- úloha, určenie, poverenie, priradenie, zaradenie
assignment,cese Zdeněk Brož
assignment,dosazení n: Jan Wagner
assignment,pověření n:
assignment,převod n: [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
assignment,přidělování n:
assignment,přiřazení n: Zdeněk Brož
assignment,přiřazování n: Zdeněk Brož
assignment,stanovení n: Zdeněk Brož
assignment,úkol n:
assignment,určení n: Zdeněk Brož
assignment,ustanovení n: Zdeněk Brož
assignment,zadání n: Arci
Assignment \As*sign"ment\, n. [LL. assignamentum: cf. OF.
1. An allotting or an appointment to a particular person or
use; or for a particular time, as of a cause or causes in
[1913 Webster]

2. (Law)
(a) A transfer of title or interest by writing, as of
lease, bond, note, or bill of exchange; a transfer of
the whole of some particular estate or interest in
(b) The writing by which an interest is transferred.
(c) The transfer of the property of a bankrupt to certain
persons called assignees, in whom it is vested for the
benefit of creditors.
[1913 Webster]

Assignment of dower, the setting out by metes and bounds of
the widow's thirds or portion in the deceased husband's
estate, and allotting it to her.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Assignment is also used in law as convertible with
specification; assignment of error in proceedings for
review being specification of error; and assignment of
perjury or fraud in indictment being specifications of
perjury or fraud.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the
armed forces); "hazardous duty" [syn: assignment, {duty
2: the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or
property is transferred from one person to another
3: the act of distributing something to designated places or
persons; "the first task is the assignment of an address to
each datum" [syn: assignment, assigning]
4: (law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance [syn:
grant, assignment]
5: an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an
6: the act of putting a person into a non-elective position;
"the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee"
[syn: appointment, assignment, designation, naming]

Storing the value of an expression in a
variable. This is commonly written in the form "v = e". In
Algol the assignment operator was ":=" (pronounced
"becomes") to avoid mathematicians qualms about writing
statements like x = x+1.

Assignment is not allowed in functional languages, where an
identifier always has the same value.

See also referential transparency, single assignment,
zero assignment.

ASSIGNMENT, contracts. In common parlance this word signifies the transfer
of all kinds of property, real, personal, and mixed, and whether the same be
in possession or in action; as, a general assignment. In a more technical
sense it Is usually applied to the transfer of a term for years; but it is
more properly used to signify a transfer of some particular estate or
interest in lands.
2. The proper technical words of an assignment are, assign, transfer,
and set over; but the words grant, bargain, and sell, or any other words
which will show the intent of the parties to make a complete transfer, will
amount to an assignment.
3. A chose in action cannot be assigned at law, though it may be done
in equity; but the assignee takes it subject to all the equity to which it
was liable in the hands of the original party. 2 John. Ch. Rep. 443, and the
cases there cited. 2 Wash. Rep. 233.
4. The deed by which an assignment is made,, is also called an
assignment. Vide, generally, Com. Dig. h.t.; Bac. Ab. h.t. Vin. Ab. h.t.;
Nelson's Ab. h.t.; Civ. Code of Louis. art. 2612. In relation to general
assignments, see Angell on Assignments, passim; 1 Hate & Wall. Sel. Dec. 78-
5. By an assignment of a right all the accessories which belong to it,
will pass with it as, if the assignor of a bond had collateral security, or
a lien on property, the collateral security and the lien will pass with the
assignment of the bond. 2 Penn. 361; 3 Bibb, 291; 4 B. Munroe, 529; 2 Drev.
n. 218; 1 P. St. R. 454. 6. The assignment of a thing also carries with it
all that belongs to it by right of accession; if, therefore, the thing
produce interest or rent, the interest or the arrearages of the rent since
the assignment, will belong to the assignee. 7 John. Cas. 90 6 Pick. 360.

podobné slovodefinícia
- úloha, určenie, poverenie, priradenie, zaradenie
assignment,cese Zdeněk Brožassignment,dosazení n: Jan Wagnerassignment,pověření n: assignment,převod n: [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačassignment,přidělování n: assignment,přiřazení n: Zdeněk Brožassignment,přiřazování n: Zdeněk Brožassignment,stanovení n: Zdeněk Brožassignment,úkol n: assignment,určení n: Zdeněk Brožassignment,ustanovení n: Zdeněk Brožassignment,zadání n: Arci
assignments,úkoly n: pl.
duty assignment
duty assignment, n:
reading assignment
reading assignment, n:
reassignment,opakované přiřazení n: Zdeněk Brož
school assignment
school assignment, n:
writing assignment
writing assignment, n:
written assignment
written assignment, n:
Assignment of dower
Assignment \As*sign"ment\, n. [LL. assignamentum: cf. OF.
1. An allotting or an appointment to a particular person or
use; or for a particular time, as of a cause or causes in
[1913 Webster]

2. (Law)
(a) A transfer of title or interest by writing, as of
lease, bond, note, or bill of exchange; a transfer of
the whole of some particular estate or interest in
(b) The writing by which an interest is transferred.
(c) The transfer of the property of a bankrupt to certain
persons called assignees, in whom it is vested for the
benefit of creditors.
[1913 Webster]

Assignment of dower, the setting out by metes and bounds of
the widow's thirds or portion in the deceased husband's
estate, and allotting it to her.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Assignment is also used in law as convertible with
specification; assignment of error in proceedings for
review being specification of error; and assignment of
perjury or fraud in indictment being specifications of
perjury or fraud.
[1913 Webster]Dower \Dow"er\, n. [F. douaire, LL. dotarium, from L. dotare to
endow, portion, fr. dos dower; akin to Gr. ? gift, and to L.
dare to give. See 1st Date, and cf. Dot dowry,
1. That with which one is gifted or endowed; endowment; gift.
[1913 Webster]

How great, how plentiful, how rich a dower! --Sir J.
[1913 Webster]

Man in his primeval dower arrayed. --Wordsworth.
[1913 Webster]

2. The property with which a woman is endowed; especially:
(a) That which a woman brings to a husband in marriage;
dowry. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

His wife brought in dower Cilicia's crown.
(b) (Law) That portion of the real estate of a man which
his widow enjoys during her life, or to which a woman
is entitled after the death of her husband.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Dower, in modern use, is and should be distinguished
from dowry. The former is a provision for a widow on
her husband's death; the latter is a bride's portion on
her marriage. --Abbott.
[1913 Webster]

Assignment of dower. See under Assignment.
[1913 Webster]
Novel assignment
Novel \Nov"el\, a. [OF. novel, nuvel, F. nouvel, nouveau, L.
novellus, dim. of novus new. See New.]
Of recent origin or introduction; not ancient; new; hence,
out of the ordinary course; unusual; strange; surprising.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In civil law, the novel or new constitutions are those
which are supplemental to the code, and posterior in
time to the other books. These contained new decrees of
successive emperors.
[1913 Webster]

Novel assignment (Law), a new assignment or specification
of a suit.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: New; recent; modern; fresh; strange; uncommon; rare;

Usage: Novel, New . Everything at its first occurrence is
new; that is novel which is so much out of the
ordinary course as to strike us with surprise. That is
a new sight which is beheld for the first time; that
is a novel sight which either was never seen before or
is seen but seldom. We have daily new inventions, but
a novel one supposes some very peculiar means of
attaining its end. Novel theories are regarded with
distrust, as likely to prove more ingenious than
[1913 Webster]
Reassignment \Re`as*sign"ment\ (r[=e]`[a^]s*s[imac]n"ment), n.
The act of reassigning.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the
armed forces); "hazardous duty" [syn: assignment, {duty
2: the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or
property is transferred from one person to another
3: the act of distributing something to designated places or
persons; "the first task is the assignment of an address to
each datum" [syn: assignment, assigning]
4: (law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance [syn:
grant, assignment]
5: an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an
6: the act of putting a person into a non-elective position;
"the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee"
[syn: appointment, assignment, designation, naming]
duty assignment
duty assignment
n 1: a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the
armed forces); "hazardous duty" [syn: assignment, {duty
reading assignment
reading assignment
n 1: the reading of a passage assigned by the teacher
n 1: assignment to a different duty
school assignment
school assignment
n 1: a school task performed by a student to satisfy the teacher
[syn: school assignment, schoolwork]
writing assignment
writing assignment
n 1: an assignment to write something [syn: {written
assignment}, writing assignment]
written assignment
written assignment
n 1: an assignment to write something [syn: {written
assignment}, writing assignment]

Storing the value of an expression in a
variable. This is commonly written in the form "v = e". In
Algol the assignment operator was ":=" (pronounced
"becomes") to avoid mathematicians qualms about writing
statements like x = x+1.

Assignment is not allowed in functional languages, where an
identifier always has the same value.

See also referential transparency, single assignment,
zero assignment.

assignment problem
assignment problem
linear assignment

(Or "linear assignment") Any problem
involving minimising the sum of C(a, b) over a set P of pairs
(a, b) where a is an element of some set A and b is an element
of set B, and C is some function, under constraints such as
"each element of A must appear exactly once in P" or similarly
for B, or both.

For example, the a's could be workers and the b's projects.

The problem is "linear" because the "cost function" C()
depends only on the particular pairing (a, b) and is
independent of all other pairings.



linear assignment
assignment problem
linear assignment

(Or "linear assignment") Any problem
involving minimising the sum of C(a, b) over a set P of pairs
(a, b) where a is an element of some set A and b is an element
of set B, and C is some function, under constraints such as
"each element of A must appear exactly once in P" or similarly
for B, or both.

For example, the a's could be workers and the b's projects.

The problem is "linear" because the "cost function" C()
depends only on the particular pairing (a, b) and is
independent of all other pairings.



register assignment
register assignment

The phase of a compiler that
determines which register to use for each program value
selected during register allocation.

single assignment
single assignment

A property of variables in a {functional
language}. If a variable is only assigned a value once then
an instance of that variable is thereafter semantically
equivalent to the value. SISAL is an example of a language
with this property.

See also zero assignment.

single assignment language
single assignment language

Any programming language with the {single
assignment} property.

single static assignment
single static assignment

(Also known as SSA form) A special form of code
where each variable has only one single definition in the
program code. "Static" comes from the fact that the definition
site may be in a loop, thus dynamically executed several

SSA form is used for program optimization or static analysis
and optimisation.

type assignment
type assignment

A mapping of the free variables of some expression
E to types. This is used in type inference to deduce the
type of E and its subexpressions.

zero assignment
zero assignment

A property of a programming language in which
there are no variables but only functions.

See also single assignment.

ASSIGNMENT, contracts. In common parlance this word signifies the transfer
of all kinds of property, real, personal, and mixed, and whether the same be
in possession or in action; as, a general assignment. In a more technical
sense it Is usually applied to the transfer of a term for years; but it is
more properly used to signify a transfer of some particular estate or
interest in lands.
2. The proper technical words of an assignment are, assign, transfer,
and set over; but the words grant, bargain, and sell, or any other words
which will show the intent of the parties to make a complete transfer, will
amount to an assignment.
3. A chose in action cannot be assigned at law, though it may be done
in equity; but the assignee takes it subject to all the equity to which it
was liable in the hands of the original party. 2 John. Ch. Rep. 443, and the
cases there cited. 2 Wash. Rep. 233.
4. The deed by which an assignment is made,, is also called an
assignment. Vide, generally, Com. Dig. h.t.; Bac. Ab. h.t. Vin. Ab. h.t.;
Nelson's Ab. h.t.; Civ. Code of Louis. art. 2612. In relation to general
assignments, see Angell on Assignments, passim; 1 Hate & Wall. Sel. Dec. 78-
5. By an assignment of a right all the accessories which belong to it,
will pass with it as, if the assignor of a bond had collateral security, or
a lien on property, the collateral security and the lien will pass with the
assignment of the bond. 2 Penn. 361; 3 Bibb, 291; 4 B. Munroe, 529; 2 Drev.
n. 218; 1 P. St. R. 454. 6. The assignment of a thing also carries with it
all that belongs to it by right of accession; if, therefore, the thing
produce interest or rent, the interest or the arrearages of the rent since
the assignment, will belong to the assignee. 7 John. Cas. 90 6 Pick. 360.

ASSIGNMENT OF DOWER. The act by which the rights of a widow, in her deceased
husband's real estate, are ascertained and set apart for her benefit. 2
Bouv. Inst. 242.

ASSIGNMENT OF ERRORS. The act by which the plaintiff in error points out the
errors in the record of which he complains.
2. The errors should be assigned in distinct terms, such as the
defendant in error may plead to; and all the errors of which the plaintiff
complains should be assigned. 9 Port. 186; 16 Conn. 83; 6 Dana, 242 3 How.
(Miss.) R. 77.

NOVEL ASSIGNMENT. Vide New Assignment.

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