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verdigris,měděnka n: Zdeněk Brož
Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, n. [F. vert-de-gris, apparently from
verd, vert, green + de of + gris gray, but really a
corruption of LL. viride aeris (equivalent to L. aerugo),
from L. viridis green + aes, aeris, brass. See Verdant, and
2d Ore.]
1. (Chem.) A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and
drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and
consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several
basic copper acetates.
[1913 Webster]

2. The green rust formed on copper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: This rust is a carbonate of copper, and should not be
confounded with true verdigris. --U. S. Disp.
[1913 Webster]

Blue verdigris (Chem.), a verdigris having a blue color,
used as a pigment, etc.

Distilled verdigris (Old Chem.), an acid copper acetate; --
so called because the acetic acid used in making it was
obtained from distilled vinegar.

Verdigris green, clear bluish green, the color of
[1913 Webster]
Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, v. t.
To cover, or coat, with verdigris. [R.] "An old verdigrised
brass bugle." --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a blue or green powder used as a paint pigment [syn:
verdigris, cupric acetate]
2: a green patina that forms on copper or brass or bronze that
has been exposed to the air or water for long periods of time
v 1: color verdigris
podobné slovodefinícia
Blue verdigris
Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, n. [F. vert-de-gris, apparently from
verd, vert, green + de of + gris gray, but really a
corruption of LL. viride aeris (equivalent to L. aerugo),
from L. viridis green + aes, aeris, brass. See Verdant, and
2d Ore.]
1. (Chem.) A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and
drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and
consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several
basic copper acetates.
[1913 Webster]

2. The green rust formed on copper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: This rust is a carbonate of copper, and should not be
confounded with true verdigris. --U. S. Disp.
[1913 Webster]

Blue verdigris (Chem.), a verdigris having a blue color,
used as a pigment, etc.

Distilled verdigris (Old Chem.), an acid copper acetate; --
so called because the acetic acid used in making it was
obtained from distilled vinegar.

Verdigris green, clear bluish green, the color of
[1913 Webster]
Distilled verdigris
Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, n. [F. vert-de-gris, apparently from
verd, vert, green + de of + gris gray, but really a
corruption of LL. viride aeris (equivalent to L. aerugo),
from L. viridis green + aes, aeris, brass. See Verdant, and
2d Ore.]
1. (Chem.) A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and
drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and
consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several
basic copper acetates.
[1913 Webster]

2. The green rust formed on copper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: This rust is a carbonate of copper, and should not be
confounded with true verdigris. --U. S. Disp.
[1913 Webster]

Blue verdigris (Chem.), a verdigris having a blue color,
used as a pigment, etc.

Distilled verdigris (Old Chem.), an acid copper acetate; --
so called because the acetic acid used in making it was
obtained from distilled vinegar.

Verdigris green, clear bluish green, the color of
[1913 Webster]
Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, n. [F. vert-de-gris, apparently from
verd, vert, green + de of + gris gray, but really a
corruption of LL. viride aeris (equivalent to L. aerugo),
from L. viridis green + aes, aeris, brass. See Verdant, and
2d Ore.]
1. (Chem.) A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and
drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and
consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several
basic copper acetates.
[1913 Webster]

2. The green rust formed on copper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: This rust is a carbonate of copper, and should not be
confounded with true verdigris. --U. S. Disp.
[1913 Webster]

Blue verdigris (Chem.), a verdigris having a blue color,
used as a pigment, etc.

Distilled verdigris (Old Chem.), an acid copper acetate; --
so called because the acetic acid used in making it was
obtained from distilled vinegar.

Verdigris green, clear bluish green, the color of
[1913 Webster]Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, v. t.
To cover, or coat, with verdigris. [R.] "An old verdigrised
brass bugle." --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]
Verdigris green
Verdigris \Ver"di*gris\, n. [F. vert-de-gris, apparently from
verd, vert, green + de of + gris gray, but really a
corruption of LL. viride aeris (equivalent to L. aerugo),
from L. viridis green + aes, aeris, brass. See Verdant, and
2d Ore.]
1. (Chem.) A green poisonous substance used as a pigment and
drug, obtained by the action of acetic acid on copper, and
consisting essentially of a complex mixture of several
basic copper acetates.
[1913 Webster]

2. The green rust formed on copper. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: This rust is a carbonate of copper, and should not be
confounded with true verdigris. --U. S. Disp.
[1913 Webster]

Blue verdigris (Chem.), a verdigris having a blue color,
used as a pigment, etc.

Distilled verdigris (Old Chem.), an acid copper acetate; --
so called because the acetic acid used in making it was
obtained from distilled vinegar.

Verdigris green, clear bluish green, the color of
[1913 Webster]

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