Aino \Ai"no\, n. [Said to be the native name for man.]
same as Ainu.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Ainu \Ai"nu\, n. [Said to be the native name for man.]
One of a peculiar race found primarily in Hokkaido, in the
northern part of the empire of Japan, the Kurile Islands, and
nearby. They are believed to be the native inhabitants of the
Japanese islands. The Ainus are stout and short, with hairy
bodies. Also called Aino and hairy Ainu.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
podobné slovodefinícia
- podľa
kainogenesis, n:
mountainous,hornatý adj: Zdeněk Brož
mountainously,hornatě adv: Zdeněk Brož
villainous,mizerný adj: Ritchievillainous,ničemný adj: Ritchievillainous,podlý adj: Zdeněk Brožvillainous,zlotřilý adj: Ritchie
villainously,podle adv: Zdeněk Brož
villainousness,podlost n: Zdeněk Brož
Bargainor \Bar`gain*or"\, n. (Law)
One who makes a bargain, or contracts with another; esp., one
who sells, or contracts to sell, property to another.
[1913 Webster]
Cainozoic \Cai`no*zo"ic\, a. (Geol.)
See Cenozic.
[1913 Webster]Cenozoic \Ce`no*zo"ic\, a. [Gr. ? recent + ? life.] (Geol.)
Belonging to the most recent division of geological time,
including the tertiary, or Age of mammals, and the
Quaternary, or Age of man. [Written also c[ae]nozoic,
cainozoic, kainozoic.] See Geology.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This word is used by many authors as synonymous with
Tertiary, the Quaternary Age not being included.
[1913 Webster]
Cainozoic \Cai`no*zo"ic\, a. (Geol.)
See Cenozic.
[1913 Webster]Cenozoic \Ce`no*zo"ic\, a. [Gr. ? recent + ? life.] (Geol.)
Belonging to the most recent division of geological time,
including the tertiary, or Age of mammals, and the
Quaternary, or Age of man. [Written also c[ae]nozoic,
cainozoic, kainozoic.] See Geology.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This word is used by many authors as synonymous with
Tertiary, the Quaternary Age not being included.
[1913 Webster]
Disdainous \Dis*dain"ous\, a. [OF. desdeignos, desdaigneux, F.
Disdainful. [Obs.] --Rom. of R.
[1913 Webster]
Disdainously \Dis*dain"ous*ly\, adv.
Disdainfully. [Obs.] --Bale.
[1913 Webster]
Distrainor \Dis*train"or\, n. (Law)
One who distrains; the party distraining goods or chattels.
[1913 Webster]
Kainozoic \Kai`no*zo"ic\, a.
See Cenozoic.
[1913 Webster]Cenozoic \Ce`no*zo"ic\, a. [Gr. ? recent + ? life.] (Geol.)
Belonging to the most recent division of geological time,
including the tertiary, or Age of mammals, and the
Quaternary, or Age of man. [Written also c[ae]nozoic,
cainozoic, kainozoic.] See Geology.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This word is used by many authors as synonymous with
Tertiary, the Quaternary Age not being included.
[1913 Webster]
Kainozoic \Kai`no*zo"ic\, a.
See Cenozoic.
[1913 Webster]Cenozoic \Ce`no*zo"ic\, a. [Gr. ? recent + ? life.] (Geol.)
Belonging to the most recent division of geological time,
including the tertiary, or Age of mammals, and the
Quaternary, or Age of man. [Written also c[ae]nozoic,
cainozoic, kainozoic.] See Geology.
[1913 Webster]

Note: This word is used by many authors as synonymous with
Tertiary, the Quaternary Age not being included.
[1913 Webster]
Mainor \Main"or\, n. [Anglo-Norm. meinoure, OF. manuevre. See
Maneuver.] (O. Eng. Law)
A thing stolen found on the person of the thief.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A thief was said to be "taken with the mainor," when he
was taken with the thing stolen upon him, that is, in
his hands. --Wharton. --Bouvier.
[1913 Webster]
Maintainor \Main*tain"or\, n. [OF. mainteneor, F. mainteneur.]
(Crim. Law)
One who, not being interested, maintains a cause depending
between others, by furnishing money, etc., to either party.
--Bouvier. --Wharton.
[1913 Webster]
Melainotype \Me*lai"no*type\, n.
See Melanotype.
[1913 Webster]Melanotype \Me*lan"o*type\, n. [Gr. me`las, me`lanos, black +
-type.] (Photog.)
A positive picture produced with sensitized collodion on a
smooth surface of black varnish, coating a thin plate of
iron; also, the process of making such a picture. [Written
also melainotype.]
[1913 Webster]
Melainotype \Me*lai"no*type\, n.
See Melanotype.
[1913 Webster]Melanotype \Me*lan"o*type\, n. [Gr. me`las, me`lanos, black +
-type.] (Photog.)
A positive picture produced with sensitized collodion on a
smooth surface of black varnish, coating a thin plate of
iron; also, the process of making such a picture. [Written
also melainotype.]
[1913 Webster]
migraine \mi*graine"\, n. [F. migraine, LL. hemigrania, L.
hemicrania, hemicranium, Gr. "hmikrani`a; "hmi- half +
krani`on skull. See Hemi- and Cranium, and cf.
Hemicrania, Migraine.]
1. A kind of intense sick or nervous headache, usually
periodical and confined to one side of the head; called
also migraine headache. Same as megrim. --
Mi*grain"ous, a.
[1913 Webster]
Mountainous \Moun"tain*ous\, a. [F. montagneux, L. montaniosus.]
1. Full of, or containing, mountains; as, the mountainous
country of the Swiss.
[1913 Webster]

2. Inhabiting mountains. [Obs.] --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

3. Large as, or resembling, a mountain; huge; of great bulk;
as, a mountainous heap. --Prior.
[1913 Webster]
highland \highland\ adj.
of, located in, or characteristic of high or hilly country.
Contrasted to lowland. [prenominal] [Narrower terms:
alpestrine, subalpine ; {alpine; {mountain(prenominal) ;
{mountainous ]

Syn: upland.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Mountainousness \Moun"tain*ous*ness\, n.
The state or quality of being mountainous.
[1913 Webster]
Phainopepla \Pha*i`no*pep"la\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. faeino`s shining
+ pe`plos robe.] (Zool.)
A small crested passerine bird (Pha["i]nopepla nitens),
native of Mexico and the Southern United States. The adult
male is of a uniform glossy blue-black; the female is
brownish. Called also black flycatcher.
[1913 Webster]
Phainopepla nitens
Fly \Fly\, n.; pl. Flies (fl[imac]z). [OE. flie, flege, AS.
fl[=y]ge, fle['o]ge, fr. fle['o]gan to fly; akin to D. vlieg,
OHG. flioga, G. fliege, Icel. & Sw. fluga, Dan. flue. [root]
84. See Fly, v. i.]
1. (Zool.)
(a) Any winged insect; esp., one with transparent wings;
as, the Spanish fly; firefly; gall fly; dragon fly.
(b) Any dipterous insect; as, the house fly; flesh fly;
black fly. See Diptera, and Illust. in Append.
[1913 Webster]

2. A hook dressed in imitation of a fly, -- used for fishing.
"The fur-wrought fly." --Gay.
[1913 Webster]

3. A familiar spirit; a witch's attendant. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

A trifling fly, none of your great familiars. --B.
[1913 Webster]

4. A parasite. [Obs.] --Massinger.
[1913 Webster]

5. A kind of light carriage for rapid transit, plying for
hire and usually drawn by one horse. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

6. The length of an extended flag from its staff; sometimes,
the length from the "union" to the extreme end.
[1913 Webster]

7. The part of a vane pointing the direction from which the
wind blows.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Naut.) That part of a compass on which the points are
marked; the compass card. --Totten.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Mech.)
(a) Two or more vanes set on a revolving axis, to act as a
fanner, or to equalize or impede the motion of
machinery by the resistance of the air, as in the
striking part of a clock.
(b) A heavy wheel, or cross arms with weights at the ends
on a revolving axis, to regulate or equalize the
motion of machinery by means of its inertia, where the
power communicated, or the resistance to be overcome,
is variable, as in the steam engine or the coining
press. See Fly wheel (below).
[1913 Webster]

10. (Knitting Machine) The piece hinged to the needle, which
holds the engaged loop in position while the needle is
penetrating another loop; a latch. --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

11. The pair of arms revolving around the bobbin, in a
spinning wheel or spinning frame, to twist the yarn.
[1913 Webster]

12. (Weaving) A shuttle driven through the shed by a blow or
jerk. --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

(a) Formerly, the person who took the printed sheets from
the press.
(b) A vibrating frame with fingers, attached to a power
to a power printing press for doing the same work.
[1913 Webster]

14. The outer canvas of a tent with double top, usually drawn
over the ridgepole, but so extended as to touch the roof
of the tent at no other place.
[1913 Webster]

15. One of the upper screens of a stage in a theater.
[1913 Webster]

16. The fore flap of a bootee; also, a lap on trousers,
overcoats, etc., to conceal a row of buttons.
[1913 Webster]

17. (Baseball) A batted ball that flies to a considerable
distance, usually high in the air; also, the flight of a
ball so struck; as, it was caught on the fly. Also called
fly ball. "a fly deep into right field"
[1913 Webster +PJC]

18. (Cotton Manuf.) Waste cotton.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Black fly, Cheese fly, Dragon fly, etc. See under
Black, Cheese, etc. -- Fly agaric (Bot.), a mushroom
(Agaricus muscarius), having a narcotic juice which, in
sufficient quantities, is poisonous. -- Fly block
(Naut.), a pulley whose position shifts to suit the
working of the tackle with which it is connected; -- used
in the hoisting tackle of yards. -- Fly board (Printing
Press), the board on which printed sheets are deposited by
the fly. -- Fly book, a case in the form of a book for
anglers' flies. --Kingsley.Fly cap, a cap with wings,
formerly worn by women. -- Fly drill, a drill having a
reciprocating motion controlled by a fly wheel, the
driving power being applied by the hand through a cord
winding in reverse directions upon the spindle as it
rotates backward and forward. --Knight.Fly fishing, the
act or art of angling with a bait of natural or artificial
flies; fishing using a fly[2] as bait. --Walton. -- --
Fly fisherman, one who fishes using natural or artificial
flies[2] as bait, especially one who fishes exclusively in
that manner. -- Fly flap, an implement for killing
flies. -- Fly governor, a governor for regulating the
speed of an engine, etc., by the resistance of vanes
revolving in the air. -- Fly honeysuckle (Bot.), a plant
of the honeysuckle genus (Lonicera), having a bushy stem
and the flowers in pairs, as L. ciliata and {L.
Xylosteum}. -- Fly hook, a fishhook supplied with an
artificial fly. -- Fly leaf, an unprinted leaf at the
beginning or end of a book, circular, programme, etc. --
Fly maggot, a maggot bred from the egg of a fly. --Ray.

Fly net, a screen to exclude insects.

Fly nut (Mach.), a nut with wings; a thumb nut; a finger

Fly orchis (Bot.), a plant (Ophrys muscifera), whose
flowers resemble flies.

Fly paper, poisoned or sticky paper for killing flies that
feed upon or are entangled by it.

Fly powder, an arsenical powder used to poison flies.

Fly press, a screw press for punching, embossing, etc.,
operated by hand and having a heavy fly.

Fly rail, a bracket which turns out to support the hinged
leaf of a table.

Fly rod, a light fishing rod used in angling with a fly.

Fly sheet, a small loose advertising sheet; a handbill.

Fly snapper (Zool.), an American bird ({Phainopepla
nitens}), allied to the chatterers and shrikes. The male
is glossy blue-black; the female brownish gray.

Fly wheel (Mach.), a heavy wheel attached to machinery to
equalize the movement (opposing any sudden acceleration by
its inertia and any retardation by its momentum), and to
accumulate or give out energy for a variable or
intermitting resistance. See Fly, n., 9.

On the fly (Baseball), still in the air; -- said of a
batted ball caught before touching the ground..
[1913 Webster]Phainopepla \Pha*i`no*pep"la\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. faeino`s shining
+ pe`plos robe.] (Zool.)
A small crested passerine bird (Pha["i]nopepla nitens),
native of Mexico and the Southern United States. The adult
male is of a uniform glossy blue-black; the female is
brownish. Called also black flycatcher.
[1913 Webster]
Villainous \Vil"lain*ous\, a. [Written also villanous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Base; vile; mean; depraved; as, a villainous person or
[1913 Webster]

2. Proceeding from, or showing, extreme depravity; suited to
a villain; as, a villainous action.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sorry; mean; mischievous; -- in a familiar sense. "A
villainous trick of thine eye." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Villainous judgment (O. E. Law), a judgment that casts
reproach on the guilty person.
[1913 Webster] --- Vil"lain*ous*ly, adv.
Vil"lain*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Villainous judgment
Villainous \Vil"lain*ous\, a. [Written also villanous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Base; vile; mean; depraved; as, a villainous person or
[1913 Webster]

2. Proceeding from, or showing, extreme depravity; suited to
a villain; as, a villainous action.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sorry; mean; mischievous; -- in a familiar sense. "A
villainous trick of thine eye." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Villainous judgment (O. E. Law), a judgment that casts
reproach on the guilty person.
[1913 Webster] --- Vil"lain*ous*ly, adv.
Vil"lain*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Villainous \Vil"lain*ous\, a. [Written also villanous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Base; vile; mean; depraved; as, a villainous person or
[1913 Webster]

2. Proceeding from, or showing, extreme depravity; suited to
a villain; as, a villainous action.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sorry; mean; mischievous; -- in a familiar sense. "A
villainous trick of thine eye." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Villainous judgment (O. E. Law), a judgment that casts
reproach on the guilty person.
[1913 Webster] --- Vil"lain*ous*ly, adv.
Vil"lain*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Villainous \Vil"lain*ous\, a. [Written also villanous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Base; vile; mean; depraved; as, a villainous person or
[1913 Webster]

2. Proceeding from, or showing, extreme depravity; suited to
a villain; as, a villainous action.
[1913 Webster]

3. Sorry; mean; mischievous; -- in a familiar sense. "A
villainous trick of thine eye." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Villainous judgment (O. E. Law), a judgment that casts
reproach on the guilty person.
[1913 Webster] --- Vil"lain*ous*ly, adv.
Vil"lain*ous*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: introduction during embryonic development of characters or
structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history
of the strain or species (such as the addition of the
placenta in mammalian evolution) [syn: cenogenesis,
kenogenesis, caenogenesis, cainogenesis,
kainogenesis] [ant: palingenesis, recapitulation]
n 1: introduction during embryonic development of characters or
structure not present in the earlier evolutionary history
of the strain or species (such as the addition of the
placenta in mammalian evolution) [syn: cenogenesis,
kenogenesis, caenogenesis, cainogenesis,
kainogenesis] [ant: palingenesis, recapitulation]
adj 1: having hills and crags; "hilly terrain" [syn: cragged,
craggy, hilly, mountainous]
2: like a mountain in size and impressiveness; "mountainous
waves"; "a mountainous dark man"
3: containing many mountains
sebastian vizcaino
Sebastian Vizcaino
n 1: Spanish explorer who was the first European to explore the
California coast (1550-1615) [syn: Vizcaino, {Sebastian
adj 1: extremely wicked; "nefarious schemes"; "a villainous
plot"; "a villainous band of thieves" [syn: nefarious,
n 1: the quality of evil by virtue of villainous behavior [syn:
villainy, villainousness]
n 1: Spanish explorer who was the first European to explore the
California coast (1550-1615) [syn: Vizcaino, {Sebastian

/thing'koh/ (Or "braino", by analogy with "typo") A
momentary, correctable glitch in mental processing,
especially one involving recall of information learned by
rote; a bubble in the stream of consciousness.

See also brain fart. Compare mouso.

[Jargon File]

/bray'no/, n.

Syn. for thinko. See also brain fart.
BARGAINOR. A person who makes a a bargain, and who becomes bound to perform

DISTRAINOR. One who makes a distress of goods and chattels to enforce some

MAINOUR, crim. law. The thing stolen found in the hands of the thief who has
stolen it; hence when a man is found with property which he has stolen, he
is said to be taken with the mainour, that is, it is found in his hands.
2. Formerly there was a distinction made between a larceny, when the
thing stolen was found in the hands of the criminal, and when the proof
depended upon other circumstances not quite so irrefragable; the former
properly was termed pris ove maynovere, or ove mainer, or mainour, as it is
generally written. Barr. on the Stat. 315, 316, note:

MAINTAINORS, criminal law. Those who maintain or support a cause depending
between others, not being retained as counsel or attorney. For this they may
be fined and imprisoned. 2 Swift's Dig. 328; 4 Bl. Com. 124; Bac. Ab.

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