- scene
Scena \Sce"na\, n. [It.] (Mus.)
(a) A scene in an opera.
(b) An accompanied dramatic recitative, interspersed with
passages of melody, or followed by a full aria.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
- scénar
- scénare
- script, scenario, screenplay
- scenarios
optimistic scenario
optimistic scenario,
pessimistic scenario
pessimistic scenario,
reference scenario
reference scenario,
scenario,možnost n: Zdeněk Brožscenario,scénář n: Zdeněk Brož
scenarios,scénáře Zdeněk Brož
scenarist,scenárista n: Zdeněk Brož
worst case scenario
worst case scenario,
inscenace,productionn: Zdeněk Brožinscenace,stagingn: Zdeněk Brož
Nigella Damascena
Love \Love\ (l[u^]v), n. [OE. love, luve, AS. lufe, lufu; akin
to E. lief, believe, L. lubet, libet, it pleases, Skr. lubh
to be lustful. See Lief.]
1. A feeling of strong attachment induced by that which
delights or commands admiration; pre["e]minent kindness or
devotion to another; affection; tenderness; as, the love
of brothers and sisters.
[1913 Webster]

Of all the dearest bonds we prove
Thou countest sons' and mothers' love
Most sacred, most Thine own. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. Especially, devoted attachment to, or tender or passionate
affection for, one of the opposite sex.
[1913 Webster]

He on his side
Leaning half-raised, with looks of cordial love
Hung over her enamored. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Courtship; -- chiefly in the phrase to make love, i. e.,
to court, to woo, to solicit union in marriage.
[1913 Webster]

Demetrius . . .
Made love to Nedar's daughter, Helena,
And won her soul. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Affection; kind feeling; friendship; strong liking or
desire; fondness; good will; -- opposed to hate; often
with of and an object.
[1913 Webster]

Love, and health to all. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Smit with the love of sacred song. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

The love of science faintly warmed his breast.
[1913 Webster]

5. Due gratitude and reverence to God.
[1913 Webster]

Keep yourselves in the love of God. --Jude 21.
[1913 Webster]

6. The object of affection; -- often employed in endearing
address; as, he held his love in his arms; his greatest
love was reading. "Trust me, love." --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Open the temple gates unto my love. --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

7. Cupid, the god of love; sometimes, Venus.
[1913 Webster]

Such was his form as painters, when they show
Their utmost art, on naked Lores bestow. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Therefore do nimble-pinioned doves draw Love.
[1913 Webster]

8. A thin silk stuff. [Obs.] --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Bot.) A climbing species of Clematis ({Clematis
[1913 Webster]

10. Nothing; no points scored on one side; -- used in
counting score at tennis, etc.
[1913 Webster]

He won the match by three sets to love. --The
[1913 Webster]

11. Sexual intercourse; -- a euphemism.

Note: Love is often used in the formation of compounds, in
most of which the meaning is very obvious; as,
love-cracked, love-darting, love-killing, love-linked,
love-taught, etc.
[1913 Webster]

A labor of love, a labor undertaken on account of regard
for some person, or through pleasure in the work itself,
without expectation of reward.

Free love, the doctrine or practice of consorting with one
of the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage. See
Free love.

Free lover, one who avows or practices free love.

In love, in the act of loving; -- said esp. of the love of
the sexes; as, to be in love; to fall in love.

Love apple (Bot.), the tomato.

Love bird (Zool.), any one of several species of small,
short-tailed parrots, or parrakeets, of the genus
Agapornis, and allied genera. They are mostly from
Africa. Some species are often kept as cage birds, and are
celebrated for the affection which they show for their

Love broker, a person who for pay acts as agent between
lovers, or as a go-between in a sexual intrigue. --Shak.

Love charm, a charm for exciting love. --Ld. Lytton.

Love child. an illegitimate child. --Jane Austen.

Love day, a day formerly appointed for an amicable
adjustment of differences. [Obs.] --Piers Plowman.

Love drink, a love potion; a philter. --Chaucer.

Love favor, something given to be worn in token of love.

Love feast, a religious festival, held quarterly by some
religious denominations, as the Moravians and Methodists,
in imitation of the agap[ae] of the early Christians.

Love feat, the gallant act of a lover. --Shak.

Love game, a game, as in tennis, in which the vanquished
person or party does not score a point.

Love grass. [G. liebesgras.] (Bot.) Any grass of the genus

Love-in-a-mist. (Bot.)
(a) An herb of the Buttercup family (Nigella Damascena)
having the flowers hidden in a maze of finely cut
(b) The West Indian Passiflora f[oe]tida, which has
similar bracts.

Love-in-idleness (Bot.), a kind of violet; the small pansy.
[1913 Webster]

A little western flower,
Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound;
And maidens call it love-in-idleness. --Shak.

Love juice, juice of a plant supposed to produce love.

Love knot, a knot or bow, as of ribbon; -- so called from
being used as a token of love, or as a pledge of mutual
affection. --Milman.

Love lass, a sweetheart.

Love letter, a letter of courtship. --Shak.

Love-lies-bleeding (Bot.), a species of amaranth
(Amarantus melancholicus).

Love match, a marriage brought about by love alone.

Love potion, a compounded draught intended to excite love,
or venereal desire.

Love rites, sexual intercourse. --Pope

Love scene, an exhibition of love, as between lovers on the

Love suit, courtship. --Shak.

Of all loves, for the sake of all love; by all means.
[Obs.] "Mrs. Arden desired him of all loves to come back
again." --Holinshed.

The god of love, or The Love god, Cupid.

To make love, to engage in sexual intercourse; -- a

To make love to, to express affection for; to woo. "If you
will marry, make your loves to me." --Shak.

To play for love, to play a game, as at cards, without
stakes. "A game at piquet for love." --Lamb.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Syn: Affection; friendship; kindness; tenderness; fondness;
[1913 Webster]Ragged \Rag"ged\ (r[a^]g"g[e^]d), a. [From Rag, n.]
1. Rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken;
as, a ragged coat; a ragged sail.
[1913 Webster]

2. Broken with rough edges; having jags; uneven; rough;
jagged; as, ragged rocks.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence, harsh and disagreeable to the ear; dissonant. [R.]
"A ragged noise of mirth." --Herbert.
[1913 Webster]

4. Wearing tattered clothes; as, a ragged fellow.
[1913 Webster]

5. Rough; shaggy; rugged.
[1913 Webster]

What shepherd owns those ragged sheep? --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Ragged lady (Bot.), the fennel flower ({Nigella

Ragged robin (Bot.), a plant of the genus Lychnis
(Lychnis Flos-cuculi), cultivated for its handsome
flowers, which have the petals cut into narrow lobes.

Ragged sailor (Bot.), prince's feather ({Polygonum

Ragged school, a free school for poor children, where they
are taught and in part fed; -- a name given at first
because they came in their common clothing. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster] -- Rag"ged*ly, adv. -- Rag"ged*ness, n.
[1913 Webster] RaggieBishop's-wort \Bish"op's-wort`\, n. (Bot.)
Wood betony (Stachys betonica); also, the plant called
fennel flower (Nigella Damascena), or devil-in-a-bush.
[1913 Webster]Fennel \Fen"nel\ (f[e^]n"n[e^]l), n. [AS. fenol, finol, from L.
feniculum, faeniculum, dim. of fenum, faenum, hay: cf. F.
fenouil. Cf. Fenugreek. Finochio.] (Bot.)
A perennial plant of the genus F[ae]niculum ({F[ae]niculum
vulgare}), having very finely divided leaves. It is
cultivated in gardens for the agreeable aromatic flavor of
its seeds.
[1913 Webster]

Smell of sweetest fennel. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

A sprig of fennel was in fact the theological smelling
bottle of the tender sex. --S. G.
[1913 Webster]

Azorean fennel, or Sweet fennel, (F[ae]niculum dulce).
It is a smaller and stouter plant than the common fennel,
and is used as a pot herb.

Dog's fennel (Anthemis Cotula), a foul-smelling European
weed; -- called also mayweed.

Fennel flower (Bot.), an herb (Nigella) of the Buttercup
family, having leaves finely divided, like those of the
fennel. Nigella Damascena is common in gardens. {Nigella
sativa} furnishes the fennel seed, used as a condiment,
etc., in India. These seeds are the "fitches" mentioned in
Isaiah (xxviii. 25).

Fennel water (Med.), the distilled water of fennel seed. It
is stimulant and carminative.

Giant fennel (Ferula communis), has stems full of pith,
which, it is said, were used to carry fire, first, by

Hog's fennel, a European plant (Peucedanum officinale)
looking something like fennel.
[1913 Webster]
Rosa damascena
Damask \Dam"ask\, a.
1. Pertaining to, or originating at, the city of Damascus;
resembling the products or manufactures of Damascus.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having the color of the damask rose.
[1913 Webster]

But let concealment, like a worm i' the bud,
Feed on her damask cheek. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Damask color, a deep rose-color like that of the damask

Damask plum, a small dark-colored plum, generally called

Damask rose (Bot.), a large, pink, hardy, and very fragrant
variety of rose (Rosa damascena) from Damascus. "Damask
roses have not been known in England above one hundred
years." --Bacon.

Damask steel, or Damascus steel, steel of the kind
originally made at Damascus, famous for its hardness, and
its beautiful texture, ornamented with waving lines;
especially, that which is inlaid with damaskeening; --
formerly much valued for sword blades, from its great
flexibility and tenacity.
[1913 Webster]
Scena \Sce"na\, n. [It.] (Mus.)
(a) A scene in an opera.
(b) An accompanied dramatic recitative, interspersed with
passages of melody, or followed by a full aria.
[1913 Webster]
Scenario \Sce*na"ri*o\, n. [It.]
A preliminary sketch of the plot, or main incidents, of an
[1913 Webster]
Scenary \Scen"a*ry\, n. [Cf. L. scaenarius belonging to the
Scenery. [Obs.] --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
nigella damascena
Nigella damascena
n 1: European garden plant having finely cut leaves and white or
pale blue flowers [syn: love-in-a-mist, {Nigella
rosa damascena
Rosa damascena
n 1: large hardy very fragrant pink rose; cultivated in Asia
Minor as source of attar of roses; parent of many hybrids
[syn: damask rose, summer damask rose, {Rosa
n 1: an outline or synopsis of a play (or, by extension, of a
literary work)
2: a setting for a work of art or literature; "the scenario is
France during the Reign of Terror"
3: a postulated sequence of possible events; "planners developed
several scenarios in case of an attack"
n 1: a writer of screenplays

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