tableau,tablo Zdeněk Brož
tableau,výjev n: Zdeněk Brož
Tableau \Ta`bleau"\ (t[.a]`bl[=o]" E. t[a^]b"l[=o]`; 277), n.;
pl. Tableaux (t[.a]`bl[=o]" E. t[a^]b"l[=o]z`). [F., dim.
fr. L. tabula a painting. See Table.]
1. A striking and vivid representation; a picture.
[1913 Webster]

2. A representation of some scene by means of persons grouped
in the proper manner, placed in appropriate postures, and
remaining silent and motionless.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Solitaire) The arrangement, or layout, of cards.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: a group of people attractively arranged (as if in a
painting) [syn: tableau, tableau vivant]
2: any dramatic scene
podobné slovodefinícia
tableau vivant
tableau vivant, n:
tableaux,výjev n: Zdeněk Brož
Tableau \Ta`bleau"\ (t[.a]`bl[=o]" E. t[a^]b"l[=o]`; 277), n.;
pl. Tableaux (t[.a]`bl[=o]" E. t[a^]b"l[=o]z`). [F., dim.
fr. L. tabula a painting. See Table.]
1. A striking and vivid representation; a picture.
[1913 Webster]

2. A representation of some scene by means of persons grouped
in the proper manner, placed in appropriate postures, and
remaining silent and motionless.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Solitaire) The arrangement, or layout, of cards.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Tableau vivant
Tableau vivant \Ta`bleau" vi`vant"\ (t[.a]`bl[=o]"
v[-e]`v[aum]N"); pl. Tableaux vivants (t[.a]`bl[=o]"
v[-e]`v[aum]N"). [F.]
Same as Tableau, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]
Tableau \Ta`bleau"\ (t[.a]`bl[=o]" E. t[a^]b"l[=o]`; 277), n.;
pl. Tableaux (t[.a]`bl[=o]" E. t[a^]b"l[=o]z`). [F., dim.
fr. L. tabula a painting. See Table.]
1. A striking and vivid representation; a picture.
[1913 Webster]

2. A representation of some scene by means of persons grouped
in the proper manner, placed in appropriate postures, and
remaining silent and motionless.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Solitaire) The arrangement, or layout, of cards.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Tableaux vivants
Tableau vivant \Ta`bleau" vi`vant"\ (t[.a]`bl[=o]"
v[-e]`v[aum]N"); pl. Tableaux vivants (t[.a]`bl[=o]"
v[-e]`v[aum]N"). [F.]
Same as Tableau, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]
tableau vivant
tableau vivant
n 1: a group of people attractively arranged (as if in a
painting) [syn: tableau, tableau vivant]
deductive tableau
deductive tableau

A theorem proof system consisting of a table whose rows
contain assertions or goals. Variables in assertions are
implicitly universally quantified and variables in goals are
implicitly existentially quantified. The declarative meaning
of a tableau is that if every instance of every assertion is
true then some instance of at least one of the goals is true.

TABLEAU OF DISTRIBUTION. In Louisiana this is a list of creditors of an
insolvent estate, stating what each is entitled to. 4 N. S. 535.

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