Tiger-eye \Ti"ger-eye`\, n. (Min.)
A siliceous stone of a yellow color and chatoyant luster,
obtained in South Africa and much used for ornament. It is an
altered form of the mineral crocidolite. See Crocidolite.
[1913 Webster]
Crocidolite \Cro*cid"o*lite\ (kr?-s?d"?-l?t), n. [Gr. kroky`s
nap on cloth + -lite.] (Min.)
A mineral occuring in silky fibers of a lavender blue color.
It is related to hornblende and is essentially a silicate of
iron and soda; -- called also blue asbestus. A silicified
form, in which the fibers penetrating quartz are changed to
oxide of iron, is the yellow brown tiger-eye of the
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Tiger-eye \Ti"ger-eye`\, n. (Min.)
A siliceous stone of a yellow color and chatoyant luster,
obtained in South Africa and much used for ornament. It is an
altered form of the mineral crocidolite. See Crocidolite.
[1913 Webster]Crocidolite \Cro*cid"o*lite\ (kr?-s?d"?-l?t), n. [Gr. kroky`s
nap on cloth + -lite.] (Min.)
A mineral occuring in silky fibers of a lavender blue color.
It is related to hornblende and is essentially a silicate of
iron and soda; -- called also blue asbestus. A silicified
form, in which the fibers penetrating quartz are changed to
oxide of iron, is the yellow brown tiger-eye of the
[1913 Webster]

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