sloakan \sloak"an\ (sl[=o]k"an), n. (Bot.)
A species of seaweed. See 3d Laver. [Spelled also
[1913 Webster]
Laver \La"ver\ (l[=a]"v[~e]r), n.
The fronds of certain marine alg[ae] used as food, and for
making a sauce called laver sauce. Green laver is the {Ulva
latissima}; purple laver, Porphyra laciniata and {Porphyra
vulgaris}. It is prepared by stewing, either alone or with
other vegetables, and with various condiments; -- called also
sloke, or sloakan.
[1913 Webster]

Mountain laver (Bot.), a reddish gelatinous alga of the
genus Palmella, found on the sides of mountains
[1913 Webster]
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