stems,stonky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
podobné slovodefinícia
- systémy
deposit-refund systems
deposit-refund systems,zálohový systém [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
economic systems division
Economic Systems Division,
ecosystems,ekosystémy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
microsystems,mikrosystémy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
subsystems,subsystémy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
systems,systémy n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
systems analysis
systems analysis,analýza systémů n: Bukovansky Richardsystems analysis,systémová analýza [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
systems analyst
systems analyst,systémový analytik n: [tech.] Bukovansky Richard
systems program
systems program, n:
systems software
systems software, n:
electronic systems center
Electronic Systems Center,ESC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
human systems center
Human Systems Center,HSC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
hypersonic systems technology program
Hypersonic Systems Technology Program,HySTP[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
naval air systems command
Naval Air Systems Command,NAVAIRSYSCOM[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
space & naval warfare systems command
Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command,SPAWAR[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
space and missile systems center
Space and Missile Systems Center,SMC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
subsystems integrated design assessment technology
Subsystems Integrated Design Assessment Technology,SIDAT[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
weapon systems officer
Weapon Systems Officer,WSO[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Masonic systems
Scotch rite \Scotch rite\ (Freemasonry)
The ceremonial observed by one of the

Masonic systems, called in full the {Ancient and Accepted
Scotch Rite}; also, the system itself, which confers
thirty-three degrees, of which the first three are nearly
identical with those of the York rite.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Stemson \Stem"son\, n. [See Stem, n., and Keelson, and cf.
Sternson.] (Shipbuilding)
A piece of curved timber bolted to the stem, keelson, and
apron in a ship's frame near the bow.
[1913 Webster]
defense information systems agency
Defense Information Systems Agency
n 1: a combat support agency in the Department of Defense
responsible for developing and operating and supporting
information systems to serve the needs of the President and
the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
[syn: Defense Information Systems Agency, DISA]
systems analysis
systems analysis
n 1: analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to
collect information about the operation of its parts
systems analyst
systems analyst
n 1: a person skilled at systems analysis
systems program
systems program
n 1: a program (as an operating system or compiler or utility
program) that controls some aspect of the operation of a
computer [syn: system program, systems program,
systems software]
systems software
systems software
n 1: a program (as an operating system or compiler or utility
program) that controls some aspect of the operation of a
computer [syn: system program, systems program,
systems software]
abbreviated test language for avionics systems
Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems

(ATLAS) A Mil-spec language for automatic testing
of avionics equipment. ATLAS replaced Gaelic and several
other test languages.

["IEEE Standard ATLAS Test Language", IEEE Std 416-1976].

adobe systems, inc.
Adobe Systems, Inc.

A California font foundry and software house.
Adobe created the PostScript page description language and
wrote the Blue Book, Green Book, Red Book and {White
Book} on it. They also developed PDF. Adobe took over
Frame Technology Corporation in late 1995/early 1996.


E-mail: .

Address: Silicon Valley, California, USA.

advanced network systems architecture
Advanced Network Systems Architecture

(ANSA) A "software bus" based on a model for
distributed systems developed as an ESPRIT project.


aladdin systems, inc.
Aladdin Systems, Inc.

The company that developed and distributes Stuffit
and other utility software for the Macintosh, {Microsoft
Windows}, and Palm handheld computers.

Not to be confused with Aladdin Enterprises.

Aladdin Systems Home (

bachman information systems
Bachman Information Systems

The computer-aided software engineering company
founded by Charles Bachman. Bachman Information System
merged with CADRE to form Cayenne Software in July 1996
and later part of Sterling Software.

bentley systems, inc.
Bentley Systems, Inc.

The company that sells MicroStation.

Address: Exton, PA, USA.


bull information systems
Bull Information Systems

A multinational I.T. group based in Europe with
21,000 people and operations in more than 85 countries. In
1997, Bull earned revenues of over $4 billion, including over
65% outside of France, its country of origin. The company is
ranked as the third largest systems integrator in Europe.


business systems analyst
Business Systems Analyst

A person who works directly with management and users to
analyse, specify, and design business applications. The
Business Systems Analyst develops detailed functional, system,
and program specifications using {structured design
methodologies} and CASE tools. He must have strong business
sense and communications skills. He works with both the
information systems team and the strategic planning business

cadence design systems
Cadence Design Systems

A company that sells electronic design automation
software and services.


See also Verilog.

calculus of communicating systems
Calculus of Communicating Systems

(CCS) A mathematical model (a formal language) for describing
processes, mostly used in the study of parallelism. A CCS
program, written in behaviour expressions syntax denotes a
process behaviour. Programs can be compared using the notion
of observational equivalence.

["A Calculus of Communicating Systems", LNCS 92, Springer

["Communication and Concurrency", R. Milner, P-H 1989].

cisco systems, inc.
Cisco Systems, Inc.

Ethernet hardware manufacturers.


Address: 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706, USA.
Telephone: +1 408 526 4000, +1 800 553 6387. Fax: +1 408 526

conference on data systems languages
Conference On DAta SYstems Languages

(CODASYL) A consortium that developed
database models and standard database extensions for

CODASYL was formed in 1959 to guide the development of a
standard programming language that could be used on many
computers. Members came from industry and government {data
processing} departments. Its goal was to promote more
effective data systems analysis, design and implementation.
It published specifications for various languages over the
years, handing these over to official standards bodies (ISO,
ANSI or their predecessors) for formal standardisation.

The 1965 List Processing Task Force worked on the IDS/I database
extension. It later renamed itself to the Data Base Task Group
(DBTG) and publishing the Codasyl Data Model, the first to allow
one-to-many relations. This work also introduced {data
definition languages} (DDLs) to define the database schema and a
data manipulation language (DML) to be embedded in COBOL
programs to request and update data in the database.

Interest in CODASYL declined with the rise of {relational
databases} beginning in the early 1980s.

corporation for open systems
Corporation for Open Systems

(COS) An international consortium of computer users and
vendors set up to provide ways of testing OSI

customer information systems
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Information Systems
Customer Interaction Software
Technology Enabled Relationship Manager

(CRM, CIS, Customer Information Systems, Customer
Interaction Software, TERM, Technology Enabled Relationship
Manager) Enterprise-wide software applications that allow
companies to manage every aspect of their relationship with a
customer. The aim of these systems is to assist in building
lasting customer relationships - to turn customer satisfaction
into customer loyalty.

Customer information acquired from sales, marketing, customer
service, and support is captured and stored in a centralised
database. The system may provide data-mining facilities
that support an opportunity management system. It may also
be integrated with other systems such as accounting and
manufacturing for a truly enterprise-wide system with
thousands of users.

data over cable systems interface specifications
Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
Data Over Cable Systems Interface Specifications

(DOCSIS) ITU-approved interface
requirements for cable modems involved in high-speed data
distribution over a cable television network. DOCSIS
compatible equipment uses a 6 MHz carrier band for
downstream, using 64 and 256 QAM (ITU Annex B), and QPSK
and 16 QAM for upstream, allowing up to 36 and 10 Mb/s,
respectively for downstream and upstream channels.

CableLabs FAQ (

decision support systems
Decision Support Systems

(DSS) Software tools to help with
decision support.

defense information systems agency
Defense Information Systems Agency

(DISA) Formerly called the Defense Communications Agency
(DCA), this is the government agency responsible for managing
the Defense Data Network (DDN) portion of the Internet,
including the MILNET. Currently, DISA administers the
DDN, and supports the user assistance services of the DDN


distributed systems
distributed system
distributed systems

A collection of (probably heterogeneous) automata whose
distribution is transparent to the user so that the system
appears as one local machine. This is in contrast to a
network, where the user is aware that there are several
machines, and their location, storage replication, load
balancing and functionality is not transparent. Distributed
systems usually use some kind of client-server organisation.

Distributed systems are considered by some to be the "next
wave" of computing.

Distributed Computing Environment is the {Open Software
Foundation}'s software architecture for distributed systems.


dyadic systems limited
Dyalog Limited
Dyadic Systems Limited

The company that distributes Dyalog APL.
Previously known as Dyadic Systems Limited.

Dyalog Home (

dynamic systems development method
Dynamic Systems Development Method

(DSDM) An independent software development
framework. Home (

[What is it?]

dynix automated library systems
Dynix Automated Library Systems

The world's largest supplier of library automation
systems with European offices in France, Germany, Ireland, the
Netherlands and the UK.

Dynix sell two library management systems - Horizon
(client/server) and, Dynix (host-based). Both have GUI
or terminal interfaces. Dynix also sell other products and
services for database enrichment, interconnectivity, and
on-line and CD-ROM databases.


enterprise systems connectivity
Enterprise Systems CONnectivity

(ESCON) Optical fibre connections between a
mainframe and its peripherals. Also an IBM registered

executive systems programming oriented language
Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language

An ALGOL superset with high level instructions
for low level actions, e.g. interrupting another processor on
a multiprocessor system. Its single pass compiler was very
fast: over 250 lines/s on a 10MHz processor.

ESPOL was used to write the MCP (Master Control Program) on
the Burroughs 6700. It was superseded by NEWP.

["The B6700 ESPOL Reference Manual", Burroughs, 1970].

experimental physics control systems
Experimental Physics Control Systems

(EPCS) A group of the European Physical Society,
focussing on all aspects of controls, especially
informatics, in experimental physics, including accelerators
and experiments.

expert systems ltd.
Expert Systems Ltd.

(ESL) Distributors of ESLPDPRO.

Adderss: Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford, OX4
4GA. Telephone +44 (865) 784474.

extended systems modelling language
Extended Systems Modelling Language

(ESML) A real-time software engineering
methodology based on RTSA.

ibm systems engineer
IBM Systems Engineer

(SE) A software person from IBM.

incremental prototyping technology for embedded realtime systems
Incremental Prototyping Technology for Embedded Realtime Systems

An Esprit project.

[Partners? Results?]

information systems factory
Information Systems Factory

(ISF) An equivalent to an SEE.

[Simultaneous Engineering Environment or {Software
Engineering Environment}?]

integrated systems architecture
Integrated Systems Architecture

(ISA for ODP) An Esprit 2 project continuing the ANSA

integrated systems laboratory
Integrated Systems Laboratory

A joint project of Control Data Corporation and
NCR Corporation, established in 1973 and dissolved in 1976.

Integrated Systems Laboratory developed {Software Writer's

Address: Escondidio, California, USA.

knowledge systems laboratory
Knowledge Systems Laboratory

(KSL) An artificial intelligence research laboratory within
the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.
Current work focuses on knowledge representation for
sharable engineering knowledge bases and systems,
computational environments for modelling physical devices,
architectures for adaptive intelligent systems, and {expert
systems} for science and engineering.

language for communicating systems
Language for Communicating Systems

(LCS) A concurrent SML by Bernard Berthomieu
with behaviours and processes, based upon {higher order
CCS}. LCS is implemented as a bytecode interpreter and runs
on Sun SPARC, SGI MIPS, and Linux.


E-mail: Bernard Berthomieu .

Mailing list:

large installation systems administration
Large Installation Systems Administration

(LISA) The USENIX systems administration conference. It is
now more general that its title suggests. It is sponsored and
organised by SAGE, the USENIX Systems Administrators Guild.


lynx real-time systems
Lynx Real-Time Systems

A company in Los Gatos, California who distribute LynxOS.


E-mail: , .

Address: 16780 Lark Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030, USA.

Telephone:: +1 (408) 354 7770, +1 (800) 255 LYNX. Fax: +1
(408) 354 7085.

micro instrumentation and telemetry systems
Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems

(MITS) The company which made the Altair 8800
micrcomputer kit. They also made instrumentation kits for
model rockets and RC vehicles. Ed Roberts owned MITS for a
few years until he sold out, moved to Georgia, and went to med

Address: Albuquerque NM, USA.

microsoft certified systems administrator
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator

(MCSA) Microsoft's qualification for people who
administer network and system environments based on Windows
operating systems. Specializations include Messaging and

Replaced by Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate.

microsoft certified systems developer
Microsoft Certified Systems Developer

Do you mean {Microsoft Certified Solution
Developer} or Microsoft Certified System Engineer?

national advanced systems
National Advanced Systems

(NAS) A company, previously known as ITEL, that made
IBM plug-compatible hardware and was bought by Hitachi.

[Is this correct? Dates? US?]

national information services and systems
National Information Services and Systems

(NISS) An information archive service at Bath University,
intended primarily for UK eductional institutions.


nial systems ltd.
NIAL Systems Ltd.

Distributors of Q'NIAL.

Address: Ottawa Canada.

Telephone: Canada (613) 234 4188.

novell data systems
Novell Data Systems

A small computer hardware company building CP/M
Z80-based systems. They later went on to become {Novell,
Inc.} and develop Novell Netware.

open systems interconnect
Open Systems Interconnection
ISO seven layer model
Open Systems Interconnect
OSI Model
OSI Reference Model
OSI seven layer model
seven layer model

(OSI-RM, OSI Reference Model, seven layer model)
A model of network architecture and a suite of protocols (a
protocol stack) to implement it, developed by ISO in 1978
as a framework for international standards in heterogeneous
computer network architecture.

The OSI architecture is split between seven layers, from
lowest to highest: 1 physical layer, 2 data link layer, 3
network layer, 4 transport layer, 5 session layer, 6
presentation layer, 7 application layer.

Each layer uses the layer immediately below it and provides a
service to the layer above. In some implementations a layer
may itself be composed of sub-layers.

OSI is the umbrella name for a series of non-proprietary
protocols and specifications, comprising, among others, the
OSI Reference Model, ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1), BER
(Basic Encoding Rules), CMIP and CMIS (Common Management
Information Protocol and Services), X.400 (Message Handling
System, or MHS), X.500 (Directory Service), Z39.50 (search
and retrieval protocol used by WAIS), and many others.
Apart from its actual application to real protocols, it also
serves as a useful teaching model.

open systems interconnection
Open Systems Interconnection
ISO seven layer model
Open Systems Interconnect
OSI Model
OSI Reference Model
OSI seven layer model
seven layer model

(OSI-RM, OSI Reference Model, seven layer model)
A model of network architecture and a suite of protocols (a
protocol stack) to implement it, developed by ISO in 1978
as a framework for international standards in heterogeneous
computer network architecture.

The OSI architecture is split between seven layers, from
lowest to highest: 1 physical layer, 2 data link layer, 3
network layer, 4 transport layer, 5 session layer, 6
presentation layer, 7 application layer.

Each layer uses the layer immediately below it and provides a
service to the layer above. In some implementations a layer
may itself be composed of sub-layers.

OSI is the umbrella name for a series of non-proprietary
protocols and specifications, comprising, among others, the
OSI Reference Model, ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1), BER
(Basic Encoding Rules), CMIP and CMIS (Common Management
Information Protocol and Services), X.400 (Message Handling
System, or MHS), X.500 (Directory Service), Z39.50 (search
and retrieval protocol used by WAIS), and many others.
Apart from its actual application to real protocols, it also
serves as a useful teaching model.

parcplace systems
ParcPlace Systems

A company spun-off from Xerox PARC that developed
the original version of VisualWorks.

praxis critical systems
Praxis Critical Systems

The company that supplies SPARK.

programmed graph rewriting systems
PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems

(PROGRES) A very high level language based on
graph grammars, developed by Andy Scheurr
and Albert Zuendorf
of RWTH, Aachen in

PROGRES supports structurally object-oriented specification
of attributed graph structures with multiple inheritance
hierarchies and types of types (for {parametric
polymorphism}). It also supports declarative/relational
specification of derived attributes, node sets, binary
relationships (directed edges) and Boolean constraints,
rule-oriented/visual specification of parameterised graph
rewrite rules with complex application conditions,
nondeterministic and imperative programming of composite
graph transformations (with built-in backtracking and
cancelling arbitrary sequences of failing graph

It is used for implementing abstract data types with
graph-like internal structure, as a visual language for the
graph-oriented database GRAS, and as a rule-oriented
language for prototyping nondeterministically specified
data/rule base transformations.

PROGRES has a formally defined semantics based on
"PROgrammed Graph Rewriting Systems". It is an almost
statically typed language which additionally offers "down
casting" operators for run time checked type
casting/conversion (in order to avoid severe restrictions
concerning the language's expressiveness).

Version RWTH 5.10 includes an integrated environment.

[A. Scheurr, "Introduction to PROGRES, an Attribute Graph
Grammar Based Specification Language", in Proc WG89 Workshop
on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science", LNCS 411,
Springer 1991].

( for

programming language/systems
Programming Language/Systems

(PL/S) An IBM machine-oriented language derived
from PL/I, in the late 1960s, for the IBM 360 and {IBM
370}. PL/S permitted inline assembly language and control
over register usage.

Previous IBM 360 operating systems such as OS/MFT and
OS/MVT had been written entirely in assembly language.
The first IBM OS that had any significant portion written in
PL/S was MVS, followed by OS/VS1, OS/VS2 and OS/SVS.

PL/S was part of IBM's {OCO
(} (object
code only) effort, started in 1983. PL/S was used internally
and never released to the public. It is documented in various
IBM internal ZZ-? publications.

Versions: PLS1, PLSII.

["PL/S, Programming Language/Systems", W.R. Brittenham, Proc
GUIDE Intl, GUIDE 34, May 14, 1972, pp. 540-556].

quality systems & software ltd.
Quality Systems & Software Ltd.

The company which produced the DOORS requirements
engineering tool. They also provide consultancy as
Requirements Engineering Ltd.


E-mail: Ian Alexander , Amanda
Haisman-Baker .

research systems, inc.
Research Systems, Inc.

(RSI) Distributors of Interactive Data Language (IDL).

( E-mail: .

scientific data systems
Scientific Data Systems

(SDS) The company that produced the SDS 940 (later
renamed XDS 940). Around 1968 Xerox bought out SDS and
renamed the SDS machines to XDS.

[What else?]

shared time repair of big electronic systems
Shared Time Repair of Big Electronic Systems

(STROBES) A language for computer testing.

[Sammet 1969, p. 699].

simulating digital systems
Simulating Digital Systems

Fortran-like language for describing computer
logic design. Sammet 1969, p.622.
sun microsystems, inc.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

One of the first, and now biggest, US computer
manufacturers. They also manufacture in Europe. The Sun-2
and 3 series of workstations and servers were based on the
Motorola 680x0 family of microprocessors and the Sun-4
series on the SPARC. Sun also produce their own version of
Unix, originally called SunOS and now Solaris. Their
Network File System has become the de facto standard for
sharing files between Unix systems.

Sun own MySQL AB. Sun was bought by Oracle Corporation on

Quarterly sales $1403M, profits $78M (Aug 1994).

( {Sun World Online

Address: 2550 Garcia Ave., Mt. View, CA 94043 -1100 USA.


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