Scimiter \Scim"i*ter\, Scimitar \Scim"i*tar\, n. [F. cimeterre,
cf. It. scimitarra, Sp. cimitarra; fr. Biscayan cimetarra
with a sharp edge; or corrupted from Per. shimsh[imac]r.]
1. A saber with a much curved blade having the edge on the
convex side, -- in use among Mohammedans, esp., the Arabs
and persians. [Written also cimeter, and scymetar.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A long-handled billhook. See Billhook.
[1913 Webster]

Scimiter pods (Bot.), the immense curved woody pods of a
leguminous woody climbing plant (Entada scandens)
growing in tropical India and America. They contain hard
round flattish seeds two inches in diameter, which are
made into boxes.
[1913 Webster]
Billhook \Bill"hook`\, n. [Bill + hook.]
A thick, heavy knife with a hooked point, used in pruning
hedges, etc. When it has a short handle, it is sometimes
called a hand bill; when the handle is long, a hedge bill
or scimiter.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Scimiter \Scim"i*ter\, Scimitar \Scim"i*tar\, n. [F. cimeterre,
cf. It. scimitarra, Sp. cimitarra; fr. Biscayan cimetarra
with a sharp edge; or corrupted from Per. shimsh[imac]r.]
1. A saber with a much curved blade having the edge on the
convex side, -- in use among Mohammedans, esp., the Arabs
and persians. [Written also cimeter, and scymetar.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A long-handled billhook. See Billhook.
[1913 Webster]

Scimiter pods (Bot.), the immense curved woody pods of a
leguminous woody climbing plant (Entada scandens)
growing in tropical India and America. They contain hard
round flattish seeds two inches in diameter, which are
made into boxes.
[1913 Webster]Billhook \Bill"hook`\, n. [Bill + hook.]
A thick, heavy knife with a hooked point, used in pruning
hedges, etc. When it has a short handle, it is sometimes
called a hand bill; when the handle is long, a hedge bill
or scimiter.
[1913 Webster]
Scimiter pods
Scimiter \Scim"i*ter\, Scimitar \Scim"i*tar\, n. [F. cimeterre,
cf. It. scimitarra, Sp. cimitarra; fr. Biscayan cimetarra
with a sharp edge; or corrupted from Per. shimsh[imac]r.]
1. A saber with a much curved blade having the edge on the
convex side, -- in use among Mohammedans, esp., the Arabs
and persians. [Written also cimeter, and scymetar.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A long-handled billhook. See Billhook.
[1913 Webster]

Scimiter pods (Bot.), the immense curved woody pods of a
leguminous woody climbing plant (Entada scandens)
growing in tropical India and America. They contain hard
round flattish seeds two inches in diameter, which are
made into boxes.
[1913 Webster]

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