- stank/stunk
- stank, stunk
- stank, stunk
stink,smrdět v:
stink,stink/stank/stunk v: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Stink \Stink\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stunk, Stank, p. pr. &
vb. n. Stinking.] [AS. stinkan to have a smell (whether
good or bad); akin to OHG. stinchan, G. & D. stinken to
stink; of uncertain origin; cf. Icel. st["o]kkva to leap, to
spring, Goth. stigqan to push, strike, or Gr. ? rancid. Cf.
To emit a strong, offensive smell; to send out a disgusting
[1913 Webster]
Stink \Stink\, v. t.
To cause to stink; to affect by a stink.
[1913 Webster]
Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant [syn:
malodor, malodour, stench, stink, reek, fetor,
foetor, mephitis]
v 1: be extremely bad in quality or in one's performance; "This
term paper stinks!"
2: smell badly and offensively; "The building reeks of smoke"
[syn: reek, stink]
podobné slovodefinícia
common stinkhorn
common stinkhorn, n:
dog stinkhorn
dog stinkhorn, n:
fish and company stink after three days
fish and company stink after three days,
go like stink
go like stink,
kick up a stink
kick up a stink,udělat cirkus přeneseně Rostislav Svoboda
raise a stink
raise a stink,dělat příliš povyku [id.] Michal Ambrož
stink bell
stink bell, n:
stink bomb
stink bomb, n:
stink fly
stink fly, n:
stink out
stink out, v:
stink the joint out
stink the joint out,
stink up
stink up, v:
stinkbird, n:
stinker,mizera n: Zdeněk Brož
stinkhorn, n:
stinkiness, n:
stinking,smradlavý adj: Zdeněk Brožstinking,smrdutý adj: Zdeněk Brožstinking,zapáchající adj: Zdeněk Brožstinking,zapáchání n: Zdeněk Brož
stinking bean trefoil
stinking bean trefoil, n:
stinking cedar
stinking cedar, n:
stinking chamomile
stinking chamomile, n:
stinking clover
stinking clover, n:
stinking elder
stinking elder, n:
stinking gladwyn
stinking gladwyn, n:
stinking goosefoot
stinking goosefoot, n:
stinking hellebore
stinking hellebore, n:
stinking horehound
stinking horehound, n:
stinking iris
stinking iris, n:
stinking mayweed
stinking mayweed, n:
stinking nightshade
stinking nightshade, n:
stinking rich
stinking rich,pracháč Zdeněk Brož
stinking smut
stinking smut, n:
stinking wattle
stinking wattle, n:
stinking weed
stinking weed, n:
stinking yew
stinking yew, n:
stinkpot, n:
stinks,zapáchá v: Zdeněk Brož
stinkweed, n:
stinky squid
stinky squid, n:
instinkt,instinct Pavel Machek; Giza
instinktivní,instinctive Pavel Machek; Gizainstinktivní,instinctualadj: Zdeněk Brož
instinktivně,instinctivelyadv: Zdeněk Brož
instinkty,instinctsn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
stink on ice
Stink On Ice,SOI[zkr.]
stink/stank/stunk,stankv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladstink/stank/stunk,stinkv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladstink/stank/stunk,stunkv: [neprav.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Fire stink
Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]Fire \Fire\ (f[imac]r), n. [OE. fir, fyr, fur AS. f[=y]r; akin
to D. vuur, OS. & OHG. fiur, G. feuer, Icel. f[=y]ri,
f[=u]rr, Gr. py^r, and perh. to L. purus pure, E. pure Cf.
Empyrean, Pyre.]
1. The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of
bodies; combustion; state of ignition.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The form of fire exhibited in the combustion of gases
in an ascending stream or current is called flame.
Anciently, fire, air, earth, and water were regarded as
the four elements of which all things are composed.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a
stove or a furnace.
[1913 Webster]

3. The burning of a house or town; a conflagration.
[1913 Webster]

4. Anything which destroys or affects like fire.
[1913 Webster]

5. Ardor of passion, whether love or hate; excessive warmth;
consuming violence of temper.
[1913 Webster]

he had fire in his temper. --Atterbury.
[1913 Webster]

6. Liveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral
enthusiasm; capacity for ardor and zeal.
[1913 Webster]

And bless their critic with a poet's fire. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

7. Splendor; brilliancy; luster; hence, a star.
[1913 Webster]

Stars, hide your fires. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

As in a zodiac
representing the heavenly fires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

8. Torture by burning; severe trial or affliction.
[1913 Webster]

9. The discharge of firearms; firing; as, the troops were
exposed to a heavy fire.
[1913 Webster]

Blue fire, Red fire, Green fire (Pyrotech.),
compositions of various combustible substances, as
sulphur, niter, lampblack, etc., the flames of which are
colored by various metallic salts, as those of antimony,
strontium, barium, etc.

Fire alarm
(a) A signal given on the breaking out of a fire.
(b) An apparatus for giving such an alarm.

Fire annihilator, a machine, device, or preparation to be
kept at hand for extinguishing fire by smothering it with
some incombustible vapor or gas, as carbonic acid.

Fire balloon.
(a) A balloon raised in the air by the buoyancy of air
heated by a fire placed in the lower part.
(b) A balloon sent up at night with fireworks which ignite
at a regulated height. --Simmonds.

Fire bar, a grate bar.

Fire basket, a portable grate; a cresset. --Knight.

Fire beetle. (Zool.) See in the Vocabulary.

Fire blast, a disease of plants which causes them to appear
as if burnt by fire.

Fire box, the chamber of a furnace, steam boiler, etc., for
the fire.

Fire brick, a refractory brick, capable of sustaining
intense heat without fusion, usually made of fire clay or
of siliceous material, with some cementing substance, and
used for lining fire boxes, etc.

Fire brigade, an organized body of men for extinguished

Fire bucket. See under Bucket.

Fire bug, an incendiary; one who, from malice or through
mania, persistently sets fire to property; a pyromaniac.

Fire clay. See under Clay.

Fire company, a company of men managing an engine in
extinguishing fires.

Fire cross. See Fiery cross. [Obs.] --Milton.

Fire damp. See under Damp.

Fire dog. See Firedog, in the Vocabulary.

Fire drill.
(a) A series of evolutions performed by fireman for
(b) An apparatus for producing fire by friction, by
rapidly twirling a wooden pin in a wooden socket; --
used by the Hindoos during all historic time, and by
many savage peoples.

Fire eater.
(a) A juggler who pretends to eat fire.
(b) A quarrelsome person who seeks affrays; a hotspur.

Fire engine, a portable forcing pump, usually on wheels,
for throwing water to extinguish fire.

Fire escape, a contrivance for facilitating escape from
burning buildings.

Fire gilding (Fine Arts), a mode of gilding with an amalgam
of gold and quicksilver, the latter metal being driven off
afterward by heat.

Fire gilt (Fine Arts), gold laid on by the process of fire

Fire insurance, the act or system of insuring against fire;
also, a contract by which an insurance company undertakes,
in consideration of the payment of a premium or small
percentage -- usually made periodically -- to indemnify an
owner of property from loss by fire during a specified

Fire irons, utensils for a fireplace or grate, as tongs,
poker, and shovel.

Fire main, a pipe for water, to be used in putting out

Fire master
(Mil), an artillery officer who formerly supervised the
composition of fireworks.

Fire office, an office at which to effect insurance against

Fire opal, a variety of opal giving firelike reflections.

Fire ordeal, an ancient mode of trial, in which the test
was the ability of the accused to handle or tread upon
red-hot irons. --Abbot.

Fire pan, a pan for holding or conveying fire, especially
the receptacle for the priming of a gun.

Fire plug, a plug or hydrant for drawing water from the
main pipes in a street, building, etc., for extinguishing

Fire policy, the writing or instrument expressing the
contract of insurance against loss by fire.

Fire pot.
(a) (Mil.) A small earthen pot filled with combustibles,
formerly used as a missile in war.
(b) The cast iron vessel which holds the fuel or fire in a
(c) A crucible.
(d) A solderer's furnace.

Fire raft, a raft laden with combustibles, used for setting
fire to an enemy's ships.

Fire roll, a peculiar beat of the drum to summon men to
their quarters in case of fire.

Fire setting (Mining), the process of softening or cracking
the working face of a lode, to facilitate excavation, by
exposing it to the action of fire; -- now generally
superseded by the use of explosives. --Raymond.

Fire ship, a vessel filled with combustibles, for setting
fire to an enemy's ships.

Fire shovel, a shovel for taking up coals of fire.

Fire stink, the stench from decomposing iron pyrites,
caused by the formation of hydrogen sulfide. --Raymond.

Fire surface, the surfaces of a steam boiler which are
exposed to the direct heat of the fuel and the products of
combustion; heating surface.

Fire swab, a swab saturated with water, for cooling a gun
in action and clearing away particles of powder, etc.

Fire teaser, in England, the fireman of a steam emgine.

Fire water, a strong alcoholic beverage; -- so called by
the American Indians.

Fire worship, the worship of fire, which prevails chiefly
in Persia, among the followers of Zoroaster, called
Chebers, or Guebers, and among the Parsees of India.

Greek fire. See under Greek.

On fire, burning; hence, ardent; passionate; eager;

Running fire, the rapid discharge of firearms in succession
by a line of troops.

St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas; -- an eruptive fever which
St. Anthony was supposed to cure miraculously. --Hoblyn.

St. Elmo's fire. See under Saint Elmo.

To set on fire, to inflame; to kindle.

To take fire, to begin to burn; to fly into a passion.
[1913 Webster]
Stink \Stink\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stunk, Stank, p. pr. &
vb. n. Stinking.] [AS. stinkan to have a smell (whether
good or bad); akin to OHG. stinchan, G. & D. stinken to
stink; of uncertain origin; cf. Icel. st["o]kkva to leap, to
spring, Goth. stigqan to push, strike, or Gr. ? rancid. Cf.
To emit a strong, offensive smell; to send out a disgusting
[1913 Webster]Stink \Stink\, v. t.
To cause to stink; to affect by a stink.
[1913 Webster]Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]
Stink rat
Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]
Stink shad
Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]
Stink trap
Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]
Stinkard \Stink"ard\, n.
1. A mean, stinking, paltry fellow. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The teledu of the East Indies. It emits a
disagreeable odor.
[1913 Webster]Teledu \Tel"e*du\, n. (Zool.)
An East Indian carnivore (Mydaus meliceps) allied to the
badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits,
somewhat resembling that of a skunk. It is a native of the
high mountains of Java and Sumatra, and has long, silky fur.
Called also stinking badger, and stinkard.
[1913 Webster]
Stinkard \Stink"ard\, n.
1. A mean, stinking, paltry fellow. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) The teledu of the East Indies. It emits a
disagreeable odor.
[1913 Webster]Teledu \Tel"e*du\, n. (Zool.)
An East Indian carnivore (Mydaus meliceps) allied to the
badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits,
somewhat resembling that of a skunk. It is a native of the
high mountains of Java and Sumatra, and has long, silky fur.
Called also stinking badger, and stinkard.
[1913 Webster]
Stinkball \Stink"ball`\, n.
A composition of substances which in combustion emit a
suffocating odor; -- used formerly in naval warfare.
[1913 Webster]
Stinker \Stink"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, stinks.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of the several species of large antarctic
petrels which feed on blubber and carrion and have an
offensive odor, as the giant fulmar.
[1913 Webster]
Stink-fire lance
Lance \Lance\ (l[a^]ns), n. [OE. lance, F. lance, fr. L. lancea;
cf. Gr. lo`gchh. Cf. Launch.]
1. A weapon of war, consisting of a long shaft or handle and
a steel blade or head; a spear carried by horsemen, and
often decorated with a small flag; also, a spear or
harpoon used by whalers and fishermen.
[1913 Webster]

A braver soldier never couched lance. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. A soldier armed with a lance; a lancer.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Founding) A small iron rod which suspends the core of the
mold in casting a shell.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mil.) An instrument which conveys the charge of a piece
of ordnance and forces it home.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Pyrotech.) One of the small paper cases filled with
combustible composition, which mark the outlines of a
[1913 Webster]

6. (Med.) A lancet.

Free lance, in the Middle Ages, and subsequently, a knight
or roving soldier, who was free to engage for any state or
commander that purchased his services; hence, a person who
assails institutions or opinions on his own responsibility
without regard to party lines or deference to authority.
See also freelance, n. and a., and freelancer.

Lance bucket (Cavalry), a socket attached to a saddle or
stirrup strap, in which to rest the but of a lance.

Lance corporal, same as Lancepesade.

Lance knight, a lansquenet. --B. Jonson.

Lance snake (Zool.), the fer-de-lance.

Stink-fire lance (Mil.), a kind of fuse filled with a
composition which burns with a suffocating odor; -- used
in the counter operations of miners.

To break a lance, to engage in a tilt or contest.
[1913 Webster]Stink \Stink\, n. [AS. stinc.]
A strong, offensive smell; a disgusting odor; a stench.
[1913 Webster]

Fire stink. See under Fire.

Stink-fire lance. See under Lance.

Stink rat (Zool.), the musk turtle. [Local, U.S.]

Stink shad (Zool.), the gizzard shad. [Local, U.S.]

Stink trap, a stench trap. See under Stench.
[1913 Webster]
Stinkhorn \Stink"horn`\, n. (Bot.)
A kind of fungus of the genus Phallus, which emits a fetid
[1913 Webster]
Stink \Stink\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Stunk, Stank, p. pr. &
vb. n. Stinking.] [AS. stinkan to have a smell (whether
good or bad); akin to OHG. stinchan, G. & D. stinken to
stink; of uncertain origin; cf. Icel. st["o]kkva to leap, to
spring, Goth. stigqan to push, strike, or Gr. ? rancid. Cf.
To emit a strong, offensive smell; to send out a disgusting
[1913 Webster]Stinking \Stink"ing\,
a. & n. from Stink, v.
[1913 Webster]

Stinking badger (Zool.), the teledu.

Stinking cedar (Bot.), the California nutmeg tree; also, a
related tree of Florida (Torreya taxifolia).
[1913 Webster]
Stinking badger
Stinking \Stink"ing\,
a. & n. from Stink, v.
[1913 Webster]

Stinking badger (Zool.), the teledu.

Stinking cedar (Bot.), the California nutmeg tree; also, a
related tree of Florida (Torreya taxifolia).
[1913 Webster]Teledu \Tel"e*du\, n. (Zool.)
An East Indian carnivore (Mydaus meliceps) allied to the
badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits,
somewhat resembling that of a skunk. It is a native of the
high mountains of Java and Sumatra, and has long, silky fur.
Called also stinking badger, and stinkard.
[1913 Webster]
stinking badger
Stinking \Stink"ing\,
a. & n. from Stink, v.
[1913 Webster]

Stinking badger (Zool.), the teledu.

Stinking cedar (Bot.), the California nutmeg tree; also, a
related tree of Florida (Torreya taxifolia).
[1913 Webster]Teledu \Tel"e*du\, n. (Zool.)
An East Indian carnivore (Mydaus meliceps) allied to the
badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits,
somewhat resembling that of a skunk. It is a native of the
high mountains of Java and Sumatra, and has long, silky fur.
Called also stinking badger, and stinkard.
[1913 Webster]
Stinking cedar
Stinking \Stink"ing\,
a. & n. from Stink, v.
[1913 Webster]

Stinking badger (Zool.), the teledu.

Stinking cedar (Bot.), the California nutmeg tree; also, a
related tree of Florida (Torreya taxifolia).
[1913 Webster]
Stinking nightshade
Nightshade \Night"shade`\, n. [AS. nichtscadu.] (Bot.)
A common name of many species of the genus Solanum, given
esp. to the Solanum nigrum, or black nightshade, a low,
branching weed with small white flowers and black berries
reputed to be poisonous.
[1913 Webster]

Deadly nightshade. Same as Belladonna
(a) .

Enchanter's nightshade. See under Enchanter.

Stinking nightshade. See Henbane.

Three-leaved nightshade. See Trillium.
[1913 Webster]Henbane \Hen"bane`\, n. [Hen + bane.] (Bot.)
A plant of the genus Hyoscyamus (Hyoscyamus niger). All
parts of the plant are poisonous, and the leaves are used for
the same purposes as belladonna. It is poisonous to domestic
fowls; whence the name. Called also, stinking nightshade,
from the fetid odor of the plant. See Hyoscyamus.
[1913 Webster]
stinking nightshade
Nightshade \Night"shade`\, n. [AS. nichtscadu.] (Bot.)
A common name of many species of the genus Solanum, given
esp. to the Solanum nigrum, or black nightshade, a low,
branching weed with small white flowers and black berries
reputed to be poisonous.
[1913 Webster]

Deadly nightshade. Same as Belladonna
(a) .

Enchanter's nightshade. See under Enchanter.

Stinking nightshade. See Henbane.

Three-leaved nightshade. See Trillium.
[1913 Webster]Henbane \Hen"bane`\, n. [Hen + bane.] (Bot.)
A plant of the genus Hyoscyamus (Hyoscyamus niger). All
parts of the plant are poisonous, and the leaves are used for
the same purposes as belladonna. It is poisonous to domestic
fowls; whence the name. Called also, stinking nightshade,
from the fetid odor of the plant. See Hyoscyamus.
[1913 Webster]
Stinkingly \Stink"ing*ly\, adv.
In a stinking manner; with an offensive smell.
[1913 Webster]

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