Athyrium \Athyrium\ n.
1. 1 a genus temperate and tropical lady ferns; in some
classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or in the
genus {Asplenium}.

Syn: genus Athyrium.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: in some classification systems placed in family
Polypodiaceae [syn: Asplenium, genus Asplenium]
podobné slovodefinícia
Asplenium Ceterach
Miltwaste \Milt"waste`\, [1st milt + waste.] (Bot.)
A small European fern (Asplenium Ceterach) formerly used in
[1913 Webster]Stone \Stone\, n. [OE. ston, stan, AS. st[=a]n; akin to OS. &
OFries. st[=e]n, D. steen, G. stein, Icel. steinn, Sw. sten,
Dan. steen, Goth. stains, Russ. stiena a wall, Gr. ?, ?, a
pebble. [root]167. Cf. Steen.]
1. Concreted earthy or mineral matter; also, any particular
mass of such matter; as, a house built of stone; the boy
threw a stone; pebbles are rounded stones. "Dumb as a
stone." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

They had brick for stone, and slime . . . for
mortar. --Gen. xi. 3.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In popular language, very large masses of stone are
called rocks; small masses are called stones; and the
finer kinds, gravel, or sand, or grains of sand. Stone
is much and widely used in the construction of
buildings of all kinds, for walls, fences, piers,
abutments, arches, monuments, sculpture, and the like.
[1913 Webster]

2. A precious stone; a gem. "Many a rich stone." --Chaucer.
"Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Something made of stone. Specifically:
[1913 Webster]
(a) The glass of a mirror; a mirror. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Lend me a looking-glass;
If that her breath will mist or stain the stone,
Why, then she lives. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
(b) A monument to the dead; a gravestone. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

Should some relenting eye
Glance on the where our cold relics lie. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Med.) A calculous concretion, especially one in the
kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.
[1913 Webster]

5. One of the testes; a testicle. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Bot.) The hard endocarp of drupes; as, the stone of a
cherry or peach. See Illust. of Endocarp.
[1913 Webster]

7. A weight which legally is fourteen pounds, but in practice
varies with the article weighed. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Note: The stone of butchers' meat or fish is reckoned at 8
lbs.; of cheese, 16 lbs.; of hemp, 32 lbs.; of glass, 5
[1913 Webster]

8. Fig.: Symbol of hardness and insensibility; torpidness;
insensibility; as, a heart of stone.
[1913 Webster]

I have not yet forgot myself to stone. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Print.) A stand or table with a smooth, flat top of
stone, commonly marble, on which to arrange the pages of a
book, newspaper, etc., before printing; -- called also
imposing stone.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Stone is used adjectively or in composition with other
words to denote made of stone, containing a stone or
stones, employed on stone, or, more generally, of or
pertaining to stone or stones; as, stone fruit, or
stone-fruit; stone-hammer, or stone hammer; stone
falcon, or stone-falcon. Compounded with some
adjectives it denotes a degree of the quality expressed
by the adjective equal to that possessed by a stone;
as, stone-dead, stone-blind, stone-cold, stone-still,
[1913 Webster]

Atlantic stone, ivory. [Obs.] "Citron tables, or Atlantic
stone." --Milton.

Bowing stone. Same as Cromlech. --Encyc. Brit.

Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as
after the explosion of a meteor.

Philosopher's stone. See under Philosopher.

Rocking stone. See Rocking-stone.

Stone age, a supposed prehistoric age of the world when
stone and bone were habitually used as the materials for
weapons and tools; -- called also flint age. The {bronze
age} succeeded to this.

Stone bass (Zool.), any one of several species of marine
food fishes of the genus Serranus and allied genera, as
Serranus Couchii, and Polyprion cernium of Europe; --
called also sea perch.

Stone biter (Zool.), the wolf fish.

Stone boiling, a method of boiling water or milk by
dropping hot stones into it, -- in use among savages.

Stone borer (Zool.), any animal that bores stones;
especially, one of certain bivalve mollusks which burrow
in limestone. See Lithodomus, and Saxicava.

Stone bramble (Bot.), a European trailing species of
bramble (Rubus saxatilis).

Stone-break. [Cf. G. steinbrech.] (Bot.) Any plant of the
genus Saxifraga; saxifrage.

Stone bruise, a sore spot on the bottom of the foot, from a
bruise by a stone.

Stone canal. (Zool.) Same as Sand canal, under Sand.

Stone cat (Zool.), any one of several species of small
fresh-water North American catfishes of the genus
Noturus. They have sharp pectoral spines with which they
inflict painful wounds.

Stone coal, hard coal; mineral coal; anthracite coal.

Stone coral (Zool.), any hard calcareous coral.

Stone crab. (Zool.)
(a) A large crab (Menippe mercenaria) found on the
southern coast of the United States and much used as
(b) A European spider crab (Lithodes maia).

Stone crawfish (Zool.), a European crawfish ({Astacus
torrentium}), by many writers considered only a variety of
the common species (Astacus fluviatilis).

Stone curlew. (Zool.)
(a) A large plover found in Europe ({Edicnemus
crepitans}). It frequents stony places. Called also
thick-kneed plover or bustard, and thick-knee.
(b) The whimbrel. [Prov. Eng.]
(c) The willet. [Local, U.S.]

Stone crush. Same as Stone bruise, above.

Stone eater. (Zool.) Same as Stone borer, above.

Stone falcon (Zool.), the merlin.

Stone fern (Bot.), a European fern (Asplenium Ceterach)
which grows on rocks and walls.

Stone fly (Zool.), any one of many species of
pseudoneuropterous insects of the genus Perla and allied
genera; a perlid. They are often used by anglers for bait.
The larvae are aquatic.

Stone fruit (Bot.), any fruit with a stony endocarp; a
drupe, as a peach, plum, or cherry.

Stone grig (Zool.), the mud lamprey, or pride.

Stone hammer, a hammer formed with a face at one end, and a
thick, blunt edge, parallel with the handle, at the other,
-- used for breaking stone.

Stone hawk (Zool.), the merlin; -- so called from its habit
of sitting on bare stones.

Stone jar, a jar made of stoneware.

Stone lily (Paleon.), a fossil crinoid.

Stone lugger. (Zool.) See Stone roller, below.

Stone marten (Zool.), a European marten (Mustela foina)
allied to the pine marten, but having a white throat; --
called also beech marten.

Stone mason, a mason who works or builds in stone.

Stone-mortar (Mil.), a kind of large mortar formerly used
in sieges for throwing a mass of small stones short

Stone oil, rock oil, petroleum.

Stone parsley (Bot.), an umbelliferous plant ({Seseli
Labanotis}). See under Parsley.

Stone pine. (Bot.) A nut pine. See the Note under Pine,
and Pi[~n]on.

Stone pit, a quarry where stones are dug.

Stone pitch, hard, inspissated pitch.

Stone plover. (Zool.)
(a) The European stone curlew.
(b) Any one of several species of Asiatic plovers of the
genus Esacus; as, the large stone plover ({Esacus
(c) The gray or black-bellied plover. [Prov. Eng.]
(d) The ringed plover.
(e) The bar-tailed godwit. [Prov. Eng.] Also applied to
other species of limicoline birds.

Stone roller. (Zool.)
(a) An American fresh-water fish (Catostomus nigricans)
of the Sucker family. Its color is yellowish olive,
often with dark blotches. Called also stone lugger,
stone toter, hog sucker, hog mullet.
(b) A common American cyprinoid fish ({Campostoma
anomalum}); -- called also stone lugger.

Stone's cast, or Stone's throw, the distance to which a
stone may be thrown by the hand; as, they live a stone's
throw from each other.

Stone snipe (Zool.), the greater yellowlegs, or tattler.
[Local, U.S.]

Stone toter. (Zool.)
(a) See Stone roller
(a), above.
(b) A cyprinoid fish (Exoglossum maxillingua) found in
the rivers from Virginia to New York. It has a
three-lobed lower lip; -- called also cutlips.

To leave no stone unturned, to do everything that can be
done; to use all practicable means to effect an object.
[1913 Webster]Ceterach \Cet"e*rach\, n. [F. c['e]t['e]rac, fr. Ar. shetrak.]
A species of fern with fronds (Asplenium Ceterach).
[1913 Webster]
Asplenium Filixfaemina
Female \Fe"male\, a.
1. Belonging to the sex which conceives and gives birth to
young, or (in a wider sense) which produces ova; not male.
[1913 Webster]

As patient as the female dove
When that her golden couplets are disclosed. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Belonging to an individual of the female sex;
characteristic of woman; feminine; as, female tenderness.
"Female usurpation." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To the generous decision of a female mind, we owe
the discovery of America. --Belknap.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) Having pistils and no stamens; pistillate; or, in
cryptogamous plants, capable of receiving fertilization.
[1913 Webster]

Female rhymes (Pros.), double rhymes, or rhymes (called in
French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or
feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an
unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
[1913 Webster]

Note: A rhyme, in which the final syllables only agree
(strain, complain) is called a male rhyme; one in which
the two final syllables of each verse agree, the last
being short (motion, ocean), is called female. --Brande
& C.

Female screw, the spiral-threaded cavity into which
another, or male, screw turns. --Nicholson.

Female fern (Bot.), a common species of fern with large
decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixf[ae]mina), growing in
many countries; lady fern.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The names male fern and female fern were anciently
given to two common ferns; but it is now understood
that neither has any sexual character.

Syn: Female, Feminine.

Usage: We apply female to the sex or individual, as opposed
to male; also, to the distinctive belongings of women;
as, female dress, female form, female character, etc.;
feminine, to things appropriate to, or affected by,
women; as, feminine studies, employments,
accomplishments, etc. "Female applies to sex rather
than gender, and is a physiological rather than a
grammatical term. Feminine applies to gender rather
than sex, and is grammatical rather than
physiological." --Latham.
[1913 Webster]
Asplenium Ruta-muraria
Rue \Rue\ (r[udd]), n. [F. rue, L. ruta, akin to Gr. "ryth`; cf.
AS. r[=u]de.]
1. (Bot.) A perennial suffrutescent plant ({Ruta
graveolens}), having a strong, heavy odor and a bitter
taste; herb of grace. It is used in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Then purged with euphrasy and rue
The visual nerve, for he had much to see. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

They [the exorcists] are to try the devil by holy
water, incense, sulphur, rue, which from thence, as
we suppose, came to be called herb of grace. --Jer.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: Bitterness; disappointment; grief; regret.
[1913 Webster]

Goat's rue. See under Goat.

Rue anemone, a pretty springtime flower ({Thalictrum
anemonides}) common in the United States.

Wall rue, a little fern (Asplenium Ruta-muraria) common
on walls in Europe.
[1913 Webster]Wall \Wall\, n. [AS. weall, from L. vallum a wall, vallus a
stake, pale, palisade; akin to Gr. ? a nail. Cf. Interval.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A work or structure of stone, brick, or other materials,
raised to some height, and intended for defense or
security, solid and permanent inclosing fence, as around a
field, a park, a town, etc., also, one of the upright
inclosing parts of a building or a room.
[1913 Webster]

The plaster of the wall of the King's palace. --Dan.
v. 5.
[1913 Webster]

2. A defense; a rampart; a means of protection; in the
plural, fortifications, in general; works for defense.
[1913 Webster]

The waters were a wall unto them on their right
hand, and on their left. --Ex. xiv. 22.
[1913 Webster]

In such a night,
Troilus, methinks, mounted the Troyan walls. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

To rush undaunted to defend the walls. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

3. An inclosing part of a receptacle or vessel; as, the walls
of a steam-engine cylinder.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Mining)
(a) The side of a level or drift.
(b) The country rock bounding a vein laterally. --Raymond.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Wall is often used adjectively, and also in the
formation of compounds, usually of obvious
signification; as in wall paper, or wall-paper; wall
fruit, or wall-fruit; wallflower, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Blank wall, Blind wall, etc. See under Blank, Blind,

To drive to the wall, to bring to extremities; to push to
extremes; to get the advantage of, or mastery over.

To go to the wall, to be hard pressed or driven; to be the
weaker party; to be pushed to extremes.

To take the wall. to take the inner side of a walk, that
is, the side next the wall; hence, to take the precedence.
"I will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's."

Wall barley (Bot.), a kind of grass (Hordeum murinum)
much resembling barley; squirrel grass. See under

Wall box. (Mach.) See Wall frame, below.

Wall creeper (Zool.), a small bright-colored bird
(Tichodroma muraria) native of Asia and Southern Europe.
It climbs about over old walls and cliffs in search of
insects and spiders. Its body is ash-gray above, the wing
coverts are carmine-red, the primary quills are mostly red
at the base and black distally, some of them with white
spots, and the tail is blackish. Called also {spider

Wall cress (Bot.), a name given to several low cruciferous
herbs, especially to the mouse-ear cress. See under

Wall frame (Mach.), a frame set in a wall to receive a
pillow block or bearing for a shaft passing through the
wall; -- called also wall box.

Wall fruit, fruit borne by trees trained against a wall.

Wall gecko (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
geckos which live in or about buildings and run over the
vertical surfaces of walls, to which they cling by means
of suckers on the feet.

Wall lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta
muralis}) which frequents houses, and lives in the chinks
and crevices of walls; -- called also wall newt.

Wall louse, a wood louse.

Wall moss (Bot.), any species of moss growing on walls.

Wall newt (Zool.), the wall lizard. --Shak.

Wall paper, paper for covering the walls of rooms; paper

Wall pellitory (Bot.), a European plant ({Parictaria
officinalis}) growing on old walls, and formerly esteemed

Wall pennywort (Bot.), a plant (Cotyledon Umbilicus)
having rounded fleshy leaves. It is found on walls in
Western Europe.

Wall pepper (Bot.), a low mosslike plant (Sedum acre)
with small fleshy leaves having a pungent taste and
bearing yellow flowers. It is common on walls and rocks in
Europe, and is sometimes seen in America.

Wall pie (Bot.), a kind of fern; wall rue.

Wall piece, a gun planted on a wall. --H. L. Scott.

Wall plate (Arch.), a piece of timber placed horizontally
upon a wall, and supporting posts, joists, and the like.
See Illust. of Roof.

Wall rock, granular limestone used in building walls. [U.
S.] --Bartlett.

Wall rue (Bot.), a species of small fern ({Asplenium
Ruta-muraria}) growing on walls, rocks, and the like.

Wall spring, a spring of water issuing from stratified

Wall tent, a tent with upright cloth sides corresponding to
the walls of a house.

Wall wasp (Zool.), a common European solitary wasp
(Odynerus parietus) which makes its nest in the crevices
of walls.
[1913 Webster]
Asplenium trichomanes
maidenhair spleenwort \maidenhair spleenwort\ n.
A small rock-inhabiting fern (Asplenium trichomanes) of the
North temperate zone and Hawaii, having pinnate fronds.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: in some classification systems placed in family
Polypodiaceae [syn: Asplenium, genus Asplenium]
asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
n 1: spleenwort of Europe and Africa and Asia having pinnate
fronds and yielding an astringent [syn: black spleenwort,
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum]
asplenium billotii
Asplenium billotii
n 1: a spleenwort of western Europe [syn: {lanceolate
spleenwort}, Asplenium billotii]
asplenium bradleyi
Asplenium bradleyi
n 1: a spleenwort of eastern to southern United States [syn:
Bradley's spleenwort, Asplenium bradleyi]
asplenium ceterach
Asplenium ceterach
n 1: small European fern with chaffy leathery fronds [syn:
scale fern, scaly fern, Asplenium ceterach, {Ceterach
asplenium montanum
Asplenium montanum
n 1: a spleenwort of eastern North America [syn: {mountain
spleenwort}, Asplenium montanum]
asplenium nidus
Asplenium nidus
n 1: tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently
forming tufts in tree crotches [syn: bird's nest fern,
Asplenium nidus]
asplenium nigripes
Asplenium nigripes
n 1: a fern of the genus Schaffneria [syn: {Schaffneria
nigripes}, Asplenium nigripes, Scolopendrium nigripes]
asplenium pinnatifidum
Asplenium pinnatifidum
n 1: a spleenwort of eastern and southern United States [syn:
lobed spleenwort, Asplenium pinnatifidum]
asplenium platyneuron
Asplenium platyneuron
n 1: common North American fern with polished black stripes
[syn: ebony spleenwort, Scott's Spleenwort, {Asplenium
asplenium rhizophyllum
Asplenium rhizophyllum
n 1: ferns having lanceolate fronds that root at the tip [syn:
walking fern, walking leaf, Asplenium rhizophyllum,
Camptosorus rhizophyllus]
asplenium ruta-muraria
Asplenium ruta-muraria
n 1: small delicate spleenwort found on a steep slope (as a wall
or cliff) of Eurasia and North America [syn: wall rue,
wall rue spleenwort, Asplenium ruta-muraria]
asplenium scolopendrium
Asplenium scolopendrium
n 1: Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds [syn:
hart's-tongue, hart's-tongue fern, {Asplenium
scolopendrium}, Phyllitis scolopendrium]
asplenium trichomanes
Asplenium trichomanes
n 1: small rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate zone and
Hawaii with pinnate fronds [syn: maidenhair spleenwort,
Asplenium trichomanes]
asplenium viride
Asplenium viride
n 1: a small fern with slim green fronds; widely distributed in
cool parts of northern hemisphere [syn: green spleenwort,
Asplenium viride]
genus asplenium
genus Asplenium
n 1: in some classification systems placed in family
Polypodiaceae [syn: Asplenium, genus Asplenium]

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