vulture,sup n: macska
Vulture \Vul"ture\ (?; 135), n. [OE. vultur, L. vultur: cf. OF.
voltour, F. vautour.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of rapacious birds belonging to
Vultur, Cathartes, Catharista, and various other genera
of the family Vulturidae.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In most of the species the head and neck are naked or
nearly so. They feed chiefly on carrion. The condor,
king vulture, turkey buzzard, and black vulture
(Catharista atrata) are well known American species.
The griffin, lammergeir, and Pharaoh's chicken, or
Egyptian vulture, are common Old World vultures.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked
heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion
2: someone who attacks in search of booty [syn: marauder,
predator, vulture, piranha]
podobné slovodefinícia
griffon vulture
griffon vulture, n:
king vulture
king vulture, n:
turkey vulture
turkey vulture,
vultures,supi Zdeněk Brož
bearded vulture
Lammergeir \Lam"mer*geir\ (l[a^]m"m[~e]r*g[imac]r), Lammergeier
\Lam"mer*gei`er\, lammergeyer \lam"mer*gey`er\
(l[a^]m"m[~e]r*g[imac]`[~e]r), n. [G. l[aum]mmergeier; lamm,
pl. l[aum]mmer, lamb + geier vulture.] (Zool.)
A very large vulture (Gypa["e]tus barbatus), which inhabits
the mountains of Southern Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa.
When full-grown it is nine or ten feet in extent of wings. It
is brownish black above, with the under parts and neck rusty
yellow; the forehead and crown white; the sides of the head
and beard black. It feeds partly on carrion and partly on
small animals, which it kills. It has the habit of carrying
tortoises and marrow bones to a great height, and dropping
them on stones to obtain the contents, and is therefore
called bonebreaker and ossifrage. It is supposed to be
the ossifrage of the Bible. Called also bearded vulture
and bearded eagle.
[1913 Webster]Bearded \Beard"ed\, a.
Having a beard. "Bearded fellow." --Shak. "Bearded grain."
[1913 Webster]

Bearded vulture, Bearded eagle. (Zool.) See Lammergeir.

Bearded tortoise. (Zool.) See Matamata.
[1913 Webster]
Bearded vulture
Lammergeir \Lam"mer*geir\ (l[a^]m"m[~e]r*g[imac]r), Lammergeier
\Lam"mer*gei`er\, lammergeyer \lam"mer*gey`er\
(l[a^]m"m[~e]r*g[imac]`[~e]r), n. [G. l[aum]mmergeier; lamm,
pl. l[aum]mmer, lamb + geier vulture.] (Zool.)
A very large vulture (Gypa["e]tus barbatus), which inhabits
the mountains of Southern Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa.
When full-grown it is nine or ten feet in extent of wings. It
is brownish black above, with the under parts and neck rusty
yellow; the forehead and crown white; the sides of the head
and beard black. It feeds partly on carrion and partly on
small animals, which it kills. It has the habit of carrying
tortoises and marrow bones to a great height, and dropping
them on stones to obtain the contents, and is therefore
called bonebreaker and ossifrage. It is supposed to be
the ossifrage of the Bible. Called also bearded vulture
and bearded eagle.
[1913 Webster]Bearded \Beard"ed\, a.
Having a beard. "Bearded fellow." --Shak. "Bearded grain."
[1913 Webster]

Bearded vulture, Bearded eagle. (Zool.) See Lammergeir.

Bearded tortoise. (Zool.) See Matamata.
[1913 Webster]
California vulture
California condor \Cal`i*for"ni*a con"dor\ (Zool.)
a large vulture (Gymnogyps californianus), also called
California vulture.

Note: In the late 20th century it is classed as an endangered
species. The California condor used to number in the
thousands and ranged along the entire west coast of the
United States. By 1982 only 21 to 24 individuals could
be identified in the wild. A breeding program was
instituted, and by 1996 over 50 birds were alive in
captivity. As of 1997, fewer than ten of the bred birds
had been reintroduced into the wild.
Eagle vulture
Eagle \Ea"gle\, n. [OE. egle, F. aigle, fr. L. aquila; prob.
named from its color, fr. aquilus dark-colored, brown; cf.
Lith. aklas blind. Cf. Aquiline.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) Any large, rapacious bird of the Falcon family,
esp. of the genera Aquila and Hali[ae]etus. The eagle
is remarkable for strength, size, graceful figure,
keenness of vision, and extraordinary flight. The most
noted species are the golden eagle ({Aquila
chrysa["e]tus}); the imperial eagle of Europe ({Aquila
mogilnik} or Aquila imperialis); the American bald eagle
(Hali[ae]etus leucocephalus); the European sea eagle
(Hali[ae]etus albicilla); and the great harpy eagle
(Thrasaetus harpyia). The figure of the eagle, as the
king of birds, is commonly used as an heraldic emblem, and
also for standards and emblematic devices. See {Bald
eagle}, Harpy, and Golden eagle.
[1913 Webster]

2. A gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.) A northern constellation, containing Altair, a
star of the first magnitude. See Aquila.
[1913 Webster]

4. The figure of an eagle borne as an emblem on the standard
of the ancient Romans, or so used upon the seal or
standard of any people.
[1913 Webster]

Though the Roman eagle shadow thee. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Some modern nations, as the United States, and France
under the Bonapartes, have adopted the eagle as their
national emblem. Russia, Austria, and Prussia have for
an emblem a double-headed eagle.
[1913 Webster]

Bald eagle. See Bald eagle.

Bold eagle. See under Bold.

Double eagle, a gold coin of the United States worth twenty

Eagle hawk (Zo["o]l.), a large, crested, South American
hawk of the genus Morphnus.

Eagle owl (Zo["o]l.), any large owl of the genus Bubo,
and allied genera; as the American great horned owl ({Bubo
Virginianus}), and the allied European species ({B.
maximus}). See Horned owl.

Eagle ray (Zo["o]l.), any large species of ray of the genus
Myliobatis (esp. M. aquila).

Eagle vulture (Zo["o]l.), a large West African bid
(Gypohierax Angolensis), intermediate, in several
respects, between the eagles and vultures.
[1913 Webster]
King vulture
King \King\, n. [AS. cyng, cyning; akin to OS. kuning, D.
koning, OHG. kuning, G. k["o]nig, Icel. konungr, Sw. konung,
Dan. konge; formed with a patronymic ending, and fr. the root
of E. kin; cf. Icel. konr a man of noble birth. [root]44. See
1. A chief ruler; a sovereign; one invested with supreme
authority over a nation, country, or tribe, usually by
hereditary succession; a monarch; a prince. "Ay, every
inch a king." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Kings will be tyrants from policy, when subjects are
rebels from principle. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

There was a State without king or nobles. --R.
[1913 Webster]

But yonder comes the powerful King of Day,
Rejoicing in the east --Thomson.
[1913 Webster]

2. One who, or that which, holds a supreme position or rank;
a chief among competitors; as, a railroad king; a money
king; the king of the lobby; the king of beasts.
[1913 Webster]

3. A playing card having the picture of a king[1]; as, the
king of diamonds.
[1913 Webster]

4. The chief piece in the game of chess.
[1913 Webster]

5. A crowned man in the game of draughts.
[1913 Webster]

6. pl. The title of two historical books in the Old
[1913 Webster]

Note: King is often used adjectively, or in combination, to
denote pre["e]minence or superiority in some
particular; as, kingbird; king crow; king vulture.
[1913 Webster]

Apostolic king. See Apostolic.

King-at-arms, or King-of-arms, the chief heraldic officer
of a country. In England the king-at-arms was formerly of
great authority. His business is to direct the heralds,
preside at their chapters, and have the jurisdiction of
armory. There are three principal kings-at-arms, viz.,
Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy. The latter (literally
north roy or north king) officiates north of the Trent.

King auk (Zool.), the little auk or sea dove.

King bird of paradise. (Zool.), See Bird of paradise.

King card, in whist, the best unplayed card of each suit;
thus, if the ace and king of a suit have been played, the
queen is the king card of the suit.

King Cole, a legendary king of Britain, who is said to have
reigned in the third century.

King conch (Zool.), a large and handsome univalve shell
(Cassis cameo), found in the West Indies. It is used for
making cameos. See Helmet shell, under Helmet.

King Cotton, a popular personification of the great staple
production of the southern United States.

King crab. (Zool.)
(a) The limulus or horseshoe crab. See Limulus.
(b) The large European spider crab or thornback ({Maia
(c) A large crab of the northern Pacific ({Paralithodes
camtshatica}), especially abundant on the coasts of
Alaska and Japan, and popular as a food; called also
Alaskan king crab.

King crow. (Zool.)
(a) A black drongo shrike (Buchanga atra) of India; --
so called because, while breeding, they attack and
drive away hawks, crows, and other large birds.
(b) The Dicrurus macrocercus of India, a crested bird
with a long, forked tail. Its color is black, with
green and blue reflections. Called also devil bird.

King duck (Zool.), a large and handsome eider duck
(Somateria spectabilis), inhabiting the arctic regions
of both continents.

King eagle (Zool.), an eagle (Aquila heliaca) found in
Asia and Southeastern Europe. It is about as large as the
golden eagle. Some writers believe it to be the imperial
eagle of Rome.

King hake (Zool.), an American hake (Phycis regius),
found in deep water along the Atlantic coast.

King monkey (Zool.), an African monkey ({Colobus
polycomus}), inhabiting Sierra Leone.

King mullet (Zool.), a West Indian red mullet ({Upeneus
maculatus}); -- so called on account of its great beauty.
Called also goldfish.

King of terrors, death.

King parrakeet (Zool.), a handsome Australian parrakeet
(Platycercys scapulatus), often kept in a cage. Its
prevailing color is bright red, with the back and wings
bright green, the rump blue, and tail black.

King penguin (Zool.), any large species of penguin of the
genus Aptenodytes; esp., Aptenodytes longirostris, of
the Falkland Islands and Kerguelen Land, and {Aptenodytes
Patagonica}, of Patagonia.

King rail (Zool.), a small American rail ({Rallus
elegans}), living in fresh-water marshes. The upper parts
are fulvous brown, striped with black; the breast is deep
cinnamon color.

King salmon (Zool.), the quinnat. See Quinnat.

King's counsel, or Queen's counsel (Eng. Law), barristers
learned in the law, who have been called within the bar,
and selected to be the king's or queen's counsel. They
answer in some measure to the advocates of the revenue
(advocati fisci) among the Romans. They can not be
employed against the crown without special license.
--Wharton's Law Dict.

King's cushion, a temporary seat made by two persons
crossing their hands. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

The king's English, correct or current language of good
speakers; pure English. --Shak.

King's evidence or Queen's evidence, testimony in favor
of the Crown by a witness who confesses his guilt as an
accomplice. See under Evidence. [Eng.]

King's evil, scrofula; -- so called because formerly
supposed to be healed by the touch of a king.

King snake (Zool.), a large, nearly black, harmless snake
(Ophiobolus getulus) of the Southern United States; --
so called because it kills and eats other kinds of snakes,
including even the rattlesnake.

King's spear (Bot.), the white asphodel ({Asphodelus

King's yellow, a yellow pigment, consisting essentially of
sulphide and oxide of arsenic; -- called also {yellow

King tody (Zool.), a small fly-catching bird ({Eurylaimus
serilophus}) of tropical America. The head is adorned with
a large, spreading, fan-shaped crest, which is bright red,
edged with black.

King vulture (Zool.), a large species of vulture
(Sarcorhamphus papa), ranging from Mexico to Paraguay,
The general color is white. The wings and tail are black,
and the naked carunculated head and the neck are
briliantly colored with scarlet, yellow, orange, and blue.
So called because it drives away other vultures while

King wood, a wood from Brazil, called also violet wood,
beautifully streaked in violet tints, used in turning and
small cabinetwork. The tree is probably a species of
Dalbergia. See Jacaranda.
[1913 Webster]
Turkey vulture
Turkey \Tur"key\ (t[^u]r"k[=e]), n.; pl. Turkeys. [So called
because it was formerly erroneously believed that it came
originally from Turkey: cf. F. Turquie Turkey. See Turk.]
Any large American gallinaceous bird belonging to the genus
Meleagris, especially the North American wild turkey
(Meleagris gallopavo), and the domestic turkey, which was
probably derived from the Mexican wild turkey, but had been
domesticated by the Indians long before the discovery of
[1913 Webster]

Note: The Mexican wild turkey is now considered a variety of
the northern species (var. Mexicana). Its tail feathers
and coverts are tipped with white instead of brownish
chestnut, and its flesh is white. The Central American,
or ocellated, turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is more
elegantly colored than the common species. See under
Ocellated. The Australian, or native, turkey is a
bustard (Choriotis australis). See under Native.
[1913 Webster]

Turkey beard (Bot.), a name of certain American perennial
liliaceous herbs of the genus Xerophyllum. They have a
dense tuft of hard, narrowly linear radical leaves, and a
long raceme of small whitish flowers. Also called
turkey's beard.

Turkey berry (Bot.), a West Indian name for the fruit of
certain kinds of nightshade (Solanum mammosum, and
Solanum torvum).

Turkey bird (Zool.), the wryneck. So called because it
erects and ruffles the feathers of its neck when
disturbed. [Prov. Eng.]

Turkey buzzard (Zool.), a black or nearly black buzzard
(Cathartes aura), abundant in the Southern United
States. It is so called because its naked and warty head
and neck resemble those of a turkey. It is noted for its
high and graceful flight. Called also turkey vulture.

Turkey cock (Zool.), a male turkey.

Turkey hen (Zool.), a female turkey.

Turkey pout (Zool.), a young turkey. [R.]

Turkey vulture (Zool.), the turkey buzzard.
[1913 Webster]
turkey vulture
Turkey \Tur"key\ (t[^u]r"k[=e]), n.; pl. Turkeys. [So called
because it was formerly erroneously believed that it came
originally from Turkey: cf. F. Turquie Turkey. See Turk.]
Any large American gallinaceous bird belonging to the genus
Meleagris, especially the North American wild turkey
(Meleagris gallopavo), and the domestic turkey, which was
probably derived from the Mexican wild turkey, but had been
domesticated by the Indians long before the discovery of
[1913 Webster]

Note: The Mexican wild turkey is now considered a variety of
the northern species (var. Mexicana). Its tail feathers
and coverts are tipped with white instead of brownish
chestnut, and its flesh is white. The Central American,
or ocellated, turkey (Meleagris ocellata) is more
elegantly colored than the common species. See under
Ocellated. The Australian, or native, turkey is a
bustard (Choriotis australis). See under Native.
[1913 Webster]

Turkey beard (Bot.), a name of certain American perennial
liliaceous herbs of the genus Xerophyllum. They have a
dense tuft of hard, narrowly linear radical leaves, and a
long raceme of small whitish flowers. Also called
turkey's beard.

Turkey berry (Bot.), a West Indian name for the fruit of
certain kinds of nightshade (Solanum mammosum, and
Solanum torvum).

Turkey bird (Zool.), the wryneck. So called because it
erects and ruffles the feathers of its neck when
disturbed. [Prov. Eng.]

Turkey buzzard (Zool.), a black or nearly black buzzard
(Cathartes aura), abundant in the Southern United
States. It is so called because its naked and warty head
and neck resemble those of a turkey. It is noted for its
high and graceful flight. Called also turkey vulture.

Turkey cock (Zool.), a male turkey.

Turkey hen (Zool.), a female turkey.

Turkey pout (Zool.), a young turkey. [R.]

Turkey vulture (Zool.), the turkey buzzard.
[1913 Webster]
Vulture \Vul"ture\ (?; 135), n. [OE. vultur, L. vultur: cf. OF.
voltour, F. vautour.] (Zool.)
Any one of numerous species of rapacious birds belonging to
Vultur, Cathartes, Catharista, and various other genera
of the family Vulturidae.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In most of the species the head and neck are naked or
nearly so. They feed chiefly on carrion. The condor,
king vulture, turkey buzzard, and black vulture
(Catharista atrata) are well known American species.
The griffin, lammergeir, and Pharaoh's chicken, or
Egyptian vulture, are common Old World vultures.
[1913 Webster]
bearded vulture
bearded vulture
n 1: the largest Eurasian bird of prey; having black feathers
hanging around the bill [syn: bearded vulture,
lammergeier, lammergeyer, Gypaetus barbatus]
black vulture
black vulture
n 1: American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard [syn:
black vulture, carrion crow, Coragyps atratus]
2: of southern Eurasia and northern Africa [syn: {black
vulture}, Aegypius monachus]
egyptian vulture
Egyptian vulture
n 1: small mostly white vulture of Africa and southern Eurasia
[syn: Egyptian vulture, Pharaoh's chicken, {Neophron
griffon vulture
griffon vulture
n 1: large vulture of southern Europe and northern Africa having
pale plumage with black wings [syn: griffon vulture,
griffon, Gyps fulvus]
king vulture
king vulture
n 1: large black-and-white vulture of South America and Central
America; have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances
on head and neck [syn: king vulture, {Sarcorhamphus
new world vulture
New World vulture
n 1: large birds of prey superficially similar to Old World
vultures [syn: New World vulture, cathartid]
old world vulture
Old World vulture
n 1: any of several large vultures of Africa and Eurasia
turkey vulture
turkey vulture
n 1: a New World vulture that is common in South America and
Central America and the southern United States [syn:
buzzard, turkey buzzard, turkey vulture, {Cathartes
vulture capitalist
vulture capitalist

A pejorative hackerism for "venture capitalist",
deriving from the common practice of pushing contracts that
deprive inventors of control over their own innovations and
most of the money they ought to have made from them.

[Jargon File]

vulture capitalist
vulture capitalist

Pejorative hackerism for ‘venture capitalist’, deriving from the common
practice of pushing contracts that deprive inventors of control over their
own innovations and most of the money they ought to have made from them.


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