- strelený, guľka, výstrel, shoot/shot/shot
shot,dostřel Zdeněk Brož
shot,injekce n: slady
shot,kulka Zdeněk Brož
shot,rána n: Pavel Machek; Giza
shot,shoot/shot/shot v: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
shot,snímek n: Zdeněk Brož
shot,trefa n: Zdeněk Brož
shot,úder n: Zdeněk Brož
shot,výstřel n: Zdeněk Brož
Shoot \Shoot\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Shot; p. pr. & vb. n.
Shooting. The old participle Shotten is obsolete. See
Shotten.] [OE. shotien, schotien, AS. scotian, v. i.,
sce['o]tan; akin to D. schieten, G. schie?en, OHG. sciozan,
Icel. skj?ta, Sw. skjuta, Dan. skyde; cf. Skr. skund to jump.
[root]159. Cf. Scot a contribution, Scout to reject,
Scud, Scuttle, v. i., Shot, Sheet, Shut, Shuttle,
Skittish, Skittles.]
1. To let fly, or cause to be driven, with force, as an arrow
or a bullet; -- followed by a word denoting the missile,
as an object.
[1913 Webster]

If you please
To shoot an arrow that self way. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. To discharge, causing a missile to be driven forth; --
followed by a word denoting the weapon or instrument, as
an object; -- often with off; as, to shoot a gun.
[1913 Webster]

The two ends od a bow, shot off, fly from one
another. --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

3. To strike with anything shot; to hit with a missile;
often, to kill or wound with a firearm; -- followed by a
word denoting the person or thing hit, as an object.
[1913 Webster]

When Roger shot the hawk hovering over his master's
dove house. --A. Tucker.
[1913 Webster]

4. To send out or forth, especially with a rapid or sudden
motion; to cast with the hand; to hurl; to discharge; to
[1913 Webster]

An honest weaver as ever shot shuttle. --Beau. & Fl.
[1913 Webster]

A pit into which the dead carts had nightly shot
corpses by scores. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

5. To push or thrust forward; to project; to protrude; --
often with out; as, a plant shoots out a bud.
[1913 Webster]

They shoot out the lip, they shake the head. --Ps.
xxii. 7.
[1913 Webster]

Beware the secret snake that shoots a sting.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Carp.) To plane straight; to fit by planing.
[1913 Webster]

Two pieces of wood that are shot, that is, planed or
else pared with a paring chisel. --Moxon.
[1913 Webster]

7. To pass rapidly through, over, or under; as, to shoot a
rapid or a bridge; to shoot a sand bar.
[1913 Webster]

She . . . shoots the Stygian sound. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

8. To variegate as if by sprinkling or intermingling; to
color in spots or patches.
[1913 Webster]

The tangled water courses slept,
Shot over with purple, and green, and yellow.
[1913 Webster]

To be shot of, to be discharged, cleared, or rid of.
[Colloq.] "Are you not glad to be shot of him?" --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]
Shot \Shot\,
imp. & p. p. of Shoot.
[1913 Webster]
Shot \Shot\, a.
Woven in such a way as to produce an effect of variegation,
of changeable tints, or of being figured; as, shot silks. See
Shoot, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]
Shot \Shot\, n. [AS. scot, sceot, fr. sce['o]tan to shoot; akin
to D. sschot, Icel. skot. [root]159. See Scot a share,
Shoot, v. t., and cf. Shot a shooting.]
A share or proportion; a reckoning; a scot.
[1913 Webster]

Here no shots are where all shares be. --Chapman.
[1913 Webster]

A man is never . . . welcome to a place till some
certain shot be paid and the hostess say "Welcome."
[1913 Webster]
Shot \Shot\, n.; pl. Shotor Shots. [OE. shot, schot, AS.
gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss,
geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E.
shoot, v.t. [root]159. See Shoot, and cf. Shot a share.]
1. The act of shooting; discharge of a firearm or other
weapon which throws a missile.
[1913 Webster]

He caused twenty shot of his greatest cannon to be
made at the king's army. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

2. A missile weapon, particularly a ball or bullet;
specifically, whatever is discharged as a projectile from
firearms or cannon by the force of an explosive.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Shot used in war is of various kinds, classified
according to the material of which it is composed, into
lead, wrought-iron, and cast-iron; according to form,
into spherical and oblong; according to structure and
modes of operation, into solid, hollow, and case. See
Bar shot, Chain shot, etc., under Bar, Chain,
[1913 Webster]

3. Small globular masses of lead, of various sizes, -- used
chiefly as the projectiles in shotguns for killing game;
as, bird shot; buckshot.
[1913 Webster]

4. The flight of a missile, or the distance which it is, or
can be, thrown; as, the vessel was distant more than a
cannon shot.
[1913 Webster]

5. A marksman; one who practices shooting; as, an exellent
[1913 Webster]

6. (Fisheries)
(a) A cast of a net.
(b) The entire throw of nets at one time.
(c) A place or spot for setting nets.
(d) A single draft or catch of fish made.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

7. (Athletics) A spherical weight, to be put, or thrown, in
competition for distance.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

8. A stroke, throw, or other action to propel a ball or other
game piece in certain games, as in billiards, hockey,
basketball, curling, etc.; also, a move, as in chess.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

9. A guess; conjecture; also, an attempt. [Colloq.] "I'll
take a shot at it."
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Shot belt, a belt having a pouch or compartment for
carrying shot.

Shot cartridge, a cartridge containing powder and small
shot, forming a charge for a shotgun.

Shot garland (Naut.), a wooden frame to contain shot,
secured to the coamings and ledges round the hatchways of
a ship.

Shot gauge, an instrument for measuring the diameter of
round shot. --Totten.

shot hole, a hole made by a shot or bullet discharged.

Shot locker (Naut.), a strongly framed compartment in the
hold of a vessel, for containing shot.

Shot of a cable (Naut.), the splicing of two or more cables
together, or the whole length of the cables thus united.

Shot prop (Naut.), a wooden prop covered with tarred hemp,
to stop a hole made by the shot of an enemy in a ship's

Shot tower, a lofty tower for making shot, by dropping from
its summit melted lead in slender streams. The lead forms
spherical drops which cool in the descent, and are
received in water or other liquid.

Shot window, a window projecting from the wall. Ritson,
quoted by Halliwell, explains it as a window that opens
and shuts; and Wodrow describes it as a window of shutters
made of timber and a few inches of glass above them.
[1913 Webster]
Shot \Shot\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Shotted; p. pr. & vb. n.
To load with shot, as a gun. --Totten.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: varying in color when seen in different lights or from
different angles; "changeable taffeta"; "chatoyant (or
shot) silk"; "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and
iridescent" [syn: changeable, chatoyant,
iridescent, shot]
n 1: the act of firing a projectile; "his shooting was slow but
accurate" [syn: shooting, shot]
2: a solid missile discharged from a firearm; "the shot buzzed
past his ear" [syn: shot, pellet]
3: (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a
club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "it took two strokes to
get out of the bunker"; "a good shot requires good balance
and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot" [syn:
stroke, shot]
4: a chance to do something; "he wanted a shot at the champion"
[syn: shot, crack]
5: a person who shoots (usually with respect to their ability to
shoot); "he is a crack shot"; "a poor shooter" [syn: shot,
6: a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of
action in a film [syn: scene, shot]
7: the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a
syringe; "the nurse gave him a flu shot" [syn: injection,
8: a small drink of liquor; "he poured a shot of whiskey" [syn:
nip, shot]
9: an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and
intended to have a telling effect; "his parting shot was
`drop dead'"; "she threw shafts of sarcasm"; "she takes a dig
at me every chance she gets" [syn: shot, shaft, slam,
dig, barb, jibe, gibe]
10: an estimate based on little or no information [syn: guess,
guesswork, guessing, shot, dead reckoning]
11: an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held
camera; "my snapshots haven't been developed yet"; "he tried
to get unposed shots of his friends" [syn: snapshot,
snap, shot]
12: sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in
the shot put; "he trained at putting the shot"
13: an explosive charge used in blasting
14: a blow hard enough to cause injury; "he is still recovering
from a shot to his leg"; "I caught him with a solid shot to
the chin"
15: an attempt to score in a game
16: informal words for any attempt or effort; "he gave it his
best shot"; "he took a stab at forecasting" [syn: shot,
17: the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified
destination [syn: blastoff, shot]
podobné slovodefinícia
- dohľad
- guľovnica
- snímok, záber
- záver
- shoot, shot
- shoot, shot
a hotshot
a hotshot,vejtaha n: [amer.] [slang.] [přen.] Zdeněk Broža hotshot,výtaha n: Zdeněk Brož
a long shot
a long shot,malá šance na výhru Zdeněk Brož
a shot in the arm
a shot in the arm,povzbuzení [slang.] Pavel Cvrček
a shot in the dark
a shot in the dark,střela od boku Zdeněk Brož
at a shot
at a shot,naráz [id.]
big shot
big shot,eso n: josebig shot,hlavoun Zdeněk Brožbig shot,papaláš n: Pavel Cvrček
blank shot
blank shot,výstřel naslepo
bloodshot,krví podlitý
buckshot,náboj do brokovnice n: = shotgun shell kavol
call the shots
call the shots,rozhodovat o tom co se stane Zdeněk Brož
case shot
case shot, n:
charity shot
charity shot, n:
cheap shot
cheap shot,
chip shot
chip shot,
chop shot
chop shot, n:
countershot, n:
crack shot
crack shot,
cumshot,výstřik semene web
drop shot
drop shot, n:
duck shot
duck shot, n:
dunk shot
dunk shot,
earshot,doslech n: jfo
eyeshot, n:
forehand shot
forehand shot, n:
foul shot
foul shot, n:
game-winning shots
game-winning shots,samostatné nájezdy [sport.] GWS - v hokeji, při
nerozhodném stavu po prodloužené hře Pino
get a shot
get a shot,
get a shot at
get a shot at,
give it your best shot
give it your best shot,
golf shot
golf shot, n:
grapeshot,kartáčová střela n: Zdeněk Brož
gunshot,rána Pavel Machek; Gizagunshot,výstřel n: Zdeněk Brož
have a shot at
have a shot at,pokusit se o Zdeněk Brož
headshot, n:
hit me with your best shot
hit me with your best shot,
hook shot
hook shot, n:
hotshot,eso n: Zdeněk Brožhotshot,kanon n: Zdeněk Brožhotshot,sekáč n: Zdeněk Brož
indian shot
indian shot, n:
jump shot
jump shot,hod z výskoku v basketbalu Zdeněk Brož
like a shot
like a shot, adv:
long shot
long shot,nepravděpodobný úspěch Ivan Masárlong shot,snímek z dálky Zdeněk Brož
longshot, n:
mailshot,reklamní dopis n: Zdeněk Brož
masse shot
masse shot, n:
moon shot
moon shot, n:
moonshot,vypuštění kosmické lodě na Měsíc Zdeněk Brož
mug shot
mug shot,policejní fotografie zločince Zdeněk Brož
mugshot,policejní fotografie zločince n: Zdeněk Brož
not by a long shot
not by a long shot,
one shot
one shot,jednorázový adj: Zdeněk Brožone shot,neperiodický adj: Zdeněk Brož
one-shot,jednorázový adj: Zdeněk Brožone-shot,neperiodický adj: Zdeněk Brož
one-shot sampling
one-shot sampling,jednorázový odběr vzorku(vody) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
overshot,minul v: Zdeněk Brožovershot,přečerpal v: Zdeněk Brožovershot,překročil v: Zdeněk Brožovershot,přestřelil v: Zdeněk Brož
passing shot
passing shot, n:
pay the shot
pay the shot,
penalty shots
penalty shots,nájezdy [sport.] v hokeji, při nerozhodném stavu po
prodloužené hře Pinopenalty shots,samostatné nájezdy [sport.] v hokeji, při nerozhodném
stavu po prodloužené hře Pino
pitch shot
pitch shot, n:
pivot shot
pivot shot, n:
pot shot
pot shot,výstřel zblízka Zdeněk Brož
pot-shot,výstřel bez míření n: Zdeněk Brožpot-shot,výstřel zblízka n: Zdeněk Brož
potshot,výstřel bez míření n: Zdeněk Brožpotshot,výstřel zblízka n: Zdeněk Brož

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