Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]
Whaup \Whaup\ (hw[add]p), n. (Zool.)
See Whaap. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
great whaup
Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]
little whaup
Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]
May whaup
Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]
stock whaup
Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]
tang whaup
Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]Whimbrel \Whim"brel\, n. [Cf. Whimper.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of small curlews, especially the
European species (Numenius phaeopus), called also {Jack
curlew}, half curlew, stone curlew, and tang whaup. See
Illustration in Appendix.
[1913 Webster]

Hudsonian or, Eskimo, whimbreal, the Hudsonian curlew.
[1913 Webster]
Tangwhaup \Tang"whaup\, n. (Zool.)
The whimbrel. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
Whaap \Whaap\, n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zool.)
(a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup,
great whaup, and stock whaup.
(b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup,
and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
[1913 Webster]Whaup \Whaup\ (hw[add]p), n. (Zool.)
See Whaap. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

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