self-acting,automatický adj: Zdeněk Brož
self-acting,samočinný adj: Zdeněk Brož
Self-acting \Self`-act"ing\, a.
Acting of or by one's self or by itself; -- said especially
of a machine or mechanism which is made to perform of or for
itself what is usually done by human agency; automatic; as, a
self-acting feed apparatus; a self-acting mule; a self-acting
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: designed to activate or move or regulate itself; "a self-
activating sprinkler system" [syn: self-acting, {self-
activating}, self-moving, self-regulating]
podobné slovodefinícia
Self-acting \Self`-act"ing\, a.
Acting of or by one's self or by itself; -- said especially
of a machine or mechanism which is made to perform of or for
itself what is usually done by human agency; automatic; as, a
self-acting feed apparatus; a self-acting mule; a self-acting
[1913 Webster]
self-acting self-activating self-moving self-regulating
Automatic \Au`to*mat"ic\, Automatical \Au`to*mat"ic*al\, a. [Cf.
F. automatique. See Automaton.]
1. Having an inherent power of action or motion.
[1913 Webster]

Nothing can be said to be automatic. --Sir H. Davy.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to, or produced by, an automaton; of the nature
of an automaton; self-acting or self-regulating under
fixed conditions; operating with minimal human
intervention; -- esp. applied to machinery or devices in
which certain things formerly or usually done by hand are
done by the machine or device itself; as, the automatic
feed of a lathe; automatic gas lighting; an automatic
engine or switch; an automatic mouse; an automatic
transmission. The opposite of manual.

Note: Narrower terms are: {autoloading(prenominal),
semiautomatic ; {automated, machine-controlled,
machine-driven ; {self-acting, self-activating,
self-moving, self-regulating ; {self-locking ;
{self-winding . Also See: mechanical.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

3. (Physiol.) Not voluntary; not depending on the will;
mechanical; controlled by the autonomic nervous system;
without conscious control; as, automatic movements or
functions. The opposite of voluntary.

Syn: reflex(prenominal), reflexive,involuntary
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

Unconscious or automatic reasoning. --H. Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

4. like the unthinking functioning of a machine. an automatic
`thank you'

Syn: automaton-like, automatonlike, machinelike,
machine-like, robotlike.
[WordNet 1.5]

Automatic arts, such economic arts or manufacture as are
carried on by self-acting machinery. --Ure.
[1913 Webster]

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