slovo | definícia |
subnet (encz) | subnet, |
subnet (foldoc) | subnet
A portion of a network, which may be a physically
independent network segment, which shares a network address
with other portions of the network and is distinguished by a
subnet number. A subnet is to a network what a network is to
an internet.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
subnetwork (encz) | subnetwork,podsíť n: [it.] Bukovansky Richard |
subnet address (foldoc) | subnet address
subnet number
The subnet portion of an IP address. In a subnetted
network, the host portion of an IP address is split into a
subnet portion and a host portion using an address mask (the
subnet mask).
subnet mask (foldoc) | address mask
subnet mask
(Or "subnet mask") A bit mask used to identify
which bits in an IP address correspond to the {network
address} and subnet portions of the address. This mask is
often referred to as the subnet mask because the network
portion of the address can be determined by the class
inherent in an IP address. The address mask has ones in
positions corresponding to the network and subnet numbers and
zeros in the host number positions.
subnet number (foldoc) | subnet address
subnet number
The subnet portion of an IP address. In a subnetted
network, the host portion of an IP address is split into a
subnet portion and a host portion using an address mask (the
subnet mask).
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