tactics,taktika Pavel Machek; Giza
tactics,taktiky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
Tactics \Tac"tics\, n. [Gr. taktika` pl., and taktikh` (sc.
te`chnh, sing., fr. taktiko`s fit for ordering or arranging,
fr. ta`ssein, ta`ttein, to put in order, to arrange: cf. F.
1. The science and art of disposing military and naval forces
in order for battle, and performing military and naval
evolutions. It is divided into grand tactics, or the
tactics of battles, and elementary tactics, or the tactics
of instruction.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, any system or method of procedure.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the branch of military science dealing with detailed
maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy
2: a plan for attaining a particular goal [syn: tactic,
tactics, maneuver, manoeuvre]
podobné slovodefinícia
shock tactics
shock tactics,
jackboot tactics
jackboot tactics \jackboot tactics\ n. [from the jackboots worn
as part of the uniform of police in certain totalitarian
Harsh strongarm tactics; repressive, bullying and
militaristic tactics like those used in authoritarian or
totalitarian countries; -- used opprobriously, and often in
hyperbolic exaggeration of police tactics in democratic
Naval tactics
Naval \Na"val\ (n[=a]"val), a. [L. navalis, fr. navis ship: cf.
F. naval. See Nave of a church.]
Having to do with shipping; of or pertaining to ships or a
navy; consisting of ships; as, naval forces, successes,
stores, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Naval brigade, a body of seamen or marines organized for
military service on land.

Naval officer.
(a) An officer in the navy.
(b) A high officer in some United States customhouses.

Naval tactics, the science of managing or maneuvering
vessels sailing in squadrons or fleets.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Nautical; marine; maritime.

Usage: Naval, Nautical. Naval is applied to vessels, or a
navy, or the things which pertain to them or in which
they participate; nautical, to seamen and the art of
navigation. Hence we speak of a naval, as opposed to a
military, engagement; naval equipments or stores, a
naval triumph, a naval officer, etc., and of nautical
pursuits or instruction, nautical calculations, a
nautical almanac, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Tactics \Tac"tics\, n. [Gr. taktika` pl., and taktikh` (sc.
te`chnh, sing., fr. taktiko`s fit for ordering or arranging,
fr. ta`ssein, ta`ttein, to put in order, to arrange: cf. F.
1. The science and art of disposing military and naval forces
in order for battle, and performing military and naval
evolutions. It is divided into grand tactics, or the
tactics of battles, and elementary tactics, or the tactics
of instruction.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, any system or method of procedure.
[1913 Webster]
special weapons and tactics squad
Special Weapons and Tactics squad
n 1: a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with
violent and dangerous situations [syn: SWAT team, {SWAT
squad}, Special Weapons and Tactics team, {Special
Weapons and Tactics squad}]
special weapons and tactics team
Special Weapons and Tactics team
n 1: a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with
violent and dangerous situations [syn: SWAT team, {SWAT
squad}, Special Weapons and Tactics team, {Special
Weapons and Tactics squad}]

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