Pyrrhic \Pyr"rhic\, n.
1. [Gr. ?: cf. F. pyrrhique, fem.] An ancient Greek martial
dance, to the accompaniment of the flute, its time being
very quick.
[1913 Webster]

2. [L. pyrrhichius (sc. pes), Gr. ? (sc. ?): cf. F.
pyrrhique, masc.] (Pros.) A foot consisting of two short
[1913 Webster]
Pyrrhic \Pyr"rhic\, a. [L. pyrrhichius, Gr. ? belonging to the ?
(sc. ?) a kind of war dance.]
1. Of or pertaining to an ancient Greek martial dance. " ye
have the pyrrhic dance as yet." --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Pros.) Of or pertaining to a pyrrhic, or to pyrrhics;
containing pyrrhic; as, a pyrrhic verse.
[1913 Webster]

Pyrrhic victory [From Pyrrhus, king of Epirus.],
(a) a victory in which the winning side sustains very
heavy losses.
(b) any act supposedly benefitting the actor, for which
the costs outweight the benefits.
adj 1: of or relating to a war dance of ancient Greece; "pyrrhic
dance movements"
2: of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two
unstressed syllables; "pyrrhic verses"
3: of or relating to or resembling Pyrrhus or his exploits
(especially his sustaining staggering losses in order to
defeat the Romans); "a Pyrrhic victory"
n 1: a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed syllables [syn:
pyrrhic, dibrach]
2: an ancient Greek dance imitating the motions of warfare
podobné slovodefinícia
pyrrhic victory
Pyrrhic victory,Pyrrhovo vítězství [hist.] ~ vyjadřuje formální
vítězství či úspěch, které ve skutečnosti ve svých důsledcích žádným
vítězstvím či úspěchem není. mamm & Wikipedie
Pyrrhic \Pyr"rhic\, n.
1. [Gr. ?: cf. F. pyrrhique, fem.] An ancient Greek martial
dance, to the accompaniment of the flute, its time being
very quick.
[1913 Webster]

2. [L. pyrrhichius (sc. pes), Gr. ? (sc. ?): cf. F.
pyrrhique, masc.] (Pros.) A foot consisting of two short
[1913 Webster]Pyrrhic \Pyr"rhic\, a. [L. pyrrhichius, Gr. ? belonging to the ?
(sc. ?) a kind of war dance.]
1. Of or pertaining to an ancient Greek martial dance. " ye
have the pyrrhic dance as yet." --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Pros.) Of or pertaining to a pyrrhic, or to pyrrhics;
containing pyrrhic; as, a pyrrhic verse.
[1913 Webster]

Pyrrhic victory [From Pyrrhus, king of Epirus.],
(a) a victory in which the winning side sustains very
heavy losses.
(b) any act supposedly benefitting the actor, for which
the costs outweight the benefits.
Pyrrhic victory
Pyrrhic \Pyr"rhic\, a. [L. pyrrhichius, Gr. ? belonging to the ?
(sc. ?) a kind of war dance.]
1. Of or pertaining to an ancient Greek martial dance. " ye
have the pyrrhic dance as yet." --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Pros.) Of or pertaining to a pyrrhic, or to pyrrhics;
containing pyrrhic; as, a pyrrhic verse.
[1913 Webster]

Pyrrhic victory [From Pyrrhus, king of Epirus.],
(a) a victory in which the winning side sustains very
heavy losses.
(b) any act supposedly benefitting the actor, for which
the costs outweight the benefits.
Pyrrhicist \Pyr"rhi*cist\, n. (Gr. Antiq.)
One two danced the pyrrhic.
[1913 Webster] Pyrrhonean
pyrrhic victory
Pyrrhic victory
n 1: a victory that is won by incurring terrible losses

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