Ragman's roll \Rag"man's roll`\ (r[a^]g"manz r[=o]l`). [For
ragman roll a long list of names, the devil's roll or list;
where ragman is of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. ragmenni a craven
person, Sw. raggen the devil. Icel. ragmenni is fr. ragr
cowardly (another form of argr, akin to AS. earg cowardly,
vile, G. arg bad) + menni (in comp.) man, akin to E. man. See
Roll, and cf. Rigmarole.]
The rolls of deeds on parchment in which the Scottish
nobility and gentry subscribed allegiance to Edward I. of
England, A. D. 1296. [Also written ragman-roll.]
[1913 Webster] Ragnarok
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