slovo | definícia |
tsunami (mass) | tsunami
- cunami |
tsunami (encz) | tsunami,tsunami Zdeněk Brož |
tsunami (czen) | tsunami,tsunami Zdeněk Brož |
tsunami (gcide) | Tidal wave \Tid"al wave\, n.
1. an unusually high wave from the sea, sometimes reaching
far inland and causing great destruction, and usually
caused by some event, such as an earthquake, far from the
shore. In Japan, such a wave is called a tsunami.
2. [fig.] an unusually large quantity of items or events
requiring attention and causing strain on the capacity to
handle them; as, a tidal wave of orders for a new product;
a tidal wave of tourists.
[PJC] |
tsunami (wn) | tsunami
n 1: a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by
an earthquake or volcanic eruption; "a colossal tsunami
destroyed the Minoan civilization in minutes" |
| |
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