takeover,převrat n: Zdeněk Brož
takeover,převzetí Zdeněk Brož
takeover \take"o*ver\ n. (Business, Finance)
The acquisition of ownership of one company by another
company, usually by purchasing a controlling percentage of
its stock or by exchanging stock of the purchasing company
for that of the purchased company. It is a hostile takeover
if the management of the company being taken over is opposed
to the deal. A hostile takeover is sometimes organized by a
corporate raider.

Syn: acquisition, buyout
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by
force [syn: coup d'etat, coup, putsch, takeover]
2: a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a
podobné slovodefinícia
friendly takeover
friendly takeover, n:
hostile takeover
hostile takeover,nepřátelské převzetí [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
leveraged takeover
leveraged takeover,
takeover arbitrage
takeover arbitrage, n:
takeover attempt
takeover attempt, n:
takeover bid
takeover bid, n:
takeover target
takeover target, n:
hostile takeover
hostile takeover \hostile takeover\ n. (Finance)
the purchase of a controlling interest in a publicly-traded
company against the wishes of the current management.

Note: A person who is the main principal in performing such a
buyout is called a corporate raider.

Syn: hostile buyout.
[PJC]takeover \take"o*ver\ n. (Business, Finance)
The acquisition of ownership of one company by another
company, usually by purchasing a controlling percentage of
its stock or by exchanging stock of the purchasing company
for that of the purchased company. It is a hostile takeover
if the management of the company being taken over is opposed
to the deal. A hostile takeover is sometimes organized by a
corporate raider.

Syn: acquisition, buyout
[WordNet 1.5]
anti-takeover defense
anti-takeover defense
n 1: resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
bust-up takeover
bust-up takeover
n 1: a leveraged buyout in which the target company's assets are
sold to repay the loan that financed the takeover
friendly takeover
friendly takeover
n 1: a takeover that is welcomed by the management of the target
hostile takeover
hostile takeover
n 1: a takeover that is resisted by the management of the target
takeover arbitrage
takeover arbitrage
n 1: arbitrage involving risk; as in the simultaneous purchase
of stock in a target company and sale of stock in its
potential acquirer; if the takeover fails the arbitrageur
may lose a great deal of money [syn: risk arbitrage,
takeover arbitrage]
takeover attempt
takeover attempt
n 1: an attempt to take control of a corporation
takeover bid
takeover bid
n 1: an offer to buy shares in order to take over the company
takeover target
takeover target
n 1: a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover
by a potential acquirer [syn: target company, {takeover

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