quartz,krystal n: [tech.]
quartz,křemen n: Zdeněk Brož
Quartz \Quartz\, n. [G. quarz.] (Min.)
A form of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), occurring in
hexagonal crystals, which are commonly colorless and
transparent, but sometimes also yellow, brown, purple, green,
and of other colors; also in cryptocrystalline massive forms
varying in color and degree of transparency, being sometimes
[1913 Webster]

Note: The crystalline varieties include: amethyst, violet;
citrine and false topaz, pale yellow; rock crystal,
transparent and colorless or nearly so; rose quartz,
rosecolored; smoky quartz, smoky brown. The chief
crypto-crystalline varieties are: agate, a chalcedony
in layers or clouded with different colors, including
the onyx and sardonyx; carnelian and sard, red or
flesh-colored chalcedony; chalcedony, nearly white, and
waxy in luster; chrysoprase, an apple-green chalcedony;
flint, hornstone, basanite, or touchstone, brown to
black in color and compact in texture; heliotrope,
green dotted with red; jasper, opaque, red yellow, or
brown, colored by iron or ferruginous clay; prase,
translucent and dull leek-green. Quartz is an essential
constituent of granite, and abounds in rocks of all
ages. It forms the rocks quartzite (quartz rock) and
sandstone, and makes most of the sand of the seashore.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: colorless glass made of almost pure silica [syn: {quartz
glass}, quartz, vitreous silica, lechatelierite,
2: a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in
crystal form; present in most rocks (especially sandstone and
granite); yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities
podobné slovodefinícia
quartz battery
quartz battery, n:
quartz crystal
quartz crystal, n:
quartz glass
quartz glass, n:
quartz lamp
quartz lamp, n:
quartz mill
quartz mill, n:
quartz oscillator
quartz oscillator, n:
quartzite,křemenec n: Zdeněk Brož
quartzose, adj:
rose quartz
rose quartz, n:
smoky quartz
smoky quartz, n:
transparent quartz
transparent quartz, n:
Quartz \Quartz\, n. [G. quarz.] (Min.)
A form of silica, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), occurring in
hexagonal crystals, which are commonly colorless and
transparent, but sometimes also yellow, brown, purple, green,
and of other colors; also in cryptocrystalline massive forms
varying in color and degree of transparency, being sometimes
[1913 Webster]

Note: The crystalline varieties include: amethyst, violet;
citrine and false topaz, pale yellow; rock crystal,
transparent and colorless or nearly so; rose quartz,
rosecolored; smoky quartz, smoky brown. The chief
crypto-crystalline varieties are: agate, a chalcedony
in layers or clouded with different colors, including
the onyx and sardonyx; carnelian and sard, red or
flesh-colored chalcedony; chalcedony, nearly white, and
waxy in luster; chrysoprase, an apple-green chalcedony;
flint, hornstone, basanite, or touchstone, brown to
black in color and compact in texture; heliotrope,
green dotted with red; jasper, opaque, red yellow, or
brown, colored by iron or ferruginous clay; prase,
translucent and dull leek-green. Quartz is an essential
constituent of granite, and abounds in rocks of all
ages. It forms the rocks quartzite (quartz rock) and
sandstone, and makes most of the sand of the seashore.
[1913 Webster]
quartz rock
Quartzite \Quartz"ite\, n. [Cf. F. quartzite.] (Min.)
Massive quartz occurring as a rock; a metamorphosed
sandstone; -- called also quartz rock.
[1913 Webster]
Quartziferous \Quartz*if"er*ous\, a. [Quartz + -ferous.] (Min.)
Consisting chiefly of quartz; containing quartz.
[1913 Webster]
Quartzite \Quartz"ite\, n. [Cf. F. quartzite.] (Min.)
Massive quartz occurring as a rock; a metamorphosed
sandstone; -- called also quartz rock.
[1913 Webster]
Quartzoid \Quartz"oid\, n. [Quartz + -oid.] (Crystallog.)
A form of crystal common with quartz, consisting of two
six-sided pyramids, base to base.
[1913 Webster]
Quartzose \Quartz"ose`\, a. [Cf. F. quartzeux, G. quarzig.]
Containing, or resembling, quartz; partaking of the nature or
qualities of quartz.
[1913 Webster]
quartzous \quartz"ous\, a. (Min.)
[1913 Webster]
Quartzy \Quartz"y\, a. (Min.)
[1913 Webster]
Rose quartz
Rose \Rose\, n. [AS. rose, L. rosa, probably akin to Gr. ?,
Armor. vard, OPer. vareda; and perhaps to E. wort: cf. F.
rose, from the Latin. Cf. Copperas, Rhododendron.]
1. A flower and shrub of any species of the genus Rosa, of
which there are many species, mostly found in the morthern
[1913 Webster]

Note: Roses are shrubs with pinnate leaves and usually
prickly stems. The flowers are large, and in the wild
state have five petals of a color varying from deep
pink to white, or sometimes yellow. By cultivation and
hybridizing the number of petals is greatly increased
and the natural perfume enhanced. In this way many
distinct classes of roses have been formed, as the
Banksia, Baurbon, Boursalt, China, Noisette, hybrid
perpetual, etc., with multitudes of varieties in nearly
every class.
[1913 Webster]

2. A knot of ribbon formed like a rose; a rose knot; a
rosette, esp. one worn on a shoe. --Sha.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Arch.) A rose window. See Rose window, below.
[1913 Webster]

4. A perforated nozzle, as of a pipe, spout, etc., for
delivering water in fine jets; a rosehead; also, a
strainer at the foot of a pump.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Med.) The erysipelas. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster]

6. The card of the mariner's compass; also, a circular card
with radiating lines, used in other instruments.
[1913 Webster]

7. The color of a rose; rose-red; pink.
[1913 Webster]

8. A diamond. See Rose diamond, below.
[1913 Webster]

Cabbage rose, China rose, etc. See under Cabbage,
China, etc.

Corn rose (Bot.) See Corn poppy, under Corn.

Infantile rose (Med.), a variety of roseola.

Jamaica rose. (Bot.) See under Jamaica.

Rose acacia (Bot.), a low American leguminous shrub
(Robinia hispida) with handsome clusters of rose-colored

Rose aniline. (Chem.) Same as Rosaniline.

Rose apple (Bot.), the fruit of the tropical myrtaceous
tree Eugenia Jambos. It is an edible berry an inch or
more in diameter, and is said to have a very strong
roselike perfume.

Rose beetle. (Zool.)
(a) A small yellowish or buff longlegged beetle
(Macrodactylus subspinosus), which eats the leaves
of various plants, and is often very injurious to
rosebushes, apple trees, grapevines, etc. Called also
rose bug, and rose chafer.
(b) The European chafer.

Rose bug. (Zool.) same as Rose beetle, Rose chafer.

Rose burner, a kind of gas-burner producing a rose-shaped

Rose camphor (Chem.), a solid odorless substance which
separates from rose oil.

Rose campion. (Bot.) See under Campion.

Rose catarrh (Med.), rose cold.

Rose chafer. (Zool.)
(a) A common European beetle (Cetonia aurata) which is
often very injurious to rosebushes; -- called also
rose beetle, and rose fly.
(b) The rose beetle
(a) .

Rose cold (Med.), a variety of hay fever, sometimes
attributed to the inhalation of the effluvia of roses. See
Hay fever, under Hay.

Rose color, the color of a rose; pink; hence, a beautiful
hue or appearance; fancied beauty, attractiveness, or

Rose de Pompadour, Rose du Barry, names succesively given
to a delicate rose color used on S[`e]vres porcelain.

Rose diamond, a diamond, one side of which is flat, and the
other cut into twenty-four triangular facets in two ranges
which form a convex face pointed at the top. Cf.
Brilliant, n.

Rose ear. See under Ear.

Rose elder (Bot.), the Guelder-rose.

Rose engine, a machine, or an appendage to a turning lathe,
by which a surface or wood, metal, etc., is engraved with
a variety of curved lines. --Craig.

Rose family (Bot.) the Roseceae. See Rosaceous.

Rose fever (Med.), rose cold.

Rose fly (Zool.), a rose betle, or rose chafer.

Rose gall (Zool.), any gall found on rosebushes. See

Rose knot, a ribbon, or other pliade band plaited so as to
resemble a rose; a rosette.

Rose lake, Rose madder, a rich tint prepared from lac and
madder precipitated on an earthy basis. --Fairholt.

Rose mallow. (Bot.)
(a) A name of several malvaceous plants of the genus
Hibiscus, with large rose-colored flowers.
(b) the hollyhock.

Rose nail, a nail with a convex, faceted head.

Rose noble, an ancient English gold coin, stamped with the
figure of a rose, first struck in the reign of Edward
III., and current at 6s. 8d. --Sir W. Scott.

Rose of China. (Bot.) See China rose
(b), under China.

Rose of Jericho (Bot.), a Syrian cruciferous plant
(Anastatica Hierochuntica) which rolls up when dry, and
expands again when moistened; -- called also {resurrection

Rose of Sharon (Bot.), an ornamental malvaceous shrub
(Hibiscus Syriacus). In the Bible the name is used for
some flower not yet identified, perhaps a Narcissus, or
possibly the great lotus flower.

Rose oil (Chem.), the yellow essential oil extracted from
various species of rose blossoms, and forming the chief
part of attar of roses.

Rose pink, a pigment of a rose color, made by dyeing chalk
or whiting with a decoction of Brazil wood and alum; also,
the color of the pigment.

Rose quartz (Min.), a variety of quartz which is rose-red.

Rose rash. (Med.) Same as Roseola.

Rose slug (Zool.), the small green larva of a black sawfly
(Selandria rosae). These larvae feed in groups on the
parenchyma of the leaves of rosebushes, and are often
abundant and very destructive.

Rose window (Arch.), a circular window filled with
ornamental tracery. Called also Catherine wheel, and
marigold window. Cf. wheel window, under Wheel.

Summer rose (Med.), a variety of roseola. See Roseola.

Under the rose [a translation of L. sub rosa], in secret;
privately; in a manner that forbids disclosure; -- the
rose being among the ancients the symbol of secrecy, and
hung up at entertainments as a token that nothing there
said was to be divulged.

Wars of the Roses (Eng. Hist.), feuds between the Houses of
York and Lancaster, the white rose being the badge of the
House of York, and the red rose of the House of Lancaster.
[1913 Webster]
Smoky quartz
Smoky \Smok"y\, a. [Compar. Smokier; superl. Smokiest.]
1. Emitting smoke, esp. in large quantities or in an
offensive manner; fumid; as, smoky fires.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having the appearance or nature of smoke; as, a smoky fog.
"Unlustrous as the smoky light." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Filled with smoke, or with a vapor resembling smoke;
thick; as, a smoky atmosphere.
[1913 Webster]

4. Subject to be filled with smoke from chimneys or
fireplace; as, a smoky house.
[1913 Webster]

5. Tarnished with smoke; noisome with smoke; as, smoky
rafters; smoky cells.
[1913 Webster]

6. Suspicious; open to suspicion. [Obs.] --Foote.
[1913 Webster]

Smoky quartz (Min.), a variety of quartz crystal of a pale
to dark smoky-brown color. See Quartz.
[1913 Webster] Smolder
Vein quartz
Vein quartz \Vein quartz\
Quartz occurring as gangue in a vein.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
quartz battery
quartz battery
n 1: a stamp mill for stamping quartz [syn: quartz battery,
quartz mill]
quartz crystal
quartz crystal
n 1: a thin plate or small rod of quartz cut along certain lines
and ground so that it can produce an electric signal at a
constant frequency; used in crystal oscillators
quartz glass
quartz glass
n 1: colorless glass made of almost pure silica [syn: {quartz
glass}, quartz, vitreous silica, lechatelierite,
quartz lamp
quartz lamp
n 1: a mercury-vapor lamp that is enclosed in a quartz container
instead of a glass container
quartz mill
quartz mill
n 1: a stamp mill for stamping quartz [syn: quartz battery,
quartz mill]
quartz oscillator
quartz oscillator
n 1: an oscillator that produces electrical oscillations at a
frequency determined by the physical characteristics of a
piezoelectric quartz crystal [syn: crystal oscillator,
quartz oscillator]
n 1: hard metamorphic rock consisting essentially of
interlocking quartz crystals
adj 1: relating to or made of quartz
rose quartz
rose quartz
n 1: a translucent rose-red variety of quartz used for ornaments
smoky quartz
smoky quartz
n 1: a smoky yellow or brown quartz [syn: cairngorm, {smoky
transparent quartz
transparent quartz
n 1: a clear quartz used in making electronic and optical
equipment [syn: rock crystal, transparent quartz]

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