- prekladač, zostavovateľ
compiler,překladač n: [it.]
Compiler \Com*pil"er\ (k[o^]m*p[imac]l"[~e]r), n. [OE.
compiluor; cf. OF. compileor, fr. L. compilator.]
1. One who compiles; esp., one who makes books by
[1913 Webster]

2. (Computers) a computer program that decodes instructions
written in a higher-level computer language to produce an
assembly-language program or an executable program in
machine language.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
n 1: a person who compiles information (as for reference
2: (computer science) a program that decodes instructions
written in a higher order language and produces an assembly
language program [syn: compiler, compiling program]

A program that converts another program
from some source language (or programming language) to
machine language (object code). Some compilers output
assembly language which is then converted to {machine
language} by a separate assembler.

A compiler is distinguished from an assembler by the fact that
each input statement does not, in general, correspond to a
single machine instruction or fixed sequence of instructions.
A compiler may support such features as automatic allocation
of variables, arbitrary arithmetic expressions, control
structures such as FOR and WHILE loops, variable scope,
input/ouput operations, higher-order functions and
portability of source code.

AUTOCODER, written in 1952, was possibly the first primitive
compiler. Laning and Zierler's compiler, written in
1953-1954, was possibly the first true working algebraic

See also byte-code compiler, native compiler, {optimising

podobné slovodefinícia
- prekladač, zostavovateľ
compiler,překladač n: [it.]
compilers,kompilátory n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
international compilers working group on external debt statistics
International Compilers Working Group on External Debt Statistics,
c compiler
C compiler
n 1: a compiler for programs written in C
n 1: a person who compiles information (as for reference
2: (computer science) a program that decodes instructions
written in a higher order language and produces an assembly
language program [syn: compiler, compiling program]
fortran compiler
Fortran compiler
n 1: a compiler for programs written in FORTRAN
lisp compiler
LISP compiler
n 1: a compiler for programs written in LISP
pascal compiler
Pascal compiler
n 1: a compiler for programs written in Pascal
a language with an extensible compiler
A Language with an Extensible Compiler

(ALEC) A language Implemented using RCC on an
ICL 1906A.

["ALEC - A User Extensible Scientific Programming Language",
R.B.E. Napper et al, Computer J 19(1):25-31].

air material command compiler
AIr MAterial COmmand compiler

(AIMACO) A modification of FLOW-MATIC. AIMACO
was supplanted by COBOL.

[Sammet 1969, p. 378].

algebraic compiler and translator
Algebraic Compiler and Translator

(ACT 1) A language and compiler for the {Royal
McBee} LGP-30, designed around 1959, apparently by Clay
S. Boswell, Jr, and programmed by Mel Kaye.


assembly language compiler
Assembly Language Compiler

(ALC) An alternative name for IBM 360 {assembly

Compare BAL.

block diagram compiler
Block Diagram Compiler

(BDL) A block diagram simulation tool,
with associated language.

["A Software Environment for Digital Signal-Processing
Simulations," D.H. Johnson & R.E. Vaughan, Circuits Systems
and Signal Processing 6(1):31-43, 1987].

byte compiler
byte-code compiler
byte compiler

A compiler which outputs a program in
some kind of byte-code.

Compare: byte-code interpreter.

byte-code compiler
byte-code compiler
byte compiler

A compiler which outputs a program in
some kind of byte-code.

Compare: byte-code interpreter.


A program that converts another program
from some source language (or programming language) to
machine language (object code). Some compilers output
assembly language which is then converted to {machine
language} by a separate assembler.

A compiler is distinguished from an assembler by the fact that
each input statement does not, in general, correspond to a
single machine instruction or fixed sequence of instructions.
A compiler may support such features as automatic allocation
of variables, arbitrary arithmetic expressions, control
structures such as FOR and WHILE loops, variable scope,
input/ouput operations, higher-order functions and
portability of source code.

AUTOCODER, written in 1952, was possibly the first primitive
compiler. Laning and Zierler's compiler, written in
1953-1954, was possibly the first true working algebraic

See also byte-code compiler, native compiler, {optimising

compiler and generalized translator
COmpiler and GENeralized Translator

(COGENT) A compiler writing language with
pattern-directed string and list processing features, for {CDC
3600} and CDC 3800. A COGENT program consists of
productions defining a context-free language, plus
analysis and synthesis function generators.

["COGENT Programming Manual", J.C. Reynolds, ANL-7022, Argonne,
Mar 1965].

[Sammet 1969, p.638].

["An Introduction to the COGENT System", J.C. Reynolds, Proc
ACM 20th Natl Conf, 1965].

compiler compiler
compiler compiler

A utility to generate the source code of a parser,
interpreter or compiler from an annotated language
description (usually in BNF). Most so called
compiler-compilers are really just parser generators.

Examples are Bison, Eli, FSL, META 5, MUG2,
Parsley, Pre-cc, Yacc.

compiler jock
compiler jock

A programmer who specialises in writing compilers.

[Jargon File]

compiler language for information processing
Compiler Language for Information Processing

(CLIP) A language written in 1958-1959, based on IAL, which
led to JOVIAL. CLIP was one of the first languages used to
write its own compiler.

[Sammet 1969, p. 635].

compiler target language
Compiler Target Language

(CTL) The intermediate language used by the ALICE parallel

["The Design and Implementation of ALICE: A Parallel Graph
Reduction Machine", M.D. Cripps et al, Proc Workshop on Graph
Reduction, Springer 1987].


An early compiler generator for the Atlas, with its own
distinctive input language.

["The Compiler-Compiler", R.A. Brooker et al, Ann Rev
Automatic Programming 3:229-275, Pergamon 1963].

compiler compiler

A utility to generate the source code of a parser,
interpreter or compiler from an annotated language
description (usually in BNF). Most so called
compiler-compilers are really just parser generators.

Examples are Bison, Eli, FSL, META 5, MUG2,
Parsley, Pre-cc, Yacc.

computer compiler
Computer Compiler

1. A proposed language for compiler design.

[Sammet 1969, p. 695].

2. A discussion of various applications of computers to the
design and production of computers.



["A proposal for a computer compiler", Gernot Metze
(University of Illinois), Sundaram Seshu (University of
Illinois), AFIPS '66 (Spring) Proceedings of the 1966-04-26 -
28, Spring joint computer conference].


A compiler which runs on one platform and
produces code for another, as opposed to a native code
compiler which produces code for the platform on which it

dow compiler

An early system on the Datatron 200 series.

[Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959)].

eli compiler construction system
Eli Compiler Construction System

A compiler generation package which integrates
off-the-shelf tools and libraries with specialised language
processors to generate complete compilers quickly and
reliably. It simplifies the development of new
special-purpose languages, implementation of existing
languages on new hardware and extension of the constructs and
features of existing languages.

It runs on Sun-4 SunOS 4, 5, Ultrix/MIPS, RS/6000,
HP-UX, SGI, Linux.

Colorado U (
Europe (

Mailing list: .

E-mail: , Developers
, Users .

extendible compiler
ExTendible Compiler

(ETC) A Fortran-like compiler that can be
extended with macros.

["ETC - An Extendible Macro-Based Compiler", B.N. Dickman,
Proc SJCC 38 1971].

glasgow haskell compiler
Glasgow Haskell Compiler

(GHC) A Haskell 1.2 compiler written in Haskell
by the AQUA project at Glasgow University, headed by Simon
Peyton Jones throughout the 1990's
[started?]. GHC can generate either C or native code for
SPARC, DEC Alpha and other platforms. It can take
advantage of features of gcc such as global register
variables and has an extensive set of optimisations.

GHC features an extensible I/O system based on a "monad",
in-line C code, fully fledged unboxed data types,
incrementally-updatable arrays, mutable reference types,
generational garbage collector, concurrent threads.
Time and space profiling is also supported.

It requires GNU gcc 2.1+ and Perl.

GHC runs on Sun-4, DEC Alpha, Sun-3, NeXT, DECstation,
HP-PA and SGI.

{Glasgow FTP
(}. {Yale
(}. {Sweden

Papers (

["Imperative functional programming", Peyton Jones & Wadler,
POPL '93].

["Unboxed data types as first-class citizens", Peyton Jones &
Launchbury, FPCA '91].

["Profiling lazy functional languages", Sansom & Peyton Jones,
Glasgow workshop '92].

["Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware",
Peyton Jones, Journal of Functional Programming, Apr 1992].

E-mail: .

gmd toolbox for compiler construction
GMD Toolbox for Compiler Construction

(Or Cocktail) A huge set of compiler building tools for
MS-DOS, Unix and OS/2.

parser generator (LALR -> C, Modula-2), documentation, parser
generator (LL(1) -> C, Modula-2), tests, scanner generator (->
C, Modula-2), tests translator (Extended BNF -> BNF),
translator (Modula-2 -> C), translator (BNF (yacc) -> Extended
BNF), examples abstract syntax tree generator,
attribute-evaluator generator, code generator

The MS-DOS version requires DJ Delorie's DOS extender
(go32) and the OS/2 version requires the emx programming

( {OS/2 FTP

Mailing list: (subscribe to Cocktail).
E-mail: Josef Grosch , Willem Jan
Withagen (OS/2).

honeywell-800 business compiler
Fully Automated Compiling Technique
Honeywell-800 Business Compiler

(FACT, "Honeywell-800 Business
Compiler") A pre-COBOL English-like business {data
processing} language for the Honeywell 800, developed
ca. 1959.

[Sammet 1969, p. 327].

matrix compiler
Matrix Compiler

Early matrix computations on UNIVAC. Sammet 1969, p.642.
native compiler
native compiler

A compiler which runs on the computer
for which it is producing machine code, in contrast to a
cross-compiler, which produces code for a different

norc compiler

Early system on NORC machine. Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May
optimising compiler
optimising compiler

compiler which attempts to analyse the
code it produces and to produce more efficient code by
performing program transformation such as {branch
elimination}, partial evaluation, or {peep-hole

Contrast pessimising compiler.

pessimising compiler
pessimising compiler

/pes'*-mi:z"ing k*m-pi:l"r/ (Antonym of "{optimising
compiler}") A compiler that produces object code that is
worse than the straightforward or obvious hand translation.
The implication is that the compiler is actually trying to
optimise the program, but through excessive cleverness is
doing the opposite. A few pessimizing compilers have been
written on purpose, however, as pranks or burlesques.

purdue compiler-construction tool set
Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set

(PCCTS) A highly integrated lexical analser generator
and parser generator by Terence J. Parr ,
Will E. Cohen and Henry G. Dietz , both
of Purdue University.

ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) corresponds to
YACC and DLG (DFA-based Lexical analyser Generator) functions
like LEX. PCCTS has many additional features which make it
easier to use for a wide range of translation problems. PCCTS
grammars contain specifications for lexical and syntactic
analysis with selective backtracking ("infinite lookahead"),
semantic predicates, intermediate-form construction and
error reporting. Rules may employ Extended BNF (EBNF)
grammar constructs and may define parameters, return values,
and have local variables.

Languages described in PCCTS are recognised via LLk parsers
constructed in pure, human-readable, C code. Selective
backtracking is available to handle non-LL(k) constructs.
PCCTS parsers may be compiled with a C++ compiler. PCCTS
also includes the SORCERER tree parser generator.


computing/programming/languages/tools/pccts/)}. {Macintosh
FTP (}.

Mailing list: ("subscribe
pccts-users your_name" in the message body).

E-mail: Terence J. Parr , Roberto Avanzi
(Mac port).

string oriented interactive compiler
STring Oriented Interactive Compiler

(STOIC) A language from the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory. STOIC is similar to FORTH for
strings and includes many VAX-specific items.

twente compiler generator system
Twente Compiler Generator System

(TCGS) A compiler generator developed at
the University of Twente, The Netherlands.

yet another compiler compiler
Yet Another Compiler Compiler

(yacc) The LALR parser generator found on
most Unix systems. Also, the language used to describe the
syntax of another language to yacc (the program).

Implementations: ayacc, YAY, perln-byacc,

SASL-Yacc - "Yacc in SASL - An Exercise in Functional
Programming", Simon Peyton-Jones, Software Prac & Exp
15:807-820 (1985). Mentions also a BCPL implementation.

Yacc++ - 1990. An object-oriented rewrite of yacc, supports
regular expressions, produces an LR1 grammar parser.

["YACC Meets C++", S.C. Johnson, USENIX Spring '88 Conf].

Chris Clark, Compiler Resources Inc, +1 (508) 435-5016.

MLYACC - Implementation and output in SML/NJ.

A version, by David Poole at Montana University has been
retargeted to Turbo Pascal.


See also Bison, yet another, Yet Another Yacc.

Unix manual page: yacc(1).

["YACC - Yet Another Compiler Compiler", S.C. Johnson, CS TR
32, Bell Labs (Jul 1975)].

[Was there ever an "ACC" - "Another Compiler Compiler"? If
so, what was the first compiler compiler called?]

compiler jock
compiler jock

See jock (sense 2).
pessimizing compiler
pessimizing compiler
/pes'@·mi:z`ing k@m·pi:l'r/, n.

[antonym of techspeak ‘optimizing compiler’] A compiler that produces
object code that is worse than the straightforward or obvious hand
translation. The implication is that the compiler is actually trying to
optimize the program, but through excessive cleverness is doing the
opposite. A few pessimizing compilers have been written on purpose,
however, as pranks or burlesques.

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