Structured Query Language

/S Q L/ An industry-standard
language for creating, updating and, querying {relational
database management systems}.

SQL was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R.
It is the de facto standard as well as being an ISO and
ANSI standard. It is often embedded in general purpose
programming languages.

The first SQL standard, in 1986, provided basic language
constructs for defining and manipulating tables of data; a
revision in 1989 added language extensions for {referential
integrity} and generalised integrity constraints. Another
revision in 1992 provided facilities for schema manipulation
and data administration, as well as substantial enhancements
for data definition and data manipulation.

Development is currently underway to enhance SQL into a
computationally complete language for the definition and
management of persistent, complex objects. This includes:
generalisation and specialisation hierarchies, {multiple
inheritance}, user defined data types, triggers and
assertions, support for knowledge based systems,
recursive query expressions, and additional data
administration tools. It also includes the specification of
abstract data types (ADTs), object identifiers, methods,
inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and all of the
other facilities normally associated with object data

The emerging SQL3 standard is expected to be complete in

According to Allen G. Taylor, SQL does __not__ stand for
"Structured Query Language". That, like "SEQUEL" (and its
pronunciation /see'kw*l/), was just another unofficial name
for a precursor of SQL. However, the IBM SQL Reference manual
for DB2 and Craig Mullins's "DB2 Developer's Guide" say SQL
__does__ stand for "Structured Query Language".

SQL Standards (

{An SQL parser
(} is
described in "Lex & Yacc", by Levine, Mason & Brown published
by O'Reilly.

{The 1995 SQL Reunion: People, Projects, and Politics

["A Guide to the SQL Standard", C.J. Date, A-W 1987].

["SQL for Dummies", Allen G. Taylor, IDG Books Worldwide].

Structured Query Language (ISO 9075, DB, 4GL)
podobné slovodefinícia

An SQL pre-processor from Greystone Technologies
which combines MUMPS code with SQL code and generates code
that can work with a database from both the MUMPS and SQL
perspectives. This is often done when a database is to be
made available in a client/server environment, where the
MUMPS database serves one or more SQL clients.

microsoft sql server
Microsoft SQL Server

A relational database management system (RDBMS)
which is part of Microsoft's BackOffice family of
servers. SQL Server was designed for client/server use
and is accessed by applications using SQL. It runs on
Windows NT version 3.5 or higher and is compliant with the
ANSI SQL-92 and FIPS 127-2 SQL standards.

SQL Server supports symmetric multiprocessing hardware;
SNMP, ODBC, and major open standard communications
protocols. It has Internet integration, data
replication, and data warehousing features.

Microsoft SQL Server was originally developed by {Sybase
Corporation} but the cooperation was broken sometime [when?]
before version 6.0.


Usenet newsgroup:

mimer sql
Mimer SQL

A relational database management system, free for
non-commercial use, developed by the Swedish company {Upright
Database Technology AB}.

Mimer Home (


/mi: S Q L/ The most popular open source
relational database management system. MySQL is developed,
distributed, and supported by MySQL AB.

MySQL was named after co-founder Monty Widenius's daughter,
My. It was originally written as a backwards compatible
replacement for mSQL. It is written in C, C++ and
yacc. It has become popular for use in web applications.

MySQL supports a broad subset of ANSI SQL 99 and features
views, stored procedures, triggers, cursors,
replication, internationalisation and localisation,
partitioning, ACID transactions. MySQL can be embedded in
other systems or run on a cluster for fault tolerance. A
commercial version, MySQL Enterprise is available.

MySQL Home (

mysql ab

The Swedish company that developes, distributes and
supports the MySQL open source rdbms. MySQL AB is a
subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, themselves acquired by
Oracle Corporation on 2009-04-20.

object-oriented sql
Object-oriented SQL

(OSQL) A functional language, a superset of
SQL, used in Hewlett-Packard's OpenODB database

Object-oriented SQL

(OSQL) A functional language, a superset of
SQL, used in Hewlett-Packard's OpenODB database

Procedural Language/SQL

(PL/SQL) Oracle Corporation's proprietary
procedural language extension of industry-standard SQL.

[Features? Reference? Any relation to PL/I?]


/'post-gres-kyu-el/ An enhancement of the
POSTGRES database system.

PostgreSQL is an advanced {relational database management
system} with some object oriented approaches. PostgreSQL is
developed and distributed as free software, and while
retaining its freedom it remains technically and featurewise a
worthy competitor to even the most advanced commercial

It was also one of the first databases to offer MVCC as
opposed to row-level locking or table locking, thereby
greatly improving multi-user performance.

PostgreSQL implements an extended subset of ANSI SQL and
runs on many platforms. It also has interfaces to many
different programming languages and database protocols,
like ODBC and JDBC.


procedural language/sql
Procedural Language/SQL

(PL/SQL) Oracle Corporation's proprietary
procedural language extension of industry-standard SQL.

[Features? Reference? Any relation to PL/I?]

red brick intelligent sql
Red Brick Intelligent SQL

(RISQL) A vendor-specific extension to SQL
designed specifically for business managers. It augments SQL
with a variety of operations appropriate to data analysis and
decision support applications such as ranking, moving
averages, comparisons, market share, this year vs. last year,
etc. It was developed to simplify the creation of complex
business queries.


Red Brick Intelligent SQL

(RISQL) A vendor-specific extension to SQL
designed specifically for business managers. It augments SQL
with a variety of operations appropriate to data analysis and
decision support applications such as ranking, moving
averages, comparisons, market share, this year vs. last year,
etc. It was developed to simplify the creation of complex
business queries.


Structured Query Language

/S Q L/ An industry-standard
language for creating, updating and, querying {relational
database management systems}.

SQL was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R.
It is the de facto standard as well as being an ISO and
ANSI standard. It is often embedded in general purpose
programming languages.

The first SQL standard, in 1986, provided basic language
constructs for defining and manipulating tables of data; a
revision in 1989 added language extensions for {referential
integrity} and generalised integrity constraints. Another
revision in 1992 provided facilities for schema manipulation
and data administration, as well as substantial enhancements
for data definition and data manipulation.

Development is currently underway to enhance SQL into a
computationally complete language for the definition and
management of persistent, complex objects. This includes:
generalisation and specialisation hierarchies, {multiple
inheritance}, user defined data types, triggers and
assertions, support for knowledge based systems,
recursive query expressions, and additional data
administration tools. It also includes the specification of
abstract data types (ADTs), object identifiers, methods,
inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and all of the
other facilities normally associated with object data

The emerging SQL3 standard is expected to be complete in

According to Allen G. Taylor, SQL does __not__ stand for
"Structured Query Language". That, like "SEQUEL" (and its
pronunciation /see'kw*l/), was just another unofficial name
for a precursor of SQL. However, the IBM SQL Reference manual
for DB2 and Craig Mullins's "DB2 Developer's Guide" say SQL
__does__ stand for "Structured Query Language".

SQL Standards (

{An SQL parser
(} is
described in "Lex & Yacc", by Levine, Mason & Brown published
by O'Reilly.

{The 1995 SQL Reunion: People, Projects, and Politics

["A Guide to the SQL Standard", C.J. Date, A-W 1987].

["SQL for Dummies", Allen G. Taylor, IDG Books Worldwide].

sql access group
SQL Access Group

The origanisaton which defined Call-Level Interface,
on which ODBC is based. It is now part of X/Open.

[Address, details?]

sql module language
SQL Module Language

A language used to interface other languages (Ada, C,
COBOL) to SQL-based DBMSes. It is an ANSI standard.

Version: Ada/SAME by Informix.

sql server
SQL Server

(Note capitalised)

1. Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise.

2. Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL server

(Note not capitalised) Any {database management
system} (DBMS) that can respond to queries from clients
formatted in the SQL language.

Two popular examples are Microsoft SQL Server and {Sybase
SQL Server}.


A database package from IBM including a relational DBMS.

An extended version of the
SQL standard.


A draft standard for another
extension of SQL. The latest SQL3 Working Draft addresses
the requirement for objects and "object identifiers" in SQL
and also specifies supporting features such as
encapsulation, subtypes, inheritance, and

In the USA, SQL3 is being processed as both an ANSI Domestic
("D") project and as an ISO project. It is expected to be
complete in 1998.

{November 1992 paper

Working draft (

[ISO/IEC SQL Revision. ISO-ANSI Working Draft Database
Language SQL (SQL3), Jim Melton - Editor, document ISO/IEC
JTC1/SC21 N6931, ANSI, July 1992].

[Current Status?]


A package used to graphically develop
MS-Windows client-server applications. Sold by Gupta

Demos FTP (

sybase sql server
Adaptive Server Enterprise
Sybase SQL Server

(ASE) The relational database management system that
started life in the mid-eighties [first release?] as "Sybase SQL
Server". For a number of years Microsoft was a Sybase
distributor, reselling the Sybase product for OS/2 and (later)
Windows NT under the name "Microsoft SQL Server".

Around 1994, Microsoft basically bought a copy of the {source
code} of Sybase SQL Server and then went its own way. As
competitors, Sybase and Microsoft have been developing their
products independently ever since. Microsoft has mostly
emphasised ease-of-use and "Window-ising" the product, while
Sybase has focused on maximising performance and reliability,
and running on high-end hardware.

When releasing version 11.5 in 1997, Sybase renamed its
product to "ASE" to better distinguish its database from
Microsoft's. Both ASE and MS SQL Server call their query
language "Transact-SQL" and they are very similar.

Sybase SQL Server was the first true client-server RDBMS
which was also capable of handling real-world workloads. In
contrast, other DBMSs have long been monolithic programs; for
example, Oracle only "bolted on" client-server functionality
in the mid-nineties. Also, Sybase SQL Server was the first
commercially successful RDBMS supporting stored procedures
and triggers, and a cost-based query optimizer.

As with many other technology-driven competitors of Microsoft,
Sybase has lost market share to MS's superior marketing,
though many consider it has the superior system.


watcom sql
Watcom SQL

A family of databases from {Watcom
International}, based on scalable technology and a SQL
database engine. Version 4.0 adds stored procedures and
triggers. It is designed for environments ranging from
large departmental networks with a diverse range of PC client
systems, to peer-to-peer workgroups, to stand-alone PCs.
It is available in stand-alone versions for {Microsoft
Windows}, Windows NT, OS/2 and MS DOS; and multi-user
network server versions for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT,
OS/2, NetWare NLM and MS DOS.

Interactive Structured Query Language
Not Only SQL (SQL), "NoSQL"
Object-Structured Query Language (DB, SQL, OODBMS)
Structured Query Language (ISO 9075, DB, 4GL)
SQL Call Level Interface (SAG, SQL), "SQL/CLI"
Structured Query Language Descriptor Area (SQL)
SQL Distributed Management Objects (MS, SQL Server, OLE, DB)
Structured Query Language/Data System (IBM, VMS), "SQL/DS"
Structured Query Language - Java (SQL, Java, DB, ANSI, NCITS)
Structured Query Language / Management of External Data (SQL,
Structured Query Language / eXtensible Markup Language (SQL, XML,

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