stigma,blizna n: [bot.] část pestíku Jirka Daněk
stigma,stigma n: Zdeněk Brož
stigma,stigman: Zdeněk Brož
Stigma \Stig"ma\, n.; pl. E. Stigmas, L. Stigmata. [L., a
mark, a brand, from Gr. ?, ?, the prick or mark of a pointed
instrument, a spot, mark, from ? to prick, to brand. See
Stick, v. t.]
1. A mark made with a burning iron; a brand.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any mark of infamy or disgrace; sign of moral blemish;
stain or reproach caused by dishonorable conduct;
reproachful characterization.
[1913 Webster]

The blackest stigma that can be fastened upon him.
--Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

All such slaughters were from thence called
Bartelmies, simply in a perpetual stigma of that
butchery. --Sir G. Buck.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) That part of a pistil which has no epidermis, and
is fitted to receive the pollen. It is usually the
terminal portion, and is commonly somewhat glutinous or
viscid. See Illust. of Stamen and of Flower.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A small spot, mark, scar, or a minute hole; --
applied especially to a spot on the outer surface of a
Graafian follicle, and to spots of intercellular substance
in scaly epithelium, or to minute holes in such spots.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Pathol.) A red speck upon the skin, produced either by
the extravasation of blood, as in the bloody sweat
characteristic of certain varieties of religious ecstasy,
or by capillary congestion, as in the case of drunkards.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.)
(a) One of the external openings of the tracheae of
insects, myriapods, and other arthropods; a spiracle.
(b) One of the apertures of the pulmonary sacs of
arachnids. See Illust. of Scorpion.
(c) One of the apertures of the gill of an ascidian, and
of Amphioxus.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Geom.) A point so connected by any law whatever with
another point, called an index, that as the index moves in
any manner in a plane the first point or stigma moves in a
determinate way in the same plane.
[1913 Webster]

8. pl. (R. C. Ch.) Marks believed to have been supernaturally
impressed upon the bodies of certain persons in imitation
of the wounds on the crucified body of Christ. See def. 5,
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters
the pistil
2: a symbol of disgrace or infamy; "And the Lord set a mark upon
Cain"--Genesis [syn: mark, stigma, brand, stain]
3: an external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod
4: a skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease
podobné slovodefinícia
- astigmatický
- astigmatizmus
- stigmatizácia
- stigmatizovať, kritizovať, odsúdiť
- astigmatic
- astigmatism
- stigmatize
- stigmatization
- astigmatic
- astigmatism
- stigmatization
- stigmatize
anastigmat,anastigmat Zdeněk Brož
astigmatic,astigmatický adj: Zdeněk Brož
astigmatism,astigmatizmus n: Zdeněk Brož
stigmata,jizvy n: Zdeněk Brožstigmata,stigmata n: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatic,bodový adj: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatisation,stigmatizace n: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatise,ocejchovat v: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatised,ocejchovaný Jaroslav Šedivý
stigmatism, n:
stigmatist, n:
stigmatize,stigmatizovat v: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatized,ocejchovaný Jaroslav Šedivý
anastigmat,anastigmat Zdeněk Brož
astigmatický,astigmaticadj: Zdeněk Brož
astigmatizmus,astigmatismn: Zdeněk Brož
stigmata,stigmatan: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatizace,stigmatisationn: Zdeněk Brož
stigmatizovat,stigmatizev: Zdeněk Brož
anastigmat \anastigmat\ n.
1. compound lens or lens system designed to be free of
astigmatism and able to form approximately point images.
[WordNet 1.5]
Anastigmatic \An*as`tig*mat"ic\, a. [Pref. an-not + astigmatic.]
Not astigmatic; free of astigmatism; -- pertaining to a lens
or lens system, and used especially of a lens system which
consists of a converging lens and a diverging lens of equal
and opposite astigmatism but different focal lengths, and
sensibly free from astigmatism.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5]
Astigmatic \As`tig*mat"ic\, a. (Med. & Opt.)
Affected with, or pertaining to, astigmatism; as, astigmatic
eyes; also, remedying astigmatism; as, astigmatic lenses.
[1913 Webster]
ametropia \am`e*tro"pi*a\ ([a^]m`[-e]*tr[=o]"p[i^]*[.a]), n.
[Gr. 'a`metros irregular + 'w`ps, 'wpo`s, eye.] (Med.)
A visual impairment resulting from faulty refraction of light
rays in the eye. Subtypes include myopia astigmatism and
hyperopia. -- Am`e*trop"ic ([a^]m`[-e]*tr[o^]p"[i^]k), a.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Astigmatism \A*stig"ma*tism\, n. [Gr. 'a priv. + ?, ?, a prick
of a pointed instrument, a spot, fr. ? to prick: cf. F.
astigmatisme.] (Med. & Opt.)
A defect of the eye or of a lens, in consequence of which the
rays derived from one point are not brought to a single focal
point, thus causing imperfect images or indistinctness of
[1913 Webster]

Note: The term is applied especially to the defect causing
images of lines having a certain direction to be
indistinct, or imperfectly seen, while those of lines
transverse to the former are distinct, or clearly seen.
[1913 Webster]
ametropia \am`e*tro"pi*a\ ([a^]m`[-e]*tr[=o]"p[i^]*[.a]), n.
[Gr. 'a`metros irregular + 'w`ps, 'wpo`s, eye.] (Med.)
A visual impairment resulting from faulty refraction of light
rays in the eye. Subtypes include myopia astigmatism and
hyperopia. -- Am`e*trop"ic ([a^]m`[-e]*tr[o^]p"[i^]k), a.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Astigmatism \A*stig"ma*tism\, n. [Gr. 'a priv. + ?, ?, a prick
of a pointed instrument, a spot, fr. ? to prick: cf. F.
astigmatisme.] (Med. & Opt.)
A defect of the eye or of a lens, in consequence of which the
rays derived from one point are not brought to a single focal
point, thus causing imperfect images or indistinctness of
[1913 Webster]

Note: The term is applied especially to the defect causing
images of lines having a certain direction to be
indistinct, or imperfectly seen, while those of lines
transverse to the former are distinct, or clearly seen.
[1913 Webster]
Myopic astigmatism
Myopic \My*op"ic\, a.
Pertaining to, or affected with, or characterized by, myopia;
[1913 Webster]

Myopic astigmatism, a condition in which the eye is
affected with myopia in one meridian only.
[1913 Webster]
Orgyia leucostigma
Orgyia \Or*gy"i*a\, prop. n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? the length of the
outstretched arms. So named because, when at rest, it
stretches forward its fore legs like arms.] (Zool.).
A genus of bombycid moths whose caterpillars (esp. those of
Orgyia leucostigma) are often very injurious to fruit trees
and shade trees. The female is wingless. Called also {vaporer
[1913 Webster]
Physostigma venenosum
Physostigmine \Phy`so*stig"mine\, n. (Chem.)
An alkaloid found in the Calabar bean (the seed of
Physostigma venenosum), and extracted as a white,
tasteless, substance, amorphous or crystalline; -- formerly
called eserine, with which it was regarded as identical.
[1913 Webster]Calabar \Cal"a*bar\, n.
A district on the west coast of Africa.
[1913 Webster]

Calabar bean, The of a climbing legumious plant
(Physostigma venenosum), a native of tropical Africa. It
is highly poisonous. It is used to produce contraction of
the pupil of the eye; also in tetanus, neuralgia, and
rheumatic diseases; -- called also ordeal bean, being
used by the negroes in trials for witchcraft.
[1913 Webster]Eserine \Es"er*ine\ (?; 104), n. [From native name of the
Calabar bean: cf. F. ['e]s['e]rine.] (Chem.)
An alkaloid found in the Calabar bean, and the seed of
Physostigma venenosum; physostigmine. It is used in
ophthalmic surgery for its effect in contracting the pupil.
[1913 Webster]
Pterostigma \Pter`o*stig"ma\, n.; pl. Pterostigmata. [NL., fr.
Gr. ? wing + ?, ?, a mark.] (Zool.)
A thickened opaque spot on the wings of certain insects.
[1913 Webster]
Pterostigma \Pter`o*stig"ma\, n.; pl. Pterostigmata. [NL., fr.
Gr. ? wing + ?, ?, a mark.] (Zool.)
A thickened opaque spot on the wings of certain insects.
[1913 Webster]
Stigma \Stig"ma\, n.; pl. E. Stigmas, L. Stigmata. [L., a
mark, a brand, from Gr. ?, ?, the prick or mark of a pointed
instrument, a spot, mark, from ? to prick, to brand. See
Stick, v. t.]
1. A mark made with a burning iron; a brand.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any mark of infamy or disgrace; sign of moral blemish;
stain or reproach caused by dishonorable conduct;
reproachful characterization.
[1913 Webster]

The blackest stigma that can be fastened upon him.
--Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

All such slaughters were from thence called
Bartelmies, simply in a perpetual stigma of that
butchery. --Sir G. Buck.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) That part of a pistil which has no epidermis, and
is fitted to receive the pollen. It is usually the
terminal portion, and is commonly somewhat glutinous or
viscid. See Illust. of Stamen and of Flower.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A small spot, mark, scar, or a minute hole; --
applied especially to a spot on the outer surface of a
Graafian follicle, and to spots of intercellular substance
in scaly epithelium, or to minute holes in such spots.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Pathol.) A red speck upon the skin, produced either by
the extravasation of blood, as in the bloody sweat
characteristic of certain varieties of religious ecstasy,
or by capillary congestion, as in the case of drunkards.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.)
(a) One of the external openings of the tracheae of
insects, myriapods, and other arthropods; a spiracle.
(b) One of the apertures of the pulmonary sacs of
arachnids. See Illust. of Scorpion.
(c) One of the apertures of the gill of an ascidian, and
of Amphioxus.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Geom.) A point so connected by any law whatever with
another point, called an index, that as the index moves in
any manner in a plane the first point or stigma moves in a
determinate way in the same plane.
[1913 Webster]

8. pl. (R. C. Ch.) Marks believed to have been supernaturally
impressed upon the bodies of certain persons in imitation
of the wounds on the crucified body of Christ. See def. 5,
[1913 Webster]
Stigmaria \Stig*ma"ri*a\, n. [NL. See Stigma.] (Paleon.)
The fossil root stem of a coal plant of the genus
[1913 Webster]
Stigma \Stig"ma\, n.; pl. E. Stigmas, L. Stigmata. [L., a
mark, a brand, from Gr. ?, ?, the prick or mark of a pointed
instrument, a spot, mark, from ? to prick, to brand. See
Stick, v. t.]
1. A mark made with a burning iron; a brand.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any mark of infamy or disgrace; sign of moral blemish;
stain or reproach caused by dishonorable conduct;
reproachful characterization.
[1913 Webster]

The blackest stigma that can be fastened upon him.
--Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

All such slaughters were from thence called
Bartelmies, simply in a perpetual stigma of that
butchery. --Sir G. Buck.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) That part of a pistil which has no epidermis, and
is fitted to receive the pollen. It is usually the
terminal portion, and is commonly somewhat glutinous or
viscid. See Illust. of Stamen and of Flower.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A small spot, mark, scar, or a minute hole; --
applied especially to a spot on the outer surface of a
Graafian follicle, and to spots of intercellular substance
in scaly epithelium, or to minute holes in such spots.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Pathol.) A red speck upon the skin, produced either by
the extravasation of blood, as in the bloody sweat
characteristic of certain varieties of religious ecstasy,
or by capillary congestion, as in the case of drunkards.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.)
(a) One of the external openings of the tracheae of
insects, myriapods, and other arthropods; a spiracle.
(b) One of the apertures of the pulmonary sacs of
arachnids. See Illust. of Scorpion.
(c) One of the apertures of the gill of an ascidian, and
of Amphioxus.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Geom.) A point so connected by any law whatever with
another point, called an index, that as the index moves in
any manner in a plane the first point or stigma moves in a
determinate way in the same plane.
[1913 Webster]

8. pl. (R. C. Ch.) Marks believed to have been supernaturally
impressed upon the bodies of certain persons in imitation
of the wounds on the crucified body of Christ. See def. 5,
[1913 Webster]
Stigmata \Stig"ma*ta\, n.;
pl. of Stigma.
[1913 Webster]Stigma \Stig"ma\, n.; pl. E. Stigmas, L. Stigmata. [L., a
mark, a brand, from Gr. ?, ?, the prick or mark of a pointed
instrument, a spot, mark, from ? to prick, to brand. See
Stick, v. t.]
1. A mark made with a burning iron; a brand.
[1913 Webster]

2. Any mark of infamy or disgrace; sign of moral blemish;
stain or reproach caused by dishonorable conduct;
reproachful characterization.
[1913 Webster]

The blackest stigma that can be fastened upon him.
--Bp. Hall.
[1913 Webster]

All such slaughters were from thence called
Bartelmies, simply in a perpetual stigma of that
butchery. --Sir G. Buck.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) That part of a pistil which has no epidermis, and
is fitted to receive the pollen. It is usually the
terminal portion, and is commonly somewhat glutinous or
viscid. See Illust. of Stamen and of Flower.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) A small spot, mark, scar, or a minute hole; --
applied especially to a spot on the outer surface of a
Graafian follicle, and to spots of intercellular substance
in scaly epithelium, or to minute holes in such spots.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Pathol.) A red speck upon the skin, produced either by
the extravasation of blood, as in the bloody sweat
characteristic of certain varieties of religious ecstasy,
or by capillary congestion, as in the case of drunkards.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Zool.)
(a) One of the external openings of the tracheae of
insects, myriapods, and other arthropods; a spiracle.
(b) One of the apertures of the pulmonary sacs of
arachnids. See Illust. of Scorpion.
(c) One of the apertures of the gill of an ascidian, and
of Amphioxus.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Geom.) A point so connected by any law whatever with
another point, called an index, that as the index moves in
any manner in a plane the first point or stigma moves in a
determinate way in the same plane.
[1913 Webster]

8. pl. (R. C. Ch.) Marks believed to have been supernaturally
impressed upon the bodies of certain persons in imitation
of the wounds on the crucified body of Christ. See def. 5,
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatic \Stig*mat"ic\, n.
1. A notorious profligate or criminal who has been branded;
one who bears the marks of infamy or punishment. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A person who is marked or deformed by nature. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
[1913 Webster] StigmaticStigmatic \Stig*mat"ic\, Stigmatical \Stig*mat"ic*al\, a. [See
1. Marked with a stigma, or with something reproachful to
[1913 Webster]

2. Impressing with infamy or reproach. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot., Anat., etc) Of or pertaining to a stigma or
[1913 Webster]

Stigmatic geometry, or Stigmatics, that science in which
the correspondence of index and stigma (see Stigma, 7)
is made use of to establish geometrical proportions.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatic geometry
Stigmatic \Stig*mat"ic\, Stigmatical \Stig*mat"ic*al\, a. [See
1. Marked with a stigma, or with something reproachful to
[1913 Webster]

2. Impressing with infamy or reproach. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot., Anat., etc) Of or pertaining to a stigma or
[1913 Webster]

Stigmatic geometry, or Stigmatics, that science in which
the correspondence of index and stigma (see Stigma, 7)
is made use of to establish geometrical proportions.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatic \Stig*mat"ic\, Stigmatical \Stig*mat"ic*al\, a. [See
1. Marked with a stigma, or with something reproachful to
[1913 Webster]

2. Impressing with infamy or reproach. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot., Anat., etc) Of or pertaining to a stigma or
[1913 Webster]

Stigmatic geometry, or Stigmatics, that science in which
the correspondence of index and stigma (see Stigma, 7)
is made use of to establish geometrical proportions.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatically \Stig*mat"ic*al*ly\, adv.
With a stigma, or mark of infamy or deformity.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatic \Stig*mat"ic\, Stigmatical \Stig*mat"ic*al\, a. [See
1. Marked with a stigma, or with something reproachful to
[1913 Webster]

2. Impressing with infamy or reproach. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot., Anat., etc) Of or pertaining to a stigma or
[1913 Webster]

Stigmatic geometry, or Stigmatics, that science in which
the correspondence of index and stigma (see Stigma, 7)
is made use of to establish geometrical proportions.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatist \Stig"ma*tist\, n.
One believed to be supernaturally impressed with the marks of
Christ's wounds. See Stigma, 8.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatization \Stig`ma*ti*za"tion\, n.
1. The act of stigmatizing.
[1913 Webster]

2. (R. C. Ch.) The production of stigmata upon the body. See
Stigma, 8.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatize \Stig"ma*tize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stigmatized; p.
pr. & vb. n. Stigmatizing.] [F. stigmatiser, Gr. ?.]
1. To mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients
stigmatized their slaves and soldiers.
[1913 Webster]

That . . . hold out both their ears with such
delight and ravishment, to be stigmatized and bored
through in witness of their own voluntary and
beloved baseness. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To set a mark of disgrace on; to brand with some mark of
reproach or infamy.
[1913 Webster]

To find virtue extolled and vice stigmatized.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatize \Stig"ma*tize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stigmatized; p.
pr. & vb. n. Stigmatizing.] [F. stigmatiser, Gr. ?.]
1. To mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients
stigmatized their slaves and soldiers.
[1913 Webster]

That . . . hold out both their ears with such
delight and ravishment, to be stigmatized and bored
through in witness of their own voluntary and
beloved baseness. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To set a mark of disgrace on; to brand with some mark of
reproach or infamy.
[1913 Webster]

To find virtue extolled and vice stigmatized.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatize \Stig"ma*tize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stigmatized; p.
pr. & vb. n. Stigmatizing.] [F. stigmatiser, Gr. ?.]
1. To mark with a stigma, or brand; as, the ancients
stigmatized their slaves and soldiers.
[1913 Webster]

That . . . hold out both their ears with such
delight and ravishment, to be stigmatized and bored
through in witness of their own voluntary and
beloved baseness. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. To set a mark of disgrace on; to brand with some mark of
reproach or infamy.
[1913 Webster]

To find virtue extolled and vice stigmatized.
[1913 Webster]
Stigmatose \Stig"ma*tose`\, a. (Bot.)
Same as Stigmatic.
[1913 Webster]
Tristigmatic \Tri`stig*mat"ic\, Tristigmatose
\Tri*stig"ma*tose`\, a. [Pref. tri- + stigma.] (Bot.)
Having, or consisting of, three stigmas. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]
Tristigmatic \Tri`stig*mat"ic\, Tristigmatose
\Tri*stig"ma*tose`\, a. [Pref. tri- + stigma.] (Bot.)
Having, or consisting of, three stigmas. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]
Ulocentra stigmaea
Speck \Speck\, n. [OE. spekke, AS. specca; cf. LG. spaak.]
1. A small discolored place in or on anything, or a small
place of a color different from that of the main
substance; a spot; a stain; a blemish; as, a speck on
paper or loth; specks of decay in fruit. "Gray sand, with
black specks." --Anson.
[1913 Webster]

2. A very small thing; a particle; a mite; as, specks of
dust; he has not a speck of money.
[1913 Webster]

Many bright specks bubble up along the blue Egean.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) A small etheostomoid fish (Ulocentra stigmaea)
common in the Eastern United States.
[1913 Webster]
Unstigmatized \Unstigmatized\
See stigmatized.
n 1: compound lens or lens system designed to be free of
astigmatism and able to form approximately point images
adj 1: pertaining to a lens or lens system free of astigmatism
(able to form point images) [syn: anastigmatic,
2: not astigmatic [syn: anastigmatic, stigmatic] [ant:
anastigmatic lens
anastigmatic lens
n 1: a lens designed to correct astigmatism
adj 1: of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused
by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents
light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results
in distorted images [ant: anastigmatic, stigmatic]
n 1: (ophthalmology) impaired eyesight resulting usually from
irregular conformation of the cornea; common in nearsighted
people [syn: astigmatism, astigmia]
2: (optics) defect in an optical system in which light rays from
a single point fail to converge in a single focal point [syn:
astigmatism, astigmia] [ant: stigmatism]
n 1: thornbills [syn: Chalcostigma, genus Chalcostigma]
genus chalcostigma
genus Chalcostigma
n 1: thornbills [syn: Chalcostigma, genus Chalcostigma]
genus physostigma
genus Physostigma
n 1: African woody vines: calabar beans [syn: Physostigma,
genus Physostigma]
genus trichostigma
genus Trichostigma
n 1: a genus of erect or climbing shrubs found in tropical South
America [syn: Trichostigma, genus Trichostigma]
n 1: African woody vines: calabar beans [syn: Physostigma,
genus Physostigma]
physostigma venenosum
Physostigma venenosum
n 1: tropical African woody vine yielding calabar beans [syn:
calabar-bean vine, Physostigma venenosum]
n 1: marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ
adj 1: pertaining to or resembling or having stigmata
2: pertaining to a lens or lens system free of astigmatism (able
to form point images) [syn: anastigmatic, stigmatic]
3: not astigmatic [syn: anastigmatic, stigmatic] [ant:
n 1: a person whose body is marked by religious stigmata (such
as marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ)
[syn: stigmatic, stigmatist]

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