zep, n:
n 1: a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split
lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and
onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used
in different sections of the United States [syn: bomber,
grinder, hero, hero sandwich, hoagie, hoagy,
Cuban sandwich, Italian sandwich, poor boy, sub,
submarine, submarine sandwich, torpedo, wedge,
podobné slovodefinícia
chlordiazepoxide, n:
diazepam,diazepam Zdeněk Brož
flunitrazepan, n:
flurazepam, n:
flurazepam hydrochloride
flurazepam hydrochloride, n:
graf zeppelin
Graf Zeppelin,
lorazepam, n:
nitrazepam, n:
oxazepam, n:
temazepam, n:
zephyr,vánek n: [bás.] [zast.] PetrV
zeppelin,vzducholoď Zdeněk BrožZeppelin,Zeppelin n: [let.] web
blokování zepředu
blokování zepředu,face guardn: web
diazepam,diazepam Zdeněk Brož
nerozmýšlejte se zeptat
nerozmýšlejte se zeptat,don't hesitate to ask[fráz.]
otevřít rozepnutím
otevřít rozepnutím,unsnap Zdeněk Brož
rozepnout,unbuttonv: Zdeněk Brožrozepnout,unclaspv: Zdeněk Brožrozepnout,undo rozepnout,unfasten rozepnout,unzipv: Zdeněk Brož
rozepnout knoflíky
rozepnout knoflíky,unbutton Zdeněk Brož
rozepsaný,itemizedadj: Zdeněk Brož
rozepsat,break down[id.] Jaroslav Šedivýrozepsat,itemizev: Zdeněk Brož
rozepře,litigation rozepře,quarrel Zdeněk Brožrozepře,set-ton: Zdeněk Brožrozepře,tiffn: Zdeněk Brož
rozepření,struttingn: Zdeněk Brož
vzepětí,camber[tech.] Jiří Šmoldasvzepětí,dihedral Zdeněk Brož
vzepřel,defied Jaroslav Šedivý
vzepřít se
vzepřít se,put up resistancev: vzepřít se,resist
Zeppelin,Zeppelinn: [let.] web
zeptat se
zeptat se,askv:
zeptat se na koho
zeptat se na koho,ask after[id.] Jaroslav Šedivý
Doucepere \Douce"pere`\, n. [F. les douze pairs the twelve peers
of France, renowned in romantic fiction.]
One of the twelve peers of France, companions of Charlemagne
in war. [Written also douzepere.] [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Big-looking like a doughty doucepere. --Spenser.
Zephyr \Zeph"yr\, n. [L. zephyrus, Gr. ?, akin to ? darkness,
the dark side, west: cf. F. z['e]phyr.]
The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the
zephyr blows." --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

As gentle
As zephyrs blowing below the violet. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Zephyr cloth, a thin kind of cassimere made in Belgium;
also, a waterproof fabric of wool.

Zephyr shawl, a kind of thin, light, embroidered shawl made
of worsted and cotton.

Zephyr yarn, or Zephyr worsted, a fine, soft kind of yarn
or worsted, -- used for knitting and embroidery.
[1913 Webster]
Zephyr cloth
Zephyr \Zeph"yr\, n. [L. zephyrus, Gr. ?, akin to ? darkness,
the dark side, west: cf. F. z['e]phyr.]
The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the
zephyr blows." --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

As gentle
As zephyrs blowing below the violet. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Zephyr cloth, a thin kind of cassimere made in Belgium;
also, a waterproof fabric of wool.

Zephyr shawl, a kind of thin, light, embroidered shawl made
of worsted and cotton.

Zephyr yarn, or Zephyr worsted, a fine, soft kind of yarn
or worsted, -- used for knitting and embroidery.
[1913 Webster]
Zephyr shawl
Zephyr \Zeph"yr\, n. [L. zephyrus, Gr. ?, akin to ? darkness,
the dark side, west: cf. F. z['e]phyr.]
The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the
zephyr blows." --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

As gentle
As zephyrs blowing below the violet. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Zephyr cloth, a thin kind of cassimere made in Belgium;
also, a waterproof fabric of wool.

Zephyr shawl, a kind of thin, light, embroidered shawl made
of worsted and cotton.

Zephyr yarn, or Zephyr worsted, a fine, soft kind of yarn
or worsted, -- used for knitting and embroidery.
[1913 Webster]
Zephyr worsted
Zephyr \Zeph"yr\, n. [L. zephyrus, Gr. ?, akin to ? darkness,
the dark side, west: cf. F. z['e]phyr.]
The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the
zephyr blows." --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

As gentle
As zephyrs blowing below the violet. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Zephyr cloth, a thin kind of cassimere made in Belgium;
also, a waterproof fabric of wool.

Zephyr shawl, a kind of thin, light, embroidered shawl made
of worsted and cotton.

Zephyr yarn, or Zephyr worsted, a fine, soft kind of yarn
or worsted, -- used for knitting and embroidery.
[1913 Webster]
Zephyr yarn
Zephyr \Zeph"yr\, n. [L. zephyrus, Gr. ?, akin to ? darkness,
the dark side, west: cf. F. z['e]phyr.]
The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the
zephyr blows." --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

As gentle
As zephyrs blowing below the violet. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Zephyr cloth, a thin kind of cassimere made in Belgium;
also, a waterproof fabric of wool.

Zephyr shawl, a kind of thin, light, embroidered shawl made
of worsted and cotton.

Zephyr yarn, or Zephyr worsted, a fine, soft kind of yarn
or worsted, -- used for knitting and embroidery.
[1913 Webster]
Zephyranthes Atamasco
Lily \Lil"y\ (l[i^]l"[y^]), n.; pl. Lilies (l[i^]l"[i^]z).
[AS. lilie, L. lilium, Gr. lei`rion. Cf. Flower-de-luce.]
1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium,
endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of
six colored pieces, six stamens, and a superior
three-celled ovary.
[1913 Webster]

Note: There are nearly fifty species, all found in the North
Temperate zone. Lilium candidum and {Lilium
longiflorum} are the common white lilies of gardens;
Lilium Philadelphicum is the wild red lily of the
Atlantic States. Lilium Chalcedonicum is supposed to
be the "lily of the field" in our Lord's parable;
Lilium auratum is the great gold-banded lily of
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of
several genera, having some resemblance in color or form
to a true lily, as Pancratium, Crinum, Amaryllis,
Nerine, etc.
[1913 Webster]

3. That end of a compass needle which should point to the
north; -- so called as often ornamented with the figure of
a lily or fleur-de-lis.
[1913 Webster]

But sailing further, it veers its lily to the west.
--Sir T.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Auction Bridge) A royal spade; -- usually in pl. See
Royal spade, below.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

African lily (Bot.), the blue-flowered {Agapanthus

Atamasco lily (Bot.), a plant of the genus Zephyranthes
(Zephyranthes Atamasco), having a white and pink
funnelform perianth, with six petal-like divisions
resembling those of a lily. --Gray.

Blackberry lily (Bot.), the Pardanthus Chinensis, the
black seeds of which form a dense mass like a blackberry.

Bourbon lily (Bot.), Lilium candidum. See Illust.

Butterfly lily. (Bot.) Same as Mariposa lily, in the

Lily beetle (Zool.), a European beetle ({Crioceris
merdigera}) which feeds upon the white lily.

Lily daffodil (Bot.), a plant of the genus Narcissus, and
its flower.

Lily encrinite (Paleon.), a fossil encrinite, esp.
Encrinus liliiformis. See Encrinite.

Lily hyacinth (Bot.), a plant of the genus Hyacinthus.

Lily iron, a kind of harpoon with a detachable head of
peculiar shape, used in capturing swordfish.

Lily of the valley (Bot.), a low perennial herb
(Convallaria majalis), having a raceme of nodding,
fragrant, white flowers.

Lily pad, the large floating leaf of the water lily. [U.
S.] --Lowell.

Tiger lily (Bot.), Lilium tigrinum, the sepals of which
are blotched with black.

Turk's-cap lily (Bot.) Lilium Martagon, a red lily with
recurved sepals; also, the similar American lily, {Lilium

Water lily (Bot.), the Nymph[ae]a, a plant with floating
roundish leaves, and large flowers having many petals,
usually white, but sometimes pink, red, blue, or yellow.
[See Illust. of Nymph[ae]a.]
[1913 Webster]
Zephyrus \Zeph"y*rus\, n. [L. See Zephyr.]
The west wind, or zephyr; -- usually personified, and made
the most mild and gentle of all the sylvan deities.
[1913 Webster]

Mild as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Zeppelin \Zep`pe*lin"\ (ts[e^]p`p[~e]*l[=e]"; Angl.
z[e^]p"p[-e]*l[i^]n), n.
A dirigible balloon of the rigid type, consisting of a
cylindrical trussed and covered frame supported by internal
gas cells, and provided with means of propulsion and control.
It was first successfully used by Ferdinand Count von
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
n 1: any of several similar lipophilic amines used as
tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle
relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependency
book of zephaniah
Book of Zephaniah
n 1: an Old Testament book telling the prophecies of Zephaniah
which are concerned mainly with the approaching judgment by
God upon the sinners of Judah [syn: Zephaniah,
Sophonias, Book of Zephaniah]
n 1: a tranquilizer (trade names Librium and Libritabs) used in
the treatment of alcoholism [syn: chlordiazepoxide,
Librium, Libritabs]
count ferdinand von zeppelin
Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin
n 1: German inventor who designed and built the first rigid
motorized dirigible (1838-1917) [syn: Zeppelin, {Count
Ferdinand von Zeppelin}]
n 1: a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety
and relax muscles; acts by enhancing the inhibitory actions
of the neurotransmitter GABA; can also be used as an
anticonvulsant drug in cases of nerve agent poisoning [syn:
diazepam, Valium]
n 1: a depressant and tranquilizer (trade name Rohypnol) often
used in the commission of sexual assault; legally available
in Europe and Mexico and Colombia [syn: flunitrazepan,
n 1: tranquilizer (trade name Dalmane) used to treat insomnia
[syn: flurazepam, flurazepam hydrochloride, Dalmane]
flurazepam hydrochloride
flurazepam hydrochloride
n 1: tranquilizer (trade name Dalmane) used to treat insomnia
[syn: flurazepam, flurazepam hydrochloride, Dalmane]
graf zeppelin
Graf Zeppelin
n 1: a large rigid dirigible designed to carry passengers or
bombs [syn: zeppelin, Graf Zeppelin]
n 1: tranquilizer (trade name Ativan) used to treat anxiety and
tension and insomnia [syn: lorazepam, Ativan]
n 1: a hypnotic and sedative drug of the benzodiazepine type
n 1: a tranquilizing drug (trade name Serax) used to treat
anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal [syn:
oxazepam, Serax]
n 1: a frequently prescribed benzodiazepine (trade name
Restoril); takes effect slowly and lasts long enough to
help those people who wake up frequently during the night
[syn: temazepam, Restoril]
n 1: a Hebrew minor prophet of the late 7th century BC [syn:
Zephaniah, Sophonias]
2: an Old Testament book telling the prophecies of Zephaniah
which are concerned mainly with the approaching judgment by
God upon the sinners of Judah [syn: Zephaniah, Sophonias,
Book of Zephaniah]
n 1: a slight wind (usually refreshing); "the breeze was cooled
by the lake"; "as he waited he could feel the air on his
neck" [syn: breeze, zephyr, gentle wind, air]
2: (Greek mythology) the Greek god of the west wind
n 1: German inventor who designed and built the first rigid
motorized dirigible (1838-1917) [syn: Zeppelin, {Count
Ferdinand von Zeppelin}]
2: a large rigid dirigible designed to carry passengers or bombs
[syn: zeppelin, Graf Zeppelin]
n 1: United States comedian; one of four brothers who made
motion pictures together (1901-1979) [syn: Marx, {Herbert
Marx}, Zeppo]

1. An SI prefix used to multiply the value of an {SI
(Système International)} unit by some power of ten.

2. In mathematics or programming, a
prefix operator is one that is written before its operand. In
a programming language using prefix notation, all operators
are prefix operators.

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