racking,napínání n: web
Rack \Rack\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Racked (r[a^]kt); p. pr. &
vb. n. Racking.] [See Rack that which stretches, or
Rock, v.]
To amble fast, causing a rocking or swaying motion of the
body; to pace; -- said of a horse. --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]
Racking \Rack"ing\, n. (Naut.)
Spun yarn used in racking ropes.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: causing great physical or mental suffering; "a wrenching
pain" [syn: racking, wrenching]
podobné slovodefinícia
- sledovanie
barracking,pokřikování n: Zdeněk Brož
be cracking jokes
be cracking jokes,vtipkovat [fráz.] Pino
cracking,praskání n: Zdeněk Brožcracking,pukání n: Zdeněk Brožcracking,špičkový adj: [hovor.] Pinocracking,úžasný adj: [hovor.] Pino
fracking,frakování n: [horn.] metanfracking,hydraulické štěpení n: [horn.] metan
get cracking
get cracking,dát se do toho [fráz.] Pinoget cracking,hodit sebou Zdeněk Brož
hydrocracking, n:
nerve-racking,nervy drásající
nerve-wracking,nervy drásající
tracking,sledování n: Zdeněk Brožtracking,sledující Zdeněk Brožtracking,stopování Zdeněk Brož
tracking station
tracking station,sledovací stanice Zdeněk Brož
suspense control and automated tracking system
Suspense Control and Automated Tracking System,SCATS[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Crack \Crack\ (kr[a^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cracked
(kr[a^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Cracking.] [OE. cracken,
craken, to crack, break, boast, AS. cracian, cearcian, to
crack; akin to D. kraken, G. krachen; cf. Skr. garj to
rattle, or perh. of imitative origin. Cf. Crake,
Cracknel, Creak.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To break or burst, with or without entire separation of
the parts; as, to crack glass; to crack nuts.
[1913 Webster]

2. To rend with grief or pain; to affect deeply with sorrow;
hence, to disorder; to distract; to craze.
[1913 Webster]

O, madam, my old heart is cracked. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

He thought none poets till their brains were
cracked. --Roscommon.
[1913 Webster]

3. To cause to sound suddenly and sharply; to snap; as, to
crack a whip.
[1913 Webster]

4. To utter smartly and sententiously; as, to crack a joke.
--B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

5. To cry up; to extol; -- followed by up. [Low]
[1913 Webster]

To crack a bottle, to open the bottle and drink its

To crack a crib, to commit burglary. [Slang]

To crack on, to put on; as, to crack on more sail, or more
steam. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]cracking \cracking\ n.
1. the act of cracking something.

Syn: fracture, crack.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Chem.) the process of making lower molecular weight
hydrocarbons from heavier hydrocarbons in petroleum, by
exposure to heat and catalysts. It is used to convert
heavier alkanes into gasoline, or to improve the octane
number of an alkane mixture.
[PJC]cracking \cracking\ adj.
same as groovy, sense 1. [informal]

Syn: bang-up, bully, cool, corking, dandy, great, groovy,
keen, neat, nifty, not bad(predicate), peachy, slap-up,
swell, smashing.
[WordNet 1.5]
Crack \Crack\ (kr[a^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cracked
(kr[a^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. Cracking.] [OE. cracken,
craken, to crack, break, boast, AS. cracian, cearcian, to
crack; akin to D. kraken, G. krachen; cf. Skr. garj to
rattle, or perh. of imitative origin. Cf. Crake,
Cracknel, Creak.]
[1913 Webster]
1. To break or burst, with or without entire separation of
the parts; as, to crack glass; to crack nuts.
[1913 Webster]

2. To rend with grief or pain; to affect deeply with sorrow;
hence, to disorder; to distract; to craze.
[1913 Webster]

O, madam, my old heart is cracked. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

He thought none poets till their brains were
cracked. --Roscommon.
[1913 Webster]

3. To cause to sound suddenly and sharply; to snap; as, to
crack a whip.
[1913 Webster]

4. To utter smartly and sententiously; as, to crack a joke.
--B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

5. To cry up; to extol; -- followed by up. [Low]
[1913 Webster]

To crack a bottle, to open the bottle and drink its

To crack a crib, to commit burglary. [Slang]

To crack on, to put on; as, to crack on more sail, or more
steam. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]cracking \cracking\ n.
1. the act of cracking something.

Syn: fracture, crack.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Chem.) the process of making lower molecular weight
hydrocarbons from heavier hydrocarbons in petroleum, by
exposure to heat and catalysts. It is used to convert
heavier alkanes into gasoline, or to improve the octane
number of an alkane mixture.
[PJC]cracking \cracking\ adj.
same as groovy, sense 1. [informal]

Syn: bang-up, bully, cool, corking, dandy, great, groovy,
keen, neat, nifty, not bad(predicate), peachy, slap-up,
swell, smashing.
[WordNet 1.5]
nerve-racking \nerve-racking\ (n[~e]rv"-r[a^]k`[i^]ng), adj.
Extremely irritating to the nerves; stressful; trying; as,
nerve-wracking noise. [Also spelled nerve-wracking.]

Syn: stressful, trying.
[WordNet 1.5]
nerve-racking nerve-wracking stressful trying
Ill-natured \Ill`-na"tured\, a.
1. Of habitual bad temper; having an unpleasant disposition;
surly; disagreeable; cross; peevish; fractious; crabbed;
-- of people; as, an ill-natured person; an ill-natured
disagreeable old man. Opposite of good-natured.
[Narrower terms: {argumentative, contentious,
disputatious, disputative, litigious : {atrabilious,
bilious, dyspeptic, liverish : {bristly, prickly,
snappish, splenetic, waspish : {cantankerous, crotchety,
ornery : {choleric, irascible, hotheaded, hot-headed,
hot-tempered, quick-tempered, short-tempered : {crabbed,
crabby, cross, fussy, fussbudgety, grouchy, grumpy,
bad-tempered, ill-tempered}: {cranky, fractious,
irritable, peevish, peckish, pettish, petulant, testy,
tetchy, techy : {crusty, curmudgeonly, gruff, ill-humored,
ill-humoured}: {dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose,
saturnine, sour, sullen : {feisty, touchy : {huffish,
sulky}: {misanthropic, misanthropical : {misogynous :
shirty, snorty ill-tempered or annoyed): {shrewish,
nagging, vixenish : surly, ugly ] Also See: {unpleasant.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

2. Dictated by, or indicating, ill nature; spiteful. "The
ill-natured task refuse." --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

3. Intractable; not yielding to culture. [R.] "Ill-natured
land." --J. Philips.

3. not to one's liking; unpleasant; disagreeable. Opposite of
agreeable. [WordNet sense 2] [Narrower terms: {annoying,
galling, chafing, irritating, nettlesome, pesky,
pestiferous, pestilent, plaguy, plaguey, teasing,
vexatious, vexing}; {nerve-racking, nerve-wracking,
stressful, trying ]

Syn: disagreeable.
[WordNet 1.5] -- Ill`-na"tured*ly, adv. --
Ill`-na"tured*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
nerve-racking \nerve-racking\ (n[~e]rv"-r[a^]k`[i^]ng), adj.
Extremely irritating to the nerves; stressful; trying; as,
nerve-wracking noise. [Also spelled nerve-wracking.]

Syn: stressful, trying.
[WordNet 1.5]nerve-wracking \nerve-wracking\ (n[~e]rv"-r[a^]k`[i^]ng), adj.
Same as nerve-racking.

Syn: stressful, trying.
[WordNet 1.5]
Rack \Rack\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Racked (r[a^]kt); p. pr. &
vb. n. Racking.] [See Rack that which stretches, or
Rock, v.]
To amble fast, causing a rocking or swaying motion of the
body; to pace; -- said of a horse. --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]Racking \Rack"ing\, n. (Naut.)
Spun yarn used in racking ropes.
[1913 Webster]
Sidetrack \Side"track`\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sidetracked; p.
pr. & vb. n. Sidetracking.]
1. (Railroads) To transfer to a siding from a main line of
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. Hence, fig., to divert or reduce to a position or
condition that is relatively secondary or subordinate in
activity, importance, effectiveness, or the like; to
switch off; to turn aside, as from a purpose. [Colloq.]

Such a project was, in fact, sidetracked in favor of
the census of school children. --Pop. Sci.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Track \Track\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. tracked; p. pr. & vb. n.
To follow the tracks or traces of; to pursue by following the
marks of the feet; to trace; to trail; as, to track a deer in
the snow.
[1913 Webster]

It was often found impossible to track the robbers to
their retreats among the hills and morasses.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) To draw along continuously, as a vessel, by a
line, men or animals on shore being the motive power; to
[1913 Webster]
n 1: shouting to interrupt a speech with which you disagree
[syn: heckling, barracking]
adj 1: very good; "he did a bully job"; "a neat sports car";
"had a great time at the party"; "you look simply
smashing" [syn: bang-up, bully, corking,
cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, neat,
nifty, not bad(p), peachy, slap-up, swell,
n 1: a sudden sharp noise; "the crack of a whip"; "he heard the
cracking of the ice"; "he can hear the snap of a twig"
[syn: crack, cracking, snap]
2: the act of cracking something [syn: fracture, crack,
3: the process whereby heavy molecules of naphtha or petroleum
are broken down into hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight
(especially in the oil-refining process)
get cracking
get cracking
v 1: start to be active; "Get cracking, please!" [syn: {get
cracking}, bestir oneself, get going, get moving,
get weaving, get started, get rolling]
n 1: the process whereby hydrocarbon molecules of petroleum are
broken down into kerosene and gasolene by the addition of
hydrogen under high pressure in the presence of a catalyst
adj 1: extremely irritating to the nerves; "nerve-racking
noise"; "the stressful days before a war"; "a trying day
at the office" [syn: nerve-racking, nerve-wracking,
stressful, trying]
adj 1: extremely irritating to the nerves; "nerve-racking
noise"; "the stressful days before a war"; "a trying day
at the office" [syn: nerve-racking, nerve-wracking,
stressful, trying]
n 1: the pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or
marks they left behind [syn: trailing, tracking]

A scheme for solving a series of sub-problems each
of which may have multiple possible solutions and where the
solution chosen for one sub-problem may affect the possible
solutions of later sub-problems.

To solve the overall problem, we find a solution to the first
sub-problem and then attempt to recursively solve the other
sub-problems based on this first solution. If we cannot, or
we want all possible solutions, we backtrack and try the next
possible solution to the first sub-problem and so on.
Backtracking terminates when there are no more solutions to
the first sub-problem.

This is the algorithm used by logic programming languages
such as Prolog to find all possible ways of proving a
goal. An optimisation known as "intelligent backtracking"
keeps track of the dependencies between sub-problems and only
re-solves those which depend on an earlier solution which has

Backtracking is one algorithm which can be used to implement
nondeterminism. It is effectively a depth-first search of
a problem space.

bug tracking system
bug tracking system

(BTS) A system for receiving and filing bugs
reported against a software project, and tracking those bugs
until they are fixed. Most major software projects have their
own BTS, the source code of which is often available for use
by other projects.

Well known BTSs include GNATS, Bugzilla, and Debbugs.


An individual who attempts to gain unauthorised
access to a computer system. These individuals are often
malicious and have many means at their disposal for breaking
into a system. The term was coined ca. 1985 by hackers in
defence against journalistic misuse of "hacker". An earlier
attempt to establish "worm" in this sense around 1981--82 on
Usenet was largely a failure.

Use of both these neologisms reflects a strong revulsion
against the theft and vandalism perpetrated by cracking rings.
The neologism "cracker" in this sense may have been influenced
not so much by the term "safe-cracker" as by the non-jargon
term "cracker", which in Middle English meant an obnoxious
person (e.g., "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears /
With this abundance of superfluous breath?" -- Shakespeare's
King John, Act II, Scene I) and in modern colloquial American
English survives as a barely gentler synonym for "white

While it is expected that any real hacker will have done some
playful cracking and knows many of the basic techniques,
anyone past larval stage is expected to have outgrown the
desire to do so except for immediate practical reasons (for
example, if it's necessary to get around some security in
order to get some work done).

Contrary to widespread myth, cracking does not usually involve
some mysterious leap of hackerly brilliance, but rather
persistence and the dogged repetition of a handful of fairly
well-known tricks that exploit common weaknesses in the
security of target systems. Accordingly, most crackers are
only mediocre hackers.

Thus, there is far less overlap between hackerdom and
crackerdom than the mundane reader misled by
sensationalistic journalism might expect. Crackers tend to
gather in small, tight-knit, very secretive groups that have
little overlap with the huge, open hacker poly-culture; though
crackers often like to describe *themselves* as hackers, most
true hackers consider them a separate and lower form of life,
little better than virus writers. Ethical considerations
aside, hackers figure that anyone who can't imagine a more
interesting way to play with their computers than breaking
into someone else's has to be pretty losing.

See also Computer Emergency Response Team, {dark-side
hacker}, hacker ethic, phreaking, samurai, {Trojan

[Jargon File]

intelligent backtracking
intelligent backtracking

An improved backtracking algorithm for
Prolog interpreters, which records the point at which each
logic variable becomes bound and, when a given set of
bindings leads to failure, ignores any choice point which
does not bind any of those variables. No choice from such a
choice point can succeed since it does not change the bindings
which caused the failure.


The horizontal spacing between characters in a line of
text. Tracking is set when a font is designed but can often
be altered in order to change the appearance of the text or for
special effects. It applies to both proportional fonts and
monospaced fonts.

Tracking should not be confused with kerning which deals with
the spacing between certain pairs of characters in a proportional

See also leading.

tracking cookie
tracking cookie
tracking file

An HTTP cookie used to identify a user of a
website in order to log which pages they visit. The site owner
can use this information to optimise the site, e.g. for marketing

tracking file
tracking cookie
tracking file

An HTTP cookie used to identify a user of a
website in order to log which pages they visit. The site owner
can use this information to optimise the site, e.g. for marketing


[very common] The act of breaking into a computer system; what a cracker
does. Contrary to widespread myth, this does not usually involve some
mysterious leap of hackerly brilliance, but rather persistence and the
dogged repetition of a handful of fairly well-known tricks that exploit
common weaknesses in the security of target systems. Accordingly, most
crackers are incompetent as hackers. This entry used to say 'mediocre', but
the spread of rootkit and other automated cracking has depressed the
average level of skill among crackers.

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