weapon,zbraň n:
Weapon,WPN[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Weapon \Weap"on\ (w[e^]p"[u^]n; 277), n. [OE. wepen, AS.
w[=ae]pen; akin to OS. w[=a]pan, OFries. w[=e]pin, w[=e]pen,
D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w[=a]fan, Icel. v[=a]pn,
Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w[=e]pna, pl.; of uncertain
origin. Cf. Wapentake.]
[1913 Webster]
1. An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something
to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in
destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a
sword, etc.
[1913 Webster]

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. --2 Cor.
x. 4.
[1913 Webster]

They, astonished, all resistance lost,
All courage; down their idle weapons dropped.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: The means or instrument with which one contends
against another; as, argument was his only weapon.
"Woman's weapons, water drops." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A thorn, prickle, or sting with which many plants
are furnished.
[1913 Webster]

Concealed weapons. See under Concealed.

Weapon salve, a salve which was supposed to cure a wound by
being applied to the weapon that made it. [Obs.] --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or
hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon" [syn:
weapon, arm, weapon system]
2: a means of persuading or arguing; "he used all his
conversational weapons" [syn: weapon, artillery]
podobné slovodefinícia
- zbrane
- zbrane
biological weapon
biological weapon,biologická zbraň [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
chemical weapon
chemical weapon,chemická zbraň n: [voj.] Stanislav Horáček
heavy weapon
heavy weapon, n:
naval weaponry
naval weaponry, n:
nuclear weapon
nuclear weapon,jaderná zbraň nuclear weapon,nukleární zbraň
weapon of mass destruction
weapon of mass destruction, n:
weapon system
weapon system, n:
weapon-grade plutonium
weapon-grade plutonium, n:
weaponed, adj:
weaponize, v:
weaponry,výzbroj n: weaponry,zbraně n:
weapons,zbraně n: Zdeněk Brož
weapons carrier
weapons carrier, n:
weapons emplacement
weapons emplacement, n:
weapons platform
weapons platform, n:
weapons plutonium
weapons plutonium,zbraňové plutonium n: sheeryjay
weapons system
weapons system, n:
weapons-grade, adj:
wmd (weapons of mass destruction)
WMD (weapons of mass destruction),zbraně hromadného ničení [zkr.] Milan
joint standoff weapon
Joint Standoff Weapon,JSOW[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
kinetic energy weapon
Kinetic Energy Weapon,KEW[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
sensor fuzed weapon
Sensor Fuzed Weapon,SFW[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
weapon systems officer
Weapon Systems Officer,WSO[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
Concealed weapons
Concealed \Con*cealed"\, a.
Hidden; kept from sight; secreted. -- Con*ceal"ed*ly, adv.
-- Con*ceal"ed*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]

Concealed weapons (Law), dangerous weapons so carried on
the person as to be knowingly or willfully concealed from
sight, -- a practice forbidden by statute.
[1913 Webster]Weapon \Weap"on\ (w[e^]p"[u^]n; 277), n. [OE. wepen, AS.
w[=ae]pen; akin to OS. w[=a]pan, OFries. w[=e]pin, w[=e]pen,
D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w[=a]fan, Icel. v[=a]pn,
Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w[=e]pna, pl.; of uncertain
origin. Cf. Wapentake.]
[1913 Webster]
1. An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something
to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in
destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a
sword, etc.
[1913 Webster]

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. --2 Cor.
x. 4.
[1913 Webster]

They, astonished, all resistance lost,
All courage; down their idle weapons dropped.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: The means or instrument with which one contends
against another; as, argument was his only weapon.
"Woman's weapons, water drops." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A thorn, prickle, or sting with which many plants
are furnished.
[1913 Webster]

Concealed weapons. See under Concealed.

Weapon salve, a salve which was supposed to cure a wound by
being applied to the weapon that made it. [Obs.] --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
fission weapon
Nuclear weapon \Nu"cle*ar wea"pon\, n.
A weapon of great explosive power, such as an atomic bomb
or a hydrogen bomb, which depends for most of its explosive
power on the release of energy from within atomic nuclei by a
nuclear reaction. A fission weapon or a fusion weapon.
The term includes atomic shells for cannon.
fusion weapon
Nuclear weapon \Nu"cle*ar wea"pon\, n.
A weapon of great explosive power, such as an atomic bomb
or a hydrogen bomb, which depends for most of its explosive
power on the release of energy from within atomic nuclei by a
nuclear reaction. A fission weapon or a fusion weapon.
The term includes atomic shells for cannon.
Nuclear weapon
Nuclear weapon \Nu"cle*ar wea"pon\, n.
A weapon of great explosive power, such as an atomic bomb
or a hydrogen bomb, which depends for most of its explosive
power on the release of energy from within atomic nuclei by a
nuclear reaction. A fission weapon or a fusion weapon.
The term includes atomic shells for cannon.
Unweaponed \Unweaponed\
See weaponed.
Weapon \Weap"on\ (w[e^]p"[u^]n; 277), n. [OE. wepen, AS.
w[=ae]pen; akin to OS. w[=a]pan, OFries. w[=e]pin, w[=e]pen,
D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w[=a]fan, Icel. v[=a]pn,
Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w[=e]pna, pl.; of uncertain
origin. Cf. Wapentake.]
[1913 Webster]
1. An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something
to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in
destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a
sword, etc.
[1913 Webster]

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. --2 Cor.
x. 4.
[1913 Webster]

They, astonished, all resistance lost,
All courage; down their idle weapons dropped.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: The means or instrument with which one contends
against another; as, argument was his only weapon.
"Woman's weapons, water drops." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A thorn, prickle, or sting with which many plants
are furnished.
[1913 Webster]

Concealed weapons. See under Concealed.

Weapon salve, a salve which was supposed to cure a wound by
being applied to the weapon that made it. [Obs.] --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
Weapon salve
Weapon \Weap"on\ (w[e^]p"[u^]n; 277), n. [OE. wepen, AS.
w[=ae]pen; akin to OS. w[=a]pan, OFries. w[=e]pin, w[=e]pen,
D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w[=a]fan, Icel. v[=a]pn,
Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w[=e]pna, pl.; of uncertain
origin. Cf. Wapentake.]
[1913 Webster]
1. An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something
to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in
destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a
sword, etc.
[1913 Webster]

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. --2 Cor.
x. 4.
[1913 Webster]

They, astonished, all resistance lost,
All courage; down their idle weapons dropped.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: The means or instrument with which one contends
against another; as, argument was his only weapon.
"Woman's weapons, water drops." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A thorn, prickle, or sting with which many plants
are furnished.
[1913 Webster]

Concealed weapons. See under Concealed.

Weapon salve, a salve which was supposed to cure a wound by
being applied to the weapon that made it. [Obs.] --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]
Weaponed \Weap"oned\, a.
Furnished with weapons, or arms; armed; equipped.
[1913 Webster]
Weaponless \Weap"on*less\, a.
Having no weapon.
[1913 Webster]
Weaponry \Weap"on*ry\, n.
Weapons, collectively; as, an array of weaponry. [Poetic]
[1913 Webster]
Weapons of offense
Offense \Of*fense"\, Offence \Of*fence"\, n. [F., fr. L.
offensa. See Offend.]
1. The act of offending in any sense; esp., a crime or a sin,
an affront or an injury.
[1913 Webster]

Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised
again for our justification. --Rom. iv. 25.
[1913 Webster]

I have given my opinion against the authority of two
great men, but I hope without offense to their
memories. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being offended or displeased; anger;
displeasure; as, to cause offense.
[1913 Webster]

He was content to give them just cause of offense,
when they had power to make just revenge. --Sir P.
[1913 Webster]

3. A cause or occasion of stumbling or of sin. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Woe to that man by whom the offense cometh! --Matt.
xviii. 7.
[1913 Webster]

4. In any contest, the act or process of attacking as
contrasted with the act of defending; the offensive; as,
to go on the offense.

5. (Sports) The members of a team who have the primary
responsibility to score goals, in contrast to those who
have the responsibility to defend, i.e. to prevent the
opposing team from scoring goal.

Note: This word, like expense, is often spelled with a c. It
ought, however, to undergo the same change with
expense, the reasons being the same, namely, that s
must be used in offensive as in expensive, and is found
in the Latin offensio, and the French offense.
[1913 Webster]

To take offense, to feel, or assume to be, injured or
affronted; to become angry or hostile.

Weapons of offense, those which are used in attack, in
distinction from those of defense, which are used to
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Displeasure; umbrage; resentment; misdeed; misdemeanor;
trespass; transgression; delinquency; fault; sin; crime;
affront; indignity; outrage; insult.
[1913 Webster]
atomic weapon
atomic weapon
n 1: a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives
from a nuclear reaction [syn: nuclear weapon, {atomic
automatic weapon
automatic weapon
n 1: a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the
trigger is released [syn: automatic firearm, {automatic
gun}, automatic weapon]
biological weapon
biological weapon
n 1: any weapon usable in biological warfare; "they feared use
of the smallpox virus as a bioweapon" [syn: bioweapon,
biological weapon, bioarm]
n 1: any weapon usable in biological warfare; "they feared use
of the smallpox virus as a bioweapon" [syn: bioweapon,
biological weapon, bioarm]
chemical weapon
chemical weapon
n 1: chemical substances that can be delivered using munitions
and dispersal devices to cause death or severe harm to
people and animals and plants
chemical weapons convention
Chemical Weapons Convention
n 1: a global treaty banning the production or acquisition or
stockpiling or transfer or use of chemical weapons
heavy weapon
heavy weapon
n 1: large but transportable armament [syn: artillery, {heavy
weapon}, gun, ordnance]
naval air warfare center weapons division
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
n 1: the principal agency of the United States Navy for research
and development for air warfare and missile weapon systems
[syn: Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division,
naval weaponry
naval weaponry
n 1: weaponry for warships
nuclear weapon
nuclear weapon
n 1: a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives
from a nuclear reaction [syn: nuclear weapon, {atomic
organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
n 1: international organization for chemical disarmament;
administers the Chemical Weapons Convention [syn:
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,
special weapons and tactics squad
Special Weapons and Tactics squad
n 1: a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with
violent and dangerous situations [syn: SWAT team, {SWAT
squad}, Special Weapons and Tactics team, {Special
Weapons and Tactics squad}]
special weapons and tactics team
Special Weapons and Tactics team
n 1: a squad of policemen who have been trained to deal with
violent and dangerous situations [syn: SWAT team, {SWAT
squad}, Special Weapons and Tactics team, {Special
Weapons and Tactics squad}]
weapon of mass destruction
weapon of mass destruction
n 1: a weapon that kills or injures civilian as well as military
personnel (nuclear and chemical and biological weapons)
[syn: weapon of mass destruction, WMD, W.M.D.]
weapon system
weapon system
n 1: any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or
hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon" [syn:
weapon, arm, weapon system]
weapon-grade plutonium
weapon-grade plutonium
n 1: plutonium 239 that is recovered when nuclear weapons are
disassembled; it is stored in plutonium pits [syn: {weapons
plutonium}, weapon-grade plutonium]
adj 1: carrying weapons [syn: equipped, weaponed]
v 1: make into or use as a weapon or a potential weapon; "Will
modern physicists weaponize String Theory?"
adj 1: without a weapon
n 1: weapons considered collectively [syn: weaponry, arms,
implements of war, weapons system, munition]
weapons carrier
weapons carrier
n 1: military vehicle that is a light truck designed to carry
mortars or machine guns and their crews
weapons emplacement
weapons emplacement
n 1: an emplacement for a gun [syn: gun emplacement, {weapons
weapons platform
weapons platform
n 1: any military structure or vehicle bearing weapons [syn:
platform, weapons platform]
weapons plutonium
weapons plutonium
n 1: plutonium 239 that is recovered when nuclear weapons are
disassembled; it is stored in plutonium pits [syn: {weapons
plutonium}, weapon-grade plutonium]
weapons system
weapons system
n 1: weapons considered collectively [syn: weaponry, arms,
implements of war, weapons system, munition]
adj 1: of a quality adequate for use in weapons (especially in
weapons of mass destruction); "weapons-grade plutonium";
"weapons-grade anthrax"
2: extremely strong or concentrated or durable; "industrial-
strength detergent"; "weapons-grade salsa" [syn: {industrial-
strength}, weapons-grade]

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