- boj, konflikt, bojovať
combat,boj n: web
combat,bojovat v: web
combat,bojový adj: Zdeněk Brož
combat,konflikt n: web
combat,zápasit v: web
Combat \Com"bat\ (? or ?; 277), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Combated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Combating.] [F. combattre; pref. com- +
battre to beat, fr. L. battuere to strike. See Batter.]
To struggle or contend, as with an opposing force; to fight.
[1913 Webster]

To combat with a blind man I disdain. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

After the fall of the republic, the Romans combated
only for the choice of masters. --Gibbon.
[1913 Webster]
Combat \Com"bat\, v. t.
To fight with; to oppose by force, argument, etc.; to contend
against; to resist.
[1913 Webster]

When he the ambitious Norway combated. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

And combated in silence all these reasons. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Minds combat minds, repelling and repelled.

Syn: To fight against; resist; oppose; withstand; oppugn;
antagonize; repel; resent.
[1913 Webster]
Combat \Com"bat\, n. [Cf. F. combat.]
1. A fight; a contest of violence; a struggle for supremacy.
[1913 Webster]

My courage try by combat, if thou dar'st. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The noble combat that 'twixt joy and sorrow was
fought in Paulina. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) An engagement of no great magnitude; or one in
which the parties engaged are not armies.
[1913 Webster]

Single combat, one in which a single combatant meets a
single opponent, as in the case of David and Goliath;
also, a duel.

Syn: A battle; engagement; conflict; contest; contention;
struggle; fight, strife. See Battle, Contest.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an engagement fought between two military forces [syn:
combat, armed combat]
2: the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; "a fight broke
out at the hockey game"; "there was fighting in the streets";
"the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap" [syn: fight,
fighting, combat, scrap]
v 1: battle or contend against in or as if in a battle; "The
Kurds are combating Iraqi troops in Northern Iraq"; "We
must combat the prejudices against other races"; "they
battled over the budget" [syn: battle, combat]
COMBAT, Eng. law. The form of a forcible encounter between two or more
persons or bodies of men; an engagement or battle. A duel.

podobné slovodefinícia
- bojovný
combat air patrol
Combat Air Patrol,hlídkový let [voj.] Jiří Šmoldas
combat area
combat area, n:
combat boot
combat boot, n:
combat casualty
combat casualty, n:
combat ceiling
combat ceiling, n:
combat fatigue
combat fatigue,vyčerpání bojem Zdeněk Brož
combat injury
combat injury, n:
combat intelligence
combat intelligence, n:
combat mission
combat mission, n:
combat neurosis
combat neurosis, n:
combat pay
combat pay, n:
combat pilot
combat pilot, n:
combat ship
combat ship, n:
combat zone
combat zone, n:
combat-ready, adj:
combatant,bojovník n: Zdeněk Brožcombatant,kombatant n: xkomczax
combatants,bojovníci n: pl. Zdeněk Brožcombatants,kombatanti n: pl. xkomczax
combative,bojovný adj: Zdeněk Brož
combatively, adv:
combativeness,bojovnost n: Zdeněk Brož
hors de combat
hors de combat,
non-combatant,civilista n: Zdeněk Brožnon-combatant,nebojující příslušník vojska n: Zdeněk Brož
noncombatant,civilista n: Zdeněk Brožnoncombatant,nebojovný noncombatant,nebojující příslušník vojska n: Zdeněk Brož
air combat command
Air Combat Command,ACC[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
air combat maneuvering
Air Combat Maneuvering,ACM[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
combat search and rescue
Combat Search and Rescue,CSAR[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
contingency tactical air combat system automated planning system
Contingency Tactical Air Combat System Automated Planning
System,CTAPS[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
uninhabited combat aerial vehicle
Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle,UCAV[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
bellicose combative pugnacious scrappy truculent
Aggressive \Ag*gres"sive\, a. [Cf. F. agressif.]
1. Tending or disposed to aggress; having or showing
determination and energetic pursuit of one's own ends at
the expense of others or mindless of others' needs or
desires; characterized by aggression; making assaults;
unjustly attacking; as, an aggressive policy, war, person,
nation; an aggressive businessman; an aggressive
basketball player; he was aggressive and imperious in his
convictions; aggressive drivers. Opposite of
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

No aggressive movement was made. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

2. Marked by self-confident ambition, vigorous
competitiveness, energy and initiative; as, an aggressive
young executive.

Syn: enterprising, pushful, pushing, pushy
[WordNet 1.5]

3. (Med., Biol.) Tending to grow or spread quickly; as, an
aggressive tumor. [Narrower terms: {invasive (vs.
noninvasive) ] --AS

Syn: fast-growing(prenominal)
[WordNet 1.5]

4. Tending to initiate unprovoked attacks; initiating
unprovoked military action; eager to fight; as, aggressive
acts against another country.

Syn: belligerent.
[WordNet 1.5]

Note: Narrower related terms: {bellicose, combative,
pugnacious, scrappy, truculent ; {hard-hitting,
high-pressure ; hostile (used of attempts to buy or
take control of a business: "hostile takeover";
"hostile tender offer"); {predatory, rapacious,
raptorial, ravening, vulturine, vulturous . See also:
assertive, hostile, offensive.
[WordNet 1.5] -- Ag*gres"sive*ly, adv. --
Ag*gres"sive*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Combat \Com"bat\ (? or ?; 277), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Combated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Combating.] [F. combattre; pref. com- +
battre to beat, fr. L. battuere to strike. See Batter.]
To struggle or contend, as with an opposing force; to fight.
[1913 Webster]

To combat with a blind man I disdain. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

After the fall of the republic, the Romans combated
only for the choice of masters. --Gibbon.
[1913 Webster]Combat \Com"bat\, v. t.
To fight with; to oppose by force, argument, etc.; to contend
against; to resist.
[1913 Webster]

When he the ambitious Norway combated. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

And combated in silence all these reasons. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

Minds combat minds, repelling and repelled.

Syn: To fight against; resist; oppose; withstand; oppugn;
antagonize; repel; resent.
[1913 Webster]Combat \Com"bat\, n. [Cf. F. combat.]
1. A fight; a contest of violence; a struggle for supremacy.
[1913 Webster]

My courage try by combat, if thou dar'st. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The noble combat that 'twixt joy and sorrow was
fought in Paulina. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) An engagement of no great magnitude; or one in
which the parties engaged are not armies.
[1913 Webster]

Single combat, one in which a single combatant meets a
single opponent, as in the case of David and Goliath;
also, a duel.

Syn: A battle; engagement; conflict; contest; contention;
struggle; fight, strife. See Battle, Contest.
[1913 Webster]
Combat a outrance
Outrance \Ou`trance"\ ([=oo]`tr[aum]Ns"), n. [F. See
The utmost or last extremity.
[1913 Webster]

Combat a outrance, a fight to the end, or to the death.

Syn: fight to the finish.
[1913 Webster]
Combatable \Com"bat*a*ble\ (? or ?), a. [Cf. F. combattable.]
Such as can be, or is liable to be, combated; as, combatable
foes, evils, or arguments.
[1913 Webster]
Combatant \Com"bat*ant\, a. [F. combattant, p. pr.]
Contending; disposed to contend. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]Combatant \Com"bat*ant\, n. [F. combattant.]
One who engages in combat. IN military use, opposed to
noncombatant. "The mighty combatants." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

A controversy which long survived the original
combatants. --Macaulay
[1913 Webster]
Combat \Com"bat\ (? or ?; 277), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Combated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Combating.] [F. combattre; pref. com- +
battre to beat, fr. L. battuere to strike. See Batter.]
To struggle or contend, as with an opposing force; to fight.
[1913 Webster]

To combat with a blind man I disdain. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

After the fall of the republic, the Romans combated
only for the choice of masters. --Gibbon.
[1913 Webster]
Combater \Com"bat*er\, n.
One who combats. --Sherwood.
[1913 Webster]
Combat \Com"bat\ (? or ?; 277), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Combated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Combating.] [F. combattre; pref. com- +
battre to beat, fr. L. battuere to strike. See Batter.]
To struggle or contend, as with an opposing force; to fight.
[1913 Webster]

To combat with a blind man I disdain. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

After the fall of the republic, the Romans combated
only for the choice of masters. --Gibbon.
[1913 Webster]
Combative \Com"bat*ive\ (? or ?), a.
Disposed to engage in combat; pugnacious.
[1913 Webster]
Combativeness \Com"bat*ive*ness\, n.
1. The quality of being combative; propensity to contend or
to quarrel.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Phren.) A cranial development supposed to indicate a
combative disposition.
[1913 Webster]
Combattant \Com`bat`tant"\, a. [F.] (Her.)
In the position of fighting; -- said of two lions set face to
face, each rampant.
[1913 Webster]
disabled hors de combat out of action
injured \injured\ adj.
1. having received an injury;-- usually used of physical or
mental injury to persons. Opposite of uninjured.
[Narrower terms: {abraded, scraped, skinned ;
battle-scarred, scarred; {bit, bitten, stung ;
{black-and-blue, livid ; {bruised, contused, contusioned
; bruised, hurt, wounded ; {burned; {cut, gashed,
slashed, split ; {disabled, hors de combat, out of action
; {disjointed, dislocated, separated ; {hurt, wounded ;
lacerated, mangled, torn; {maimed, mutilated ] Also See:
broken, damaged, damaged, impaired, unsound,
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

2. subjected to an injustice.

Syn: aggrieved.
[WordNet 1.5]
Hors de combat
Hors de combat \Hors` de com`bat"\ [F.]
Out of the combat; disabled from fighting; out of action.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Intercombat \In`ter*com"bat\, n.
Combat. [Obs.] --Daniel.
[1913 Webster]
Noncombatant \Non*com"bat*ant\, n.
1. (Mil.) Any person connected with an army, or within the
lines of an army, who does not make it his business to
fight, as any one of the medical officers and their
assistants, chaplains, and others; also, any of the
citizens of a place occupied by an army; also, any one
holding a similar position with respect to the navy.
[1913 Webster]

2. A person not attached to a military unit, or not
participating in the military activities of a war; a
civilian; as, the bomb killed twenty noncombatants.
Single combat
Combat \Com"bat\, n. [Cf. F. combat.]
1. A fight; a contest of violence; a struggle for supremacy.
[1913 Webster]

My courage try by combat, if thou dar'st. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The noble combat that 'twixt joy and sorrow was
fought in Paulina. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) An engagement of no great magnitude; or one in
which the parties engaged are not armies.
[1913 Webster]

Single combat, one in which a single combatant meets a
single opponent, as in the case of David and Goliath;
also, a duel.

Syn: A battle; engagement; conflict; contest; contention;
struggle; fight, strife. See Battle, Contest.
[1913 Webster]
air combat command
Air Combat Command
n 1: a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon
systems to the United States Air Force; operates fighter,
bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and rescue
aircraft [syn: Air Combat Command, ACC]
armed combat
armed combat
n 1: an engagement fought between two military forces [syn:
combat, armed combat]
armored combat vehicle
armored combat vehicle
n 1: an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and
moves on caterpillar treads [syn: tank, army tank,
armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle]
armoured combat vehicle
armoured combat vehicle
n 1: an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and
moves on caterpillar treads [syn: tank, army tank,
armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle]
combat area
combat area
n 1: a military area where combat forces operate [syn: {combat
zone}, combat area]
combat boot
combat boot
n 1: a boot reaching halfway up to the knee [syn: buskin,
combat boot, desert boot, half boot, top boot]
combat casualty
combat casualty
n 1: loss of military equipment in battle [syn: battle damage,
combat casualty]
combat ceiling
combat ceiling
n 1: altitude above which a plane cannot climb faster than a
given rate [syn: combat ceiling, service ceiling]
combat fatigue
combat fatigue
n 1: a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare [syn:
battle fatigue, combat fatigue, combat neurosis,
shell shock]
combat injury
combat injury
n 1: a casualty to military personnel resulting from combat
[syn: wound, injury, combat injury]
combat intelligence
combat intelligence
n 1: intelligence that is required for the planning and conduct
of tactical operations [syn: tactical intelligence,
combat intelligence]
combat mission
combat mission
n 1: a mission to capture or defend something
combat neurosis
combat neurosis
n 1: a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare [syn:
battle fatigue, combat fatigue, combat neurosis,
shell shock]
combat pay
combat pay
n 1: extra pay for soldiers engaged in active combat
combat pilot
combat pilot
n 1: airplane pilot who fights in an action between two military
combat ship
combat ship
n 1: a government ship that is available for waging war [syn:
warship, war vessel, combat ship]
combat zone
combat zone
n 1: a city district known for its vice and high crime rate
[syn: combat zone, tenderloin]
2: a military area where combat forces operate [syn: {combat
zone}, combat area]
adj 1: engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on
active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the
fighting forces" [syn: active, combat-ready,
adj 1: engaging in or ready for combat
n 1: someone who fights (or is fighting) [syn: combatant,
battler, belligerent, fighter, scrapper]
adj 1: inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or
disagree, even to engage in law suits; "a style described
as abrasive and contentious"; "a disputatious lawyer"; "a
litigious and acrimonious spirit" [syn: contentious,
combative, disputatious, disputative, litigious]
2: striving to overcome in argument; "a dialectical and
agonistic approach" [syn: agonistic, agonistical,
3: having or showing a ready disposition to fight; "bellicose
young officers"; "a combative impulse"; "a contentious
nature" [syn: battleful, bellicose, combative]
adv 1: in a bellicose contentious manner; "`Don't trespass onto
my property,' the neighbor shouted combatively" [syn:
combatively, scrappily]
n 1: a militant aggressiveness [syn: combativeness,
militance, militancy]
adj 1: used of civilians in time of war
2: member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting
as e.g. a chaplain or surgeon
n 1: a member of the armed forces who does not participate in
combat (e.g. a chaplain or surgeon)
salafast group for call and combat
Salafast Group for Call and Combat
n 1: an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic
Group; now the largest and most active armed terrorist
group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government; a
major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda
operations in Europe and northern Africa [syn: {Salafist
Group}, Salafast Group for Call and Combat, GSPC]
single combat
single combat
n 1: a fight between two people; "in all armies there were
officers who needed to prove their bravery by single
backward combatability
backward combatability

/bak'w*d k*m-bat'*-bil'*-tee/ (Play on "{backward
compatibility}") A property of hardware or software revisions
in which previous protocols, formats, layouts, etc. are
irrevocably discarded in favour of "new and improved"
protocols, formats and layouts, leaving the previous ones not
merely deprecated but actively defeated. (Too often, the old
and new versions cannot definitively be distinguished, such
that lingering instances of the previous ones yield crashes or
other infelicitous effects, as opposed to a simple "version
mismatch" message.) A backward compatible change, on the
other hand, allows old versions to coexist without crashes or
error messages, but too many major changes incorporating
elaborate backward compatibility processing can lead to
extreme software bloat.

See also flag day.

[Jargon File]

backward combatability
backward combatability
/bak'w@rd k@m·bat'@·bil'@·tee/, n.

[CMU, Tektronix: from backward compatibility] A property of hardware or
software revisions in which previous protocols, formats, layouts, etc. are
irrevocably discarded in favor of ‘new and improved’ protocols, formats,
and layouts, leaving the previous ones not merely deprecated but actively
defeated. (Too often, the old and new versions cannot definitively be
distinguished, such that lingering instances of the previous ones yield
crashes or other infelicitous effects, as opposed to a simple “version
mismatch” message.) A backwards compatible change, on the other hand,
allows old versions to coexist without crashes or error messages, but too
many major changes incorporating elaborate backwards compatibility
processing can lead to extreme software bloat. See also flag day.
NON-COMBATANT, n. A dead Quaker.

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