- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCII,American Standard Code for Information Interchange n: [zkr.]
[it.] kód, ve kterém jsou znaky reprezentovány čísly od 0 do 127 Petr
ASCII,ASCII "tabulka znaků"
ASCII,ASCII "tabulka znaků"
ASCII \ASCII\ n. [Acronym: American Standard Code for
Information Interchange.](Computers)
1. the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a
code consisting of a set of 128 7-bit combinations used in
digital computers internally, for display purposes, and
for exchanging data between computers. It is very widely
used, but because of the limited number of characters
encoded must be supplemented or replaced by other codes
for encoding special symbols or words in languages other
than English. Also used attributively; -- as, an ASCII

Syn: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
Ascii \As"ci*i\, Ascians \As"cians\, n. pl. [L. ascii, pl. of
ascius, Gr. ? without shadow; 'a priv. + ? shadow.]
Persons who, at certain times of the year, have no shadow at
noon; -- applied to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, who
have, twice a year, a vertical sun.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (computer science) a code for information exchange between
computers made by different companies; a string of 7 binary
digits represents each character; used in most
microcomputers [syn: {American Standard Code for
Information Interchange}, ASCII]
American Standard Code for Information Interchange

The basis of character sets used in almost
all present-day computers. US-ASCII uses only the lower seven
bits (character points 0 to 127) to convey some {control
codes}, space, numbers, most basic punctuation, and unaccented
letters a-z and A-Z. More modern coded character sets (e.g.,
Latin-1, Unicode) define extensions to ASCII for values above
127 for conveying special Latin characters (like accented
characters, or German ess-tsett), characters from non-Latin
writing systems (e.g., Cyrillic, or Han characters), and such
desirable glyphs as distinct open- and close-quotation marks.
ASCII replaced earlier systems such as EBCDIC and Baudot,
which used fewer bytes, but were each broken in their own way.

Computers are much pickier about spelling than humans; thus,
hackers need to be very precise when talking about characters,
and have developed a considerable amount of verbal shorthand for
them. Every character has one or more names - some formal, some
concise, some silly.

Individual characters are listed in this dictionary with
alternative names from revision 2.3 of the Usenet ASCII
pronunciation guide in rough order of popularity, including
their official ITU-T names and the particularly silly names
introduced by INTERCAL.

See V ampersand, asterisk, back quote, backslash,
caret, colon, comma, commercial at, control-C,
dollar, dot, double quote, equals, exclamation mark,
greater than, hash, left bracket, left parenthesis,
less than, minus, parentheses, oblique stroke,
percent, plus, question mark, right brace, {right
brace}, right bracket, right parenthesis, semicolon,
single quote, space, tilde, underscore, {vertical
bar}, zero.

Some other common usages cause odd overlaps. The "#", "$", ">",
and "&" characters, for example, were all pronounced "hex" in
different communities because various assemblers use them as a
prefix tag for hexadecimal constants (in particular, "#" in many
assembler-programming cultures, "$" in the 6502 world, ">" at
Texas Instruments, and "&" on the BBC Micro, {Acorn
Archimedes}, Sinclair, and some Zilog Z80 machines). See also

The inability of US-ASCII to correctly represent nearly any
language other than English became an obvious and intolerable
misfeature as computer use outside the US and UK became the rule
rather than the exception (see software rot). And so national
extensions to US-ASCII were developed, such as Latin-1.

Hardware and software from the US continued for some time to
embody the assumption that US-ASCII is the universal character set
and that words of text consist entirely of byte values 65-90 and
97-122 (A-Z and a-z); this is a major irritant to people who want
to use a character set suited to their own languages. Perversely,
though, efforts to solve this problem by proliferating sets of
national characters produced an evolutionary pressure (especially
in protocol design, e.g., the URL standard) to stick to
US-ASCII as a subset common to all those in use, and therefore
to stick to English as the language encodable with the common
subset of all the ASCII dialects. This basic problem with having
a multiplicity of national character sets ended up being a prime
justification for Unicode, which was designed, ostensibly, to be
the *one* ASCII extension anyone will need.

A system is described as "eight-bit clean" if it doesn't
mangle text with byte values above 127, as some older systems

See also ASCII character table, Yu-Shiang Whole Fish.

/as'kee/, n.

[originally an acronym (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
but now merely conventional] The predominant character set encoding of
present-day computers. The standard version uses 7 bits for each character,
whereas most earlier codes (including early drafts of ASCII prior to June
1961) used fewer. This change allowed the inclusion of lowercase letters —
a major win — but it did not provide for accented letters or any other
letterforms not used in English (such as the German sharp-S ß. or the
ae-ligature æ which is a letter in, for example, Norwegian). It could be
worse, though. It could be much worse. See EBCDIC to understand how. A
history of ASCII and its ancestors is at

Computers are much pickier and less flexible about spelling than humans;
thus, hackers need to be very precise when talking about characters, and
have developed a considerable amount of verbal shorthand for them. Every
character has one or more names — some formal, some concise, some silly.
Common jargon names for ASCII characters are collected here. See also
individual entries for bang, excl, open, ques, semi, shriek, {
splat}, twiddle, and Yu-Shiang Whole Fish.

This list derives from revision 2.3 of the Usenet ASCII pronunciation
guide. Single characters are listed in ASCII order; character pairs are
sorted in by first member. For each character, common names are given in
rough order of popularity, followed by names that are reported but rarely
seen; official ANSI/CCITT names are surrounded by brokets: . Square
brackets mark the particularly silly names introduced by INTERCAL. The
abbreviations “l/r” and “o/c” stand for left/right and “open/close”
respectively. Ordinary parentheticals provide some usage information.

│ │Common: bang ; pling; excl; not; shriek; ball-bat; . Rare: factorial; exclam; smash; cuss; boing; yell; wow; hey; │
│ │wham; eureka; [spark-spot]; soldier, control. │
│ │Common: double quote; quote. Rare: literal mark; double-glitch; │
│"│snakebite; ; ; dirk; [rabbit-ears]; double │
│ │prime. │
│ │Common: number sign; pound; pound sign; hash; sharp; crunch ; hex; │
│#│[mesh]. Rare: grid; cross­hatch; oc­to­thorpe; flash; , │
│ │pig-pen; tic­tac­toe; scratchmark; thud; thump; splat . │
│ │Common: dollar; . Rare: currency symbol; buck; cash; │
│$│bling; string (from BASIC); escape (when used as the echo of ASCII │
│ │ESC); ding; cache; [big money]. │
│%│Common: percent; ; mod; grapes. Rare: [double-oh-seven]. │
│ │Common: ; amp; amper; and, and sign. Rare: address (from C);│
│&│reference (from C++); andpersand; bitand; background (from sh(1) ); │
│ │pretzel. [INTERCAL called this ampersand ; what could be sillier?] │
│'│Common: single quote; quote; . Rare: prime; glitch; tick; │
│ │irk; pop; [spark]; ; . │
│ │Common: l/r paren; l/r parenthesis; left/right; o­pen­/­close; par­en/ │
│(│the­sis; o/c paren; o/c par­en­the­sis; l/r paren­the­sis; l/r │
│)│ba­na­na. Rare: so/al­ready; lparen/rparen; ; o/c round bracket, l/r round bracket, [wax/wane]; │
│ │par­en­this­ey/un­par­en­this­ey; l/r ear. │
│ │Common: star; [ splat ]; . Rare: wildcard; gear; dingle; │
│*│mult; spider; aster; times; twinkle; glob (see glob ); Nathan Hale
│ │. │
│+│Common: ; add. Rare: cross; [intersection]. │
│,│Common: . Rare: ; [tail]. │
│-│Common: dash; ; . Rare: [worm]; option; dak; bithorpe. │
│.│Common: dot; point; ; . Rare: radix point; full │
│ │stop; [spot]. │
│/│Common: slash; stroke; ; forward slash. Rare: diagonal; solidus;│
│ │over; slak; virgule; [slat]. │
│:│Common: . Rare: dots; [two-spot]. │
│;│Common: ; semi. Rare: weenie; [hybrid], pit-thwong. │
│ │Common: ; bra/ket; l/r angle; l/r angle bracket; l/│
││comes-from/gozinta; in/out; crunch/zap (all from UNIX); tic/tac; [angle│
│ │/right angle]. │
│=│Common: ; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; [half-mesh]. │
│?│Common: query; ; ques . Rare: quiz; whatmark; [what]; │
│ │wildchar; huh; hook; buttonhook; hunchback. │
│@│Common: at sign; at; strudel. Rare: each; vortex; whorl; [whirlpool]; │
│ │cyclone; snail; ape; cat; rose; cabbage; . │
│V│Rare: [book]. │
│[│Common: l/r square bracket; l/r bracket; ; │
│]│brack­et/un­brack­et. Rare: square­/­un­square; [U turn/U turn back]. │
│ │Common: backslash, hack, whack; escape (from C/UNIX); reverse slash; │
│\│slosh; backslant; backwhack. Rare: bash; ; reversed │
│ │virgule; [backslat]. │
│ │Common: hat; control; uparrow; caret; . Rare: xor sign, │
│^│chevron; [shark (or shark-fin)]; to the (‘to the power of’); fang; │
│ │pointer (in Pascal). │
│_│Common: ; underscore; underbar; under. Rare: score; │
│ │backarrow; skid; [flatworm]. │
│ │Common: backquote; left quote; left single quote; open quote; ; grave. Rare: backprime; [backspark]; unapostrophe; birk; │
│ │blugle; back tick; back glitch; push; ; │
│ │quasiquote. │
│ │Common: o/c brace; l/r brace; l/r squiggly; l/r squiggly bracket/brace;│
│{│l/r curly bracket/brace; . Rare: brace/unbrace; │
│}│curly/un­curly; leftit/rytit; l/r squirrelly; [embrace/bracelet]. A │
│ │balanced pair of these may be called curlies . │
│|│Common: bar; or; or-bar; v-bar; pipe; vertical bar. Rare: ; gozinta; thru; pipesinta (last three from UNIX); [spike]. │
│~│Common: ; squiggle; twiddle ; not. Rare: approx; wiggle; swung│
│ │dash; enyay; [sqiggle (sic)]. │

The pronunciation of # as ‘pound’ is common in the U.S. but a bad idea; {
Commonwealth Hackish} has its own, rather more apposite use of ‘pound sign’
(confusingly, on British keyboards the £ happens to replace #; thus
Britishers sometimes call # on a U.S.-ASCII keyboard ‘pound’, compounding
the American error). The U.S. usage derives from an old-fashioned
commercial practice of using a # suffix to tag pound weights on bills of
lading. The character is usually pronounced ‘hash’ outside the U.S. There
are more culture wars over the correct pronunciation of this character than
any other, which has led to the ha ha only serious suggestion that it be
pronounced “shibboleth” (see Judges 12:6 in an Old Testament or Tanakh).

The ‘uparrow’ name for circumflex and ‘leftarrow’ name for underline are
historical relics from archaic ASCII (the 1963 version), which had these
graphics in those character positions rather than the modern punctuation

The ‘swung dash’ or ‘approximation’ sign (∼) is not quite the same as tilde
~ in typeset material, but the ASCII tilde serves for both (compare {angle

Some other common usages cause odd overlaps. The #, $, >, and & characters,
for example, are all pronounced “hex” in different communities because
various assemblers use them as a prefix tag for hexadecimal constants (in
particular, # in many assembler-programming cultures, $ in the 6502 world,
> at Texas Instruments, and & on the BBC Micro, Sinclair, and some Z80
machines). See also splat.

The inability of ASCII text to correctly represent any of the world's other
major languages makes the designers' choice of 7 bits look more and more
like a serious misfeature as the use of international networks continues
to increase (see software rot). Hardware and software from the U.S. still
tends to embody the assumption that ASCII is the universal character set
and that characters have 7 bits; this is a major irritant to people who
want to use a character set suited to their own languages. Perversely,
though, efforts to solve this problem by proliferating ‘national’ character
sets produce an evolutionary pressure to use a smaller subset common to all
those in use.
American Standard Code of Information Interchange
podobné slovodefinícia
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCII,American Standard Code for Information Interchange n: [zkr.]
[it.] kód, ve kterém jsou znaky reprezentovány čísly od 0 do 127 Petr
PrášekASCII,ASCII "tabulka znaků"
ASCII,ASCII "tabulka znaků"
butt ugly ascii font
Butt Ugly ASCII Font,BUAF[zkr.]
butt ugly ascii graphic
Butt Ugly ASCII Graphic,BUAG[zkr.]
rolling on the floor laughing my ascii off
Rolling On the Floor Laughing My ASCII Off,ROFLMAO[zkr.]
ASCII \ASCII\ n. [Acronym: American Standard Code for
Information Interchange.](Computers)
1. the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a
code consisting of a set of 128 7-bit combinations used in
digital computers internally, for display purposes, and
for exchanging data between computers. It is very widely
used, but because of the limited number of characters
encoded must be supplemented or replaced by other codes
for encoding special symbols or words in languages other
than English. Also used attributively; -- as, an ASCII

Syn: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
[PJC]Ascii \As"ci*i\, Ascians \As"cians\, n. pl. [L. ascii, pl. of
ascius, Gr. ? without shadow; 'a priv. + ? shadow.]
Persons who, at certain times of the year, have no shadow at
noon; -- applied to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, who
have, twice a year, a vertical sun.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: (computer science) a code for information exchange between
computers made by different companies; a string of 7 binary
digits represents each character; used in most
microcomputers [syn: {American Standard Code for
Information Interchange}, ASCII]
ascii character
ASCII character
n 1: any member of the standard code for representing characters
by binary numbers
ascii character set
ASCII character set
n 1: (computer science) 128 characters that make up the ASCII
coding scheme; "the ASCII character set is the most
universal character coding set"
ascii control character
ASCII control character
n 1: ASCII characters to indicate carriage return or tab or
backspace; typed by depressing a key and the control key at
the same time [syn: control character, {ASCII control
ascii text file
ASCII text file
n 1: a text file that contains only ASCII characters without
special formatting
American Standard Code for Information Interchange

The basis of character sets used in almost
all present-day computers. US-ASCII uses only the lower seven
bits (character points 0 to 127) to convey some {control
codes}, space, numbers, most basic punctuation, and unaccented
letters a-z and A-Z. More modern coded character sets (e.g.,
Latin-1, Unicode) define extensions to ASCII for values above
127 for conveying special Latin characters (like accented
characters, or German ess-tsett), characters from non-Latin
writing systems (e.g., Cyrillic, or Han characters), and such
desirable glyphs as distinct open- and close-quotation marks.
ASCII replaced earlier systems such as EBCDIC and Baudot,
which used fewer bytes, but were each broken in their own way.

Computers are much pickier about spelling than humans; thus,
hackers need to be very precise when talking about characters,
and have developed a considerable amount of verbal shorthand for
them. Every character has one or more names - some formal, some
concise, some silly.

Individual characters are listed in this dictionary with
alternative names from revision 2.3 of the Usenet ASCII
pronunciation guide in rough order of popularity, including
their official ITU-T names and the particularly silly names
introduced by INTERCAL.

See V ampersand, asterisk, back quote, backslash,
caret, colon, comma, commercial at, control-C,
dollar, dot, double quote, equals, exclamation mark,
greater than, hash, left bracket, left parenthesis,
less than, minus, parentheses, oblique stroke,
percent, plus, question mark, right brace, {right
brace}, right bracket, right parenthesis, semicolon,
single quote, space, tilde, underscore, {vertical
bar}, zero.

Some other common usages cause odd overlaps. The "#", "$", ">",
and "&" characters, for example, were all pronounced "hex" in
different communities because various assemblers use them as a
prefix tag for hexadecimal constants (in particular, "#" in many
assembler-programming cultures, "$" in the 6502 world, ">" at
Texas Instruments, and "&" on the BBC Micro, {Acorn
Archimedes}, Sinclair, and some Zilog Z80 machines). See also

The inability of US-ASCII to correctly represent nearly any
language other than English became an obvious and intolerable
misfeature as computer use outside the US and UK became the rule
rather than the exception (see software rot). And so national
extensions to US-ASCII were developed, such as Latin-1.

Hardware and software from the US continued for some time to
embody the assumption that US-ASCII is the universal character set
and that words of text consist entirely of byte values 65-90 and
97-122 (A-Z and a-z); this is a major irritant to people who want
to use a character set suited to their own languages. Perversely,
though, efforts to solve this problem by proliferating sets of
national characters produced an evolutionary pressure (especially
in protocol design, e.g., the URL standard) to stick to
US-ASCII as a subset common to all those in use, and therefore
to stick to English as the language encodable with the common
subset of all the ASCII dialects. This basic problem with having
a multiplicity of national character sets ended up being a prime
justification for Unicode, which was designed, ostensibly, to be
the *one* ASCII extension anyone will need.

A system is described as "eight-bit clean" if it doesn't
mangle text with byte values above 127, as some older systems

See also ASCII character table, Yu-Shiang Whole Fish.

ascii art
ASCII graphics
character graphics

(Or "character graphics", "ASCII graphics") The
fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII character set
(mainly "|-/\+").

See also boxology. Here is a serious example:

o----)||(--+--||-+ | +-\/\/-+--o - T
C N )||( | | | | P
E )||( +-->|-+--)---+--)|--+-o U
)||( | | | GND T
ascii character table
ASCII character table

The following list gives the octal, decimal and
hexadecimal ASCII codes for each character along with its
printed representation and common name(s).

Oct Dec Hex Name
000 0 0x00 NUL
001 1 0x01 SOH, Control-A
002 2 0x02 STX, Control-B
003 3 0x03 ETX, Control-C
004 4 0x04 EOT, Control-D
005 5 0x05 ENQ, Control-E
006 6 0x06 ACK, Control-F
007 7 0x07 BEL, Control-G
010 8 0x08 BS, backspace, Control-H
011 9 0x09 HT, tab, Control-I
012 10 0x0a LF, line feed, newline, Control-J
013 11 0x0b VT, Control-K
014 12 0x0c FF, form feed, NP, Control-L
015 13 0x0d CR, carriage return, Control-M
016 14 0x0e SO, Control-N
017 15 0x0f SI, Control-O
020 16 0x10 DLE, Control-P
021 17 0x11 DC1, XON, Control-Q
022 18 0x12 DC2, Control-R
023 19 0x13 DC3, XOFF, Control-S
024 20 0x14 DC4, Control-T
025 21 0x15 NAK, Control-U
026 22 0x16 SYN, Control-V
027 23 0x17 ETB, Control-W
030 24 0x18 CAN, Control-X
031 25 0x19 EM, Control-Y
032 26 0x1a SUB, Control-Z
033 27 0x1b ESC, escape
034 28 0x1c FS
035 29 0x1d GS
036 30 0x1e RS
037 31 0x1f US
040 32 0x20 space
041 33 0x21 !, exclamation mark
042 34 0x22 ", double quote
043 35 0x23 #, hash
044 36 0x24 $, dollar
045 37 0x25 %, percent
046 38 0x26 &, ampersand
047 39 0x27 ', quote
050 40 0x28 (, open parenthesis
051 41 0x29 ), close parenthesis
052 42 0x2a *, asterisk
053 43 0x2b +, plus
054 44 0x2c ,, comma
055 45 0x2d -, minus
056 46 0x2e ., full stop
057 47 0x2f /, oblique stroke
060 48 0x30 0, zero
061 49 0x31 1
062 50 0x32 2
063 51 0x33 3
064 52 0x34 4
065 53 0x35 5
066 54 0x36 6
067 55 0x37 7
070 56 0x38 8
071 57 0x39 9
072 58 0x3a :, colon
073 59 0x3b ;, semicolon
074 60 0x3c , greater than
077 63 0x3f ?, question mark
0100 64 0x40 @, commercial at
0101 65 0x41 A
0102 66 0x42 B
0103 67 0x43 C
0104 68 0x44 D
0105 69 0x45 E
0106 70 0x46 F
0107 71 0x47 G
0110 72 0x48 H
0111 73 0x49 I
0112 74 0x4a J
0113 75 0x4b K
0114 76 0x4c L
0115 77 0x4d M
0116 78 0x4e N
0117 79 0x4f O
0120 80 0x50 P
0121 81 0x51 Q
0122 82 0x52 R
0123 83 0x53 S
0124 84 0x54 T
0125 85 0x55 U
0126 86 0x56 V
0127 87 0x57 W
0130 88 0x58 X
0131 89 0x59 Y
0132 90 0x5a Z
0133 91 0x5b [, open square bracket
0134 92 0x5c \, backslash
0135 93 0x5d ], close square bracket
0136 94 0x5e ^, caret
0137 95 0x5f _, underscore
0140 96 0x60 `, back quote
0141 97 0x61 a
0142 98 0x62 b
0143 99 0x63 c
0144 100 0x64 d
0145 101 0x65 e
0146 102 0x66 f
0147 103 0x67 g
0150 104 0x68 h
0151 105 0x69 i
0152 106 0x6a j
0153 107 0x6b k
0154 108 0x6c l
0155 109 0x6d m
0156 110 0x6e n
0157 111 0x6f o
0160 112 0x70 p
0161 113 0x71 q
0162 114 0x72 r
0163 115 0x73 s
0164 116 0x74 t
0165 117 0x75 u
0166 118 0x76 v
0167 119 0x77 w
0170 120 0x78 x
0171 121 0x79 y
0172 122 0x7a z
0173 123 0x7b {, open curly bracket
0174 124 0x7c |, vertical bar
0175 125 0x7d }, close curly bracket
0176 126 0x7e ~, tilde
0177 127 0x7f delete

BEL, BS, HT, line feed, VT, FF, CR, SO, SI,
CAN, EM, SUB, ESC, FS, GS, RS, US, space,
exclamation mark, double quote, hash, dollar,
percent, ampersand, quote, open parenthesis, {close
parenthesis}, asterisk, plus, comma, minus, {full
stop}, oblique stroke, colon, semicolon, less than,
equals, greater than, question mark, commercial at,
open square bracket, backslash, close square bracket,
caret, underscore, back quote, open curly bracket,
vertical bar, close curly bracket, tilde, delete.

ascii graphics
ASCII graphics
character graphics

(Or "character graphics", "ASCII graphics") The
fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII character set
(mainly "|-/\+").

See also boxology. Here is a serious example:

o----)||(--+--||-+ | +-\/\/-+--o - T
C N )||( | | | | P
E )||( +-->|-+--)---+--)|--+-o U
)||( | | | GND T
asciibetical order
ASCIIbetical order

/as'kee-be'-t*-kl or'dr/ Used to
indicate that data is sorted in ASCII collated order rather
than alphabetical order. The main difference is that, in
ASCII, all the upper case letters come before any of the lower
case letters so, e.g., "Z" comes before "a".

[Jargon File]


(From ASCII and Ebonics) A style of text
communication in English which is most common on talk
systems such as irc. Its notable characteristics are:

Typing all in lowercase (and occasionally all in uppercase).

Copious use of abbreviations of the sort "u" for "you" "1" for
"one" (and therefore "some1" for "someone", "ne1" for
"anyone"), "2" for "to", "r" for "are", etc.

A general lack of punctuation, except for strings of question
marks and exclamation marks.

Common use of the idiom "m or f?", meant to elicit a statement
of the listener's gender.

Typical extended discourse in ASCIIbonics: "hey wasup ne1 want
2 cyber?" "m or f?"

ASCIIbonics is similar to the way B1FF talked, although B1FF
used more punctuation (lots more), and used all uppercase,
rather than all lowercase. What's more, B1FF was only
interested in warez, and so never asked "m or f?".

It has been widely observed that some of the purest examples
of ASCIIbonics come from non-native speakers of English.

The phenomenon of ASCIIbonics predates by several years the
use of the word "ASCIIbonics", as the word could only have
been coined in or after late 1996, when "Ebonics" was first
used in the US media to denote the US English dialects known
in the linguistic literature as "Black Vernacular English".

flat ascii
flat ASCII

(Or "plain ASCII") Said of a text file that contains
only 7-bit ASCII characters and uses only ASCII-standard
control characters (that is, has no embedded codes specific
to a particular text formatter markup language, or output
device, and no meta-characters).

Compare flat file.

[Jargon File]

plain ascii
plain ASCII

/playn-as'kee/ flat ASCII.

[Jargon File]

The 7-bit version of ASCII, which preceded (and
is the basis for) 8-bit versions such as Latin-1, MacASCII
and later, even larger coded character sets such as Unicode.

US-ASCII is defined in Standard ANSI X3.4-1986,
"US-ASCII. Coded Character Set - 7-Bit American Standard Code
for Information Interchange".

/as'kee/, n.

[originally an acronym (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
but now merely conventional] The predominant character set encoding of
present-day computers. The standard version uses 7 bits for each character,
whereas most earlier codes (including early drafts of ASCII prior to June
1961) used fewer. This change allowed the inclusion of lowercase letters —
a major win — but it did not provide for accented letters or any other
letterforms not used in English (such as the German sharp-S ß. or the
ae-ligature æ which is a letter in, for example, Norwegian). It could be
worse, though. It could be much worse. See EBCDIC to understand how. A
history of ASCII and its ancestors is at

Computers are much pickier and less flexible about spelling than humans;
thus, hackers need to be very precise when talking about characters, and
have developed a considerable amount of verbal shorthand for them. Every
character has one or more names — some formal, some concise, some silly.
Common jargon names for ASCII characters are collected here. See also
individual entries for bang, excl, open, ques, semi, shriek, {
splat}, twiddle, and Yu-Shiang Whole Fish.

This list derives from revision 2.3 of the Usenet ASCII pronunciation
guide. Single characters are listed in ASCII order; character pairs are
sorted in by first member. For each character, common names are given in
rough order of popularity, followed by names that are reported but rarely
seen; official ANSI/CCITT names are surrounded by brokets: . Square
brackets mark the particularly silly names introduced by INTERCAL. The
abbreviations “l/r” and “o/c” stand for left/right and “open/close”
respectively. Ordinary parentheticals provide some usage information.

│ │Common: bang ; pling; excl; not; shriek; ball-bat; . Rare: factorial; exclam; smash; cuss; boing; yell; wow; hey; │
│ │wham; eureka; [spark-spot]; soldier, control. │
│ │Common: double quote; quote. Rare: literal mark; double-glitch; │
│"│snakebite; ; ; dirk; [rabbit-ears]; double │
│ │prime. │
│ │Common: number sign; pound; pound sign; hash; sharp; crunch ; hex; │
│#│[mesh]. Rare: grid; cross­hatch; oc­to­thorpe; flash; , │
│ │pig-pen; tic­tac­toe; scratchmark; thud; thump; splat . │
│ │Common: dollar; . Rare: currency symbol; buck; cash; │
│$│bling; string (from BASIC); escape (when used as the echo of ASCII │
│ │ESC); ding; cache; [big money]. │
│%│Common: percent; ; mod; grapes. Rare: [double-oh-seven]. │
│ │Common: ; amp; amper; and, and sign. Rare: address (from C);│
│&│reference (from C++); andpersand; bitand; background (from sh(1) ); │
│ │pretzel. [INTERCAL called this ampersand ; what could be sillier?] │
│'│Common: single quote; quote; . Rare: prime; glitch; tick; │
│ │irk; pop; [spark]; ; . │
│ │Common: l/r paren; l/r parenthesis; left/right; o­pen­/­close; par­en/ │
│(│the­sis; o/c paren; o/c par­en­the­sis; l/r paren­the­sis; l/r │
│)│ba­na­na. Rare: so/al­ready; lparen/rparen; ; o/c round bracket, l/r round bracket, [wax/wane]; │
│ │par­en­this­ey/un­par­en­this­ey; l/r ear. │
│ │Common: star; [ splat ]; . Rare: wildcard; gear; dingle; │
│*│mult; spider; aster; times; twinkle; glob (see glob ); Nathan Hale
│ │. │
│+│Common: ; add. Rare: cross; [intersection]. │
│,│Common: . Rare: ; [tail]. │
│-│Common: dash; ; . Rare: [worm]; option; dak; bithorpe. │
│.│Common: dot; point; ; . Rare: radix point; full │
│ │stop; [spot]. │
│/│Common: slash; stroke; ; forward slash. Rare: diagonal; solidus;│
│ │over; slak; virgule; [slat]. │
│:│Common: . Rare: dots; [two-spot]. │
│;│Common: ; semi. Rare: weenie; [hybrid], pit-thwong. │
│ │Common: ; bra/ket; l/r angle; l/r angle bracket; l/│
││comes-from/gozinta; in/out; crunch/zap (all from UNIX); tic/tac; [angle│
│ │/right angle]. │
│=│Common: ; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; [half-mesh]. │
│?│Common: query; ; ques . Rare: quiz; whatmark; [what]; │
│ │wildchar; huh; hook; buttonhook; hunchback. │
│@│Common: at sign; at; strudel. Rare: each; vortex; whorl; [whirlpool]; │
│ │cyclone; snail; ape; cat; rose; cabbage; . │
│V│Rare: [book]. │
│[│Common: l/r square bracket; l/r bracket; ; │
│]│brack­et/un­brack­et. Rare: square­/­un­square; [U turn/U turn back]. │
│ │Common: backslash, hack, whack; escape (from C/UNIX); reverse slash; │
│\│slosh; backslant; backwhack. Rare: bash; ; reversed │
│ │virgule; [backslat]. │
│ │Common: hat; control; uparrow; caret; . Rare: xor sign, │
│^│chevron; [shark (or shark-fin)]; to the (‘to the power of’); fang; │
│ │pointer (in Pascal). │
│_│Common: ; underscore; underbar; under. Rare: score; │
│ │backarrow; skid; [flatworm]. │
│ │Common: backquote; left quote; left single quote; open quote; ; grave. Rare: backprime; [backspark]; unapostrophe; birk; │
│ │blugle; back tick; back glitch; push; ; │
│ │quasiquote. │
│ │Common: o/c brace; l/r brace; l/r squiggly; l/r squiggly bracket/brace;│
│{│l/r curly bracket/brace; . Rare: brace/unbrace; │
│}│curly/un­curly; leftit/rytit; l/r squirrelly; [embrace/bracelet]. A │
│ │balanced pair of these may be called curlies . │
│|│Common: bar; or; or-bar; v-bar; pipe; vertical bar. Rare: ; gozinta; thru; pipesinta (last three from UNIX); [spike]. │
│~│Common: ; squiggle; twiddle ; not. Rare: approx; wiggle; swung│
│ │dash; enyay; [sqiggle (sic)]. │

The pronunciation of # as ‘pound’ is common in the U.S. but a bad idea; {
Commonwealth Hackish} has its own, rather more apposite use of ‘pound sign’
(confusingly, on British keyboards the £ happens to replace #; thus
Britishers sometimes call # on a U.S.-ASCII keyboard ‘pound’, compounding
the American error). The U.S. usage derives from an old-fashioned
commercial practice of using a # suffix to tag pound weights on bills of
lading. The character is usually pronounced ‘hash’ outside the U.S. There
are more culture wars over the correct pronunciation of this character than
any other, which has led to the ha ha only serious suggestion that it be
pronounced “shibboleth” (see Judges 12:6 in an Old Testament or Tanakh).

The ‘uparrow’ name for circumflex and ‘leftarrow’ name for underline are
historical relics from archaic ASCII (the 1963 version), which had these
graphics in those character positions rather than the modern punctuation

The ‘swung dash’ or ‘approximation’ sign (∼) is not quite the same as tilde
~ in typeset material, but the ASCII tilde serves for both (compare {angle

Some other common usages cause odd overlaps. The #, $, >, and & characters,
for example, are all pronounced “hex” in different communities because
various assemblers use them as a prefix tag for hexadecimal constants (in
particular, # in many assembler-programming cultures, $ in the 6502 world,
> at Texas Instruments, and & on the BBC Micro, Sinclair, and some Z80
machines). See also splat.

The inability of ASCII text to correctly represent any of the world's other
major languages makes the designers' choice of 7 bits look more and more
like a serious misfeature as the use of international networks continues
to increase (see software rot). Hardware and software from the U.S. still
tends to embody the assumption that ASCII is the universal character set
and that characters have 7 bits; this is a major irritant to people who
want to use a character set suited to their own languages. Perversely,
though, efforts to solve this problem by proliferating ‘national’ character
sets produce an evolutionary pressure to use a smaller subset common to all
those in use.
ascii art

The fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII character set (mainly |,
-, /, \, and +). Also known as character graphics or ASCII graphics; see
also boxology. Here is a serious example:

o----)||(--+--||-+ | +-\/\/-+--o - T
C N )||( | | | | P
E )||( +-->|-+--)---+--|(--+-o U
)||( | | | GND T
asciibetical order
ASCIIbetical order
/as'kee·be'·t@·kl or´dr/, adj.,n.

Used to indicate that data is sorted in ASCII collated order rather than
alphabetical order. This lexicon is sorted in something close to
ASCIIbetical order, but with case ignored and entries beginning with
non-alphabetic characters moved to the beginning.

[common] Said of a text file that contains only 7-bit ASCII characters and
uses only ASCII-standard control characters (that is, has no embedded codes
specific to a particular text formatter markup language, or output device,
and no meta-characters). Syn. plain-ASCII. Compare flat-file.

Syn. flat-ASCII.
American Standard Code of Information Interchange

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