliptica
Pyrola elliptica
n 1: North American evergreen with small pinkish bell-shaped
flowers and oblong leaves used formerly for shinplasters
[syn: wild lily of the valley, shinleaf, {Pyrola
pyrola minor
Pyrola minor
n 1: the common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of
pink-tinged white flowers; Europe and North America [syn:
lesser wintergreen, Pyrola minor]
pyrola rotundifolia
Pyrola rotundifolia
n 1: evergreen with rounded leaves and very fragrant creamy-
white flowers; widely distributed in northern parts of Old
and New Worlds [syn: wild lily of the valley, {Pyrola
pyrola rotundifolia americana
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
n 1: evergreen of eastern North America with leathery leaves and
numerous white flowers [syn: false wintergreen, {Pyrola
americana}, Pyrola rotundifolia americana]
pyrola uniflora
Pyrola uniflora
n 1: delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions
having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed
in genus Pyrola [syn: one-flowered wintergreen, {one-
flowered pyrola}, Moneses uniflora, Pyrola uniflora]
n 1: evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola,
Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia [syn: Pyrolaceae, {family
Pyrolaceae}, wintergreen family]
n 1: the worship of fire [syn: pyrolatry, fire-worship]

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